Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread šŸ

Warcraft can continue to be a game that only reinvents a new type of dwarf, a new type of human, a new type of elf, a new type of orc, etc :yawning_face::sleeping:, or you can take advantage of the new races created, which captivate your audience for more 2 years, and add the real spice of fantasy to the game. :snake:

Sethrak is more viable than other races that Blizzard herself said she has no way to put in the game for us, and with freedom to create any lore they want.


Again, reiterating how Sethrak must be playable but only if theyā€™re Horde. Please.


Works for us.

Also! I have named the two baby Eastern Hognoses I recently got! :smiley:

And I wish I could share pictures.

But I named them

Emeni and Pancake.

Originally it was gonna be Emeni and Onyxia (and for all I know I might change it as I get to know their personality better). But one definitely likes to act like a pancake more than the other.

Currently they very much look like this though.

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Hognose doing a pancake above. ^


Those are so cute! Are they decently docile? Easy to handle?


Docile? Yes. Theyā€™re just dramatic.
Here is a video of a baby and an adult being very dramatic. Hisses, spreads itā€™s hood and well, youā€™ll see

Easy to handle but also easy to stress out. Theyā€™re not a beginner snake. But I love them so much. I try not to avoid handling them as much as I can. Especially since theyā€™re only a month ond.


HUZZAH Looks like I got my TL3 back!

Edit: False alarm. :expressionless:

I canā€™t post the pictures for some reason but I can the videos? WTH.


Iā€™ll post the pictures for you:

Letā€™s get some reptiles on that character creation screen! :snake: :crocodile: :turtle:


Hognose would make great customization option for Sethrak. I love the turned up snoot.

Look at the


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Zuro, you gonna regret showing me how to make text giant.


I checked for you and it appears you have Trust Level 2, which explains why you can post videos but not images. Youā€™ll have to keep at it to get Trust Level 3 back.

If you want to find out your Trust Level, you can do it one of two ways:

The first is just clicking your name in a post and going to ā€œView Activity,ā€ then looking at the Trust Level in the bar right above the tabs (SUMMARY, ACTIVITY, NOTIFICATIONS, PREFERENCES). Trust Level 3 is ā€œRegularā€, I think.

The second way is explained in this post:

Iā€™d say to keep logging into the forums each day, view unread posts, and keep posting. Youā€™ll get back there someday!

Now for more snake pictures from the previous post!

Letā€™s get some reptiles on that character creation screen! :snake: :crocodile: :turtle:


Thank ya! And yeah that is what I was suspecting. Iā€™m working on the reading part. I think that is I where I am currently falling short.

And as always, playable Sethrak please!


Omg I love hoggies theyā€™re so derp. Another snake that would be an awesome customization would be the blunthead tree snake. Iā€™d share a link to them but Iā€™m not trusted enough yet :roll_eyes:
I just think theyā€™re so awkward and I love it


Blunthead tree snakes look so STUPID. Itā€™s amazing.

I donā€™t know if I could take a Sethrak seriously with a blunt head tree snake face though. xD I mean

Look at this thing (Still trying to get my TL3 back)

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Who of you would be interested in doing an in game event for playable Sethrak?

Iā€™m considering ā€œhostingā€ a rally. We could do it on Horde or Alliance.

What say yā€™all?

Server preference? Area preference?

Days that work best for everyone? I was considering doing it on my birthday. Thatā€™s 10/18 and that would be a Sunday.

If enough of you show interest Iā€™ll make a separate post for it.


Thatā€™s why I love it :laughing: it doesnā€™t have to have a different neck or anything just the option for big eyes. I know itā€™s a pipe dream but so is actual playable Sethrak


Iā€™d definitely be down! Iā€™d recommend making a new thread for it, as well as letting all the discord/reddit/other places know. Letā€™s get some hype :slight_smile:


I donā€™t use reddit. Do you? I can throw stuff up on Twitter, here and some to some of the WoW pages on FB. As well as the discord.

Also need some ideas for location and time.


Yeah, for sure.

Stormwind or Orgrimmar.

Anything thatā€™s not an RP server, if itā€™s an RP server then I wonā€™t get transferred over when invited if we do it in any capital city. If weā€™re not doing it in a capital, then any server is fine.

I would join either but Iā€™d be more down for Horde, since thatā€™s my preference. Iā€™m also not sure how many sethrak rallies have been done on Horde in comparison to Alliance, knowing that would probably sway my preference for the rally one way or the other, unless thereā€™s been equal amounts on both factions.

Preferably on the weekend, Iā€™m caught up with school weekdays, though if itā€™s in the evening Iā€™d still go on a weekday.

Thatā€™s fine with me.


Letā€™s do it Horde then. Iā€™m fine with Horde. Seeing that Sethrak have a more natural story to go Horde it would probably be a better location. Ogrimmar sounds fine.

Maybe at the gates or the embassy?

What server do you suggest? ALL my Horde toons are on Wyrmrest Accord. xDD And that is a RP server.


Embassy sounds best to me.

Oh dear, uhm

I can make a character on WRA, thatā€™s no issue, though being here on Zuro here would be my immediate preference.

Anything will work for me tbh.


I can make a Horde toon on another server. No biggie. How active is your server?