Unofficial Playable Furbolg Discussion Thread

So depending on how the forums are counting posts for you, this should be the 100th post on this thread.

Its a small milestone but a good one.

I figured I’d talk a little bit about another tribe of furbolg, the Stillpine tribe.

The Stillpine tribe have lived on the Azuremyst Isles for centuries in peace and harmony with the local wildlife. Not long before the Draenei would crash upon the Azuremyst Isles the Stillpine would fall under attack by their once allies now rivals the Bristlelimb tribe of furbolg. Debris from the Exodar would deposit ravagers near to the Stillpine hold and their tenuous alliances with the murlocs and wildkin of the isles would falter entirely.

During this time a prophecy would appear:
A hero will rise - not of furbolg blood - and save the Stillpine tribe.

This hero would turn out to be the Alliance adventurer who goes through the zone. I’d like to think that this is canonically a draenei since the Stillpine ally themselves with the draenei by the end.

The adventurer goes through and deals with the ravagers, pacifies the wildkin, chases off the murlocs and recovers stolen supplies, fights back the Bristlelimb, saves the Stillpine princess and finally takes down a a beast called The Kurkin saving the tribe and dealing with their problems.

After that the furbolg send one of their shaman to help train young shaman on the Exodar, and an ambassador can be found on Bloodmyst Isle among the draenei there.

Its this group of furbolg that makes the most sense for a playable faction of fubolg in the game with what we currently see in the files.

And I think thats neat. Especially when you take into consideration what that could mean for their classes. Any setup using the Stillpine who have now worked with the draenei closely for years could feasibly see Priest of the Light, Mages studying under the draenei magi or even Paladins.

I also personally like the idea of the Stillpine sending ambassadors to other tribes who have been cured of corruption or never were corrupted and getting them to join them in supporting the Alliance and a new united furbolg race. Imagine Stillpine Hold rebuilt and expanded, or a section of the Exodar (preferably in a redesign of their zone) dedicated to the furbolg.

The opportunities abound with this tribe and unlike the Barkskin or Felwood tribes that I discussed earlier, they’re actually in game right now.

For reference to that earlier post I’ll quote to it here:

As before this wont be the last tribe I talk about or the last topic type. I hope furbolg will be considered by Blizzard in the future as a playable race.

Ursol guide you, Ursoc give you strength.
:honey_pot: :bear:


Pandaren still need an AR. Maybe these could be it?


While I don’t buy into the idea that the models all have to be used before another of one model or the other can have a go again, yes pandaren haven’t been used as the basis for an AR yet and furbolg could more or less fill that role.

Though probably not as a neutral race.

Lance’s mockups are amazing and I hope Blizzard uses that as a guide for a furbolg player race in the future, but whatever models they finally go with I know they’ll be a wonderful addition to the Alliance.

:honey_pot: :bear:


Another well written and informative post. Good work Fenelon!


Actually, I think Avarie bearly beat you to it.


Probably. I went with what my forums were saying.

It’s close enough. :stuck_out_tongue:


Victory for Avarie!


Ran Emerald Nightmare twice tonight.

Killed poor Ursol twice. Remembered both times that he goes to die in the Shadowlands never to be recovered.

SLs is the worst expansion.


So if we got Furbolgs and Arakkoa as playable Alliance races, I was imagining a NPC duo you’d see occasionally of a male Furbolg and a female Arakkoa. They could be named after instruments and talk about fighting witches in Drustvar while collecting various items while adventuring.

It would make for a neat reference and recurring NPC’s. :honey_pot::bear: :parrot:


Could name them… I don’t know.

Fiddle and Melodica.



i dont see why not, its practically copy paste pandas. Just when you do give me a really good story behind it


I’m working on several concepts for how and why they’d join.

Honestly though its not much story needed depending on the way you try to do it.

Some updates to the Stillpine tribes storyline and you could have the main basis covered.

Rope in a few other tribes to fill out some more stories, numbers and write a little bit of new stuff and I could make a very good and diverse setup for the furbolg as a playable race.

:honey_pot: :bear:


Victory or death!


The DotFather likes this. Indeed, he does.


I’m all for this and would definitely roll one it also seems like an alliance race. Since we are speaking playable races, I would love for the horde to get the Taunka as either a race or customization option. I don’t hear them mentioned much, at least not in a good while but I’d instantly play one.


I agree.

I’m a big fan of more ARs, and I very much think the furbolg would be a boon to the Alliance.

Taunka should be a Horde AR I think.

If you’re looking for more on them here’s their thread.


Been trying to think up druid forms for the furbolg and so far what I have is kinda boring.

Bear: a bear.
Cat: a bearcat. Honestly though I think this could look cool. Use the cat model and add some bear looks to it.
Moonkin: use the moonkin form but give it a bit of bear qualities. Kinda like how the Kul’tirans use that model but it isn’t exactly a moonkin.
Tree form: pine tree design to match Grizzly Hills.
Travel: Elk to match their mount.
Travel Flying: an owl fits them really well.
Travel sea: seal mixed with a bear.

Anyone else have thoughts?

:honey_pot: :bear:


Furbolg Druid flying form:

In all seriousness, those Druid forms sound like they’d fit very well. Not too sure what else would be possibilities, though it is something I’d have to think on.

Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:


Seems fair enough.

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I think if their druid bear form references their culture or faith in some way (I’m assuming they believe in something), perhaps as some sort of manifestation, that could help the “bear form” stand out from their regular form.

I really like the pine tree idea for tree form.