Unofficial Playable Furbolg Discussion Thread

Thank you.

I imagine many people don’t remember or have much knowledge about the furbolg. Its all kinda sparse even for the most detailed ones we have. I intend to cover most of the tribes over time as best that I can so keep an eye out for more.

One day, I hope Blizzard will see this work and effort and add much more to them as a playable race. :smiley:

:honey_pot: :bear:


Every time I saw this word I had to re read it I was like why is he randomly talking about winterfell in this Furbolg post :sob:


Ah yes. The Winterfell tribe of furbolg are quite… Stark compared to other tribes. Their holdings are often bearen and covered in snow. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve been hoping for playable Alliance Furbolgs for years now. They’d be a great addition to the game, in my opinion.


Something I do with allied race megathreads, when possible, is to take a screenshot with an illusion of that race in front of the embassy they would fit in (or both if they can be argued for either or). Thanks to a Furbolg illusion item, I managed to take this:

It’s a bit harder to take a good angle with the Alliance embassy instead of the Horde one. Also this is the old Furbolg NPC model, so it doesn’t look quite as good compared to NPC models in general you’d see nowadays. Sometimes, you gotta take some lemons and make some lemonade.

Not to mention that there is plenty of room for a Furbolg banner inside that embassy. Maybe we’ll see one in there someday so we can unlock them as an Alliance allied race!

Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:


Creative use of the Pandaren model :+1:

I’m mixed, but I’m sure some folks would be all about em.


First, Furbolgs need to have a big update of their old model (Gnolls and Centaurs too :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:).

I find the Furbolgs from the Stillpine tribe are the perfect candidates for a furbolg allied race.

  • We could have the Stillpine tribe High Chief Stillpine as racial leader with the Stillpine Hold as racial capital in Azuremyst Isles could work pretty well for them.

  • The Stillpine tribe are already allied with the Allliance.

  • High Chief Stillpine and the Stillpine tribe are allied and friends with the Draenei from Azuremyst Isles (and the Night Elves but I’m not really sure about that)

  • Quote from the High Chief Stillpine: “Draenei will always be welcome among my people.”

  • We have Gurrag, a furbolg shaman trainer, in the Exodar (Crystal Hall). He is probably a member of the Stillpine tribe.

I like these models made by Lancelot. They are very nice.


Another possible /silly could be something in the realm of:
“I smell something… What? A picnic basket? No, why do you ask?”


Thank you!

I cannot truly take credit, someone else came up with it long before I and Lancelot made these mock ups.

I really do think Furbolg could be amazing with just a little work.

What are your thoughts on the model section in the OP?

(I agree in full though. Even if they’re not going to be playable their “newest” model is still old looking.)

I agree.

It’s one of the most sensible and easy options for playable Furbolg.

My only concern is the amount of furbolg among the Stillpine however void elves make it clear that’s not an issue.

Still its why I suggested that other uncorrupted tribes associated more or less with the Alliance should join with the Stillpine to become a larger playable faction.

This was the Furbolg that back in TBC made me want to play a Furbolg someday.

Seeing him helping to teach young Draenei shaman was amazing in my mind.

I’ll get it up there.

Bonus if they pronounce picnic as “pic-a-nic”.


Back when I played Everquest 1, I got the idea from an online Everquest comic to take a Shaman character I had, turn into their bear form, go up to a player that was a Ranger, and ask him if he had any pic-a-nic baskets.

“Hello Mr. Ranger sir! Do you have any pic-a-nic baskets!”

The Ranger found that encounter hilarious and I made his day doing that. I’d likely have to resist doing that on a Furbolg character with any Hunters I see. :stuck_out_tongue:

Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:


Furbolg druid in bear form.

Walks up to a hunter.

stares at hunter

hunter stares back

“you got any pic-a-nic baskets?”

I love this image in my head…


A bear shifting into a bear? That’s unbearable!


Just bear with me here, but I think it could work!


I feel like people would bearly be able to handle such power! :stuck_out_tongue:

Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:


I actually really like this idea. Got my vote.


Imagine if they could be a bear change into another bear and then ride a third bear.


Also you’re all seriously going to make my hubby kill me. I cannot help but to tell them these jokes…

It’s a good one just wait til I make the next post about the Stillpine!


I don’t know if I can bear the weight of this burden.


We all have our crosses to bear.

Just grin and bear it.


This is so well done and well thought out, it’s a true shame it’s not getting more traction. Alliance furbolg would pair well with horde ogres (a race many players have wanted for years). There’s no good reason not to do this.

