Unofficial Playable Furbolg Discussion Thread

I will be eternally curious and excited for that. I can only imagine what the Blackwood Furbolg are up to or the Gnarlpine. The Thistle Fur would be wonderful to get an update on and OF COURSE the Stillpine!

They’d better!!!

I am very happy to hear that this is on the horizon even if it might not be immediately.

Ursol guide you and Ursoc give you strength!
:honey_pot: :bear:

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I would have at least 2 a druid and a shaman. Might even make the druid a main.


Draenei and Night Elves (if they stay in Kalimdor of course) could play a big part about the introduction of Furbolg in the Alliance.


I’d imagine both would need to play part in at least some capacity. Though both have already done a lot for the furbolg tribes they’re associated with; The Stillpine, Blackwood and Gnarlpine. Supposedly the Thistlefur tribe was helped out of their corruption by Brol Bearmantle as well.

So thats four tribes easily enough already having good ties to Alliance members. Plus the old alliance with the Night Elves and Furbolgs that had existed prior to the Third War.

It should be really easy for Blizzard to have the furbolg join up.

Ursol guide you and Ursoc give you strength!
:honey_pot: :bear:


Whether Furbolg become an allied race or have an introductory event leading to them as a core race, it makes the most sense to have the Night Elves and Draenei being part of their recruitment to the Alliance.

I mentioned in my Ogre megathread the idea of pre-expansion events leading up to Ogres on the Horde and Furbolg on the Alliance. I wanted to go into a bit more detail with the Furbolg side here since I kinda mentioned it and have been thinking on the idea more and more since then.

If you weren’t around when Cataclysm launched, there were some pre-expansion events that were really exciting to do involving questlines and a bit raid-like event for max level players that involved the Darkspear Trolls assaulting the Echo Isles to get their home back, leading to Troll Druids being reintroduced when new race/class were added, and Gnomes assaulting Gnomeregan to…well, try and take back their home. It sorta still was kept as a dungeon.

Videos of the raid-like events are here:

The idea of these is the hype that would lead into new playable races, both of which are ones that have been requested and could go along with an old world (of Warcraft!) revamp, which is something being considered that I mentioned a few posts ago. Such events would be something anyone could join in and do and open races to everyone, of course.

For Furbolgs, I imagine there being multiple tribes that exist that face a sudden and new corruption. Maybe have them assault the remnants of Night Elf and Draenei areas heavily. Needless to say that newly corrupted Furbolg armies would be low on the list of fun, happy, and healthy activities for the Alliance and their footholds on Kalimdor.

The questline for it would involve having to research this corruption by the Alliance while somehow not trying to slaughter the Furbolgs. This plays into the Night Elves long being allies to the Furbolg and by saving their people instead of killing them, it plays into how they would know from previous events that the Furbolg are corrupted yet again.

Obviously such details would need to be fleshed out, but let’s say that there is a way to stop the corruption of the Kalimdor Furbolg tribes for good that is utilized and the enemy behind this whole kerfuffle is known and located. Then the big raid-like event for it would be an assault on the villain’s lair.

Of course the question would be whole would be the villain for it? What springs to mind could be a Satyr, possibly with groups of other Satyr and demons if it makes any sense. It sorta plays into the area and Satyr have relations with Night Elves that go as well as expired milk under the summer sun. It’s possible other ideas for such a villain could be put in also, but this is what comes to mind. Motivation for corrupting the Furbolgs would be to take advantage of the Night Elf situation and then work on taking over Kalimdor perhaps.

Finishing this event would lead to multiple Furbolg tribes now immune to the corruptions that previous plagued them, with a shiny invitation to the Alliance as a mutually beneficial to them and the Alliance. The Kalimdor tribes get protection and help from the Alliance while Night Elves get assistance with helping their own lands and more of a foothold on Kalimdor should a kerfuffle ever happen with the Horde again.

It feels like it works in many ways, and with multiple tribes of Furbolg that would help explain the different fur customization options, it parallels the Horde getting multiple tribes of Ogres as part of the playable faction. Not to mention both being allies to their respective factions since the old RTS days. It seems like a great combo to me, even if it may not be perfect with Ogres overshadowing whatever the Alliance would get…well, aside from the one race that shall not be named, of course.

Anyway, just an idea I wanted to float out. Those more knowledgeable in Furbolg lore could flesh the idea out better than I could. Still, it would make for a great in-game event that would be memorable. Not to mention the excitement of it leading to new playable races, of course.

Until then, I’ll keep dreaming of seeing Furbolg on the Alliance side of that character creation screen! :polar_bear:

–44 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!–

-Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:


Been posting this in a few megathreads, so I figured I’d post it here also. Some news popped up recently regarding Chris Metzen:

I can’t say whether this increases the chances of seeing Furbolg fleshed out and even becoming playable, but I don’t see it hindering those chances at all.

Seems like there are plenty of ideas and opportunities to implement Alliance Furbolg, especially whenever the old world (of Warcraft!) ever gets a revamp. And with Night Elves having their own journey of a storyline, it’s something that could get noticed if the lore gets looked at more closely. Moreso with someone familiar with Warcraft’s lore as a whole.

Obviously, my expectations are tempered for whatever is coming to WoW in the future. That said, it still feels like a great time to keep at it with the playable Alliance Furbolg support as best as we can. Who knows? Maybe we’ll get lucky in the future someday! :polar_bear:

–38 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!–

-Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:

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I think it might honestly. I think Metzen, if they choose to add more races to each faction, would probably look rather favorably upon the Furbolg.

They’re a good shoe in for the Alliance already, right behind the likes of the Frostborn Dwarves and the Jinyu. And the Broken now I think about it.

Arguably they’re already a part of the Alliance along with both of those. Its a quick and easy group to add.

And I think Metzen would see that.

Old Gods I hope so.

I really really hope so.

Ursol guide you and Ursoc give you strength!
:honey_pot: :bear:


I’m still hoping the Night Elves will stay in Kalimdor and Amirdrasill will be planted in Kalimdor.

The Night Elves could play a big part about the introduction of the Furbolg from Kalimdor meanwhile the Draenei could introduce the Stillpine tribe in the Alliance in Stormwind.


I was a Night Elf Main for most of my time playing WoW and I can honestly say that I have no faith Blizzard will do the right thing and put the Night Elves back in their homeland. I think Amirdrassil is going to just sit in the Dragon Isles and the Night Elves are going to cede Kalimdor to the Horde while the Forsaken get to keep Northern EK for themselves. Its gonna be bad.

Blizzard Should put it back in Kalimdor but I just have no faith.

I do think that if they DO do the right thing then the Tree will be in Kalimdor and then the Night Elves and Draenei as part of fortifying Kalimdor’s northern lands would have every reason to bring the Furbolg into the fold to assist them!

It could be a very effective way to add them without much fuss at all and relatively little work.

Ursol guide you and Ursoc give you strength!
:honey_pot: :bear:


So far, we know the Night Elves are moving into Amirdrassil in the Emerald Dream, where it has to be until it can grow and be replanted in Azeroth:

If nothing has been stated on that location on Azeroth currently, replanting it where the original Night Elf home would likely make a lot of sense. Especially when an old world (of Warcraft!) revamp happens at some point.

I assume that if Amirdrassil gets planted in the original spot, that would still be a good time to implement the bond Night Elves and Furbolg have, the later of which could be a big help in getting it planted and helping to protect the area, both currently and in the future.

That said, I haven’t personally seen anything on where it would actually get moved to on Azeroth when the time comes. I’ll keep an eye on that, since it does sorta have some Furbolg interest to a certain extent. :polar_bear:

–36 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!–

-Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:


Years and decades later still no signs of furbolgs as a playable race. This stinks.


Some evidence within the game and just the general layout of some things makes me think they’re going to leave it exactly where it is in the Emerald Dream as it will be in Azeroth. The maps are literally the same for the little bit off the coast of the Plains except that the Dream version isn’t sunken.

But I can hope.

This would be ideal of course.

Night Elves would be able to reclaim their homes in Kalimdor as they should, and the Furbolg would be easily integrated and could even maybe have Amirdrassil radiate nature magic in such a way as to help them break free of any lingering corruptions.

Ursol guide you and Ursoc give you strength!
:honey_pot: :bear:


Nah, pass.
Every race in the game doesn’t need to be playable.

Not asking for every race to be playable. I’m asking for Furbolg here. :smiley:

Have a nice day.

Ursol guide you and Ursoc give you strength!
:honey_pot: :bear:


Don’t forget we can’t enter in the Dream so easily. Same thing to exit from the Dream.

They did this in BfA by reclaming Darkshore and Ashenvale. They need to come back in Kalimdor or Darkshore and Ashenvale battles were for nothing. And the Horde will get the whole Kalimdor and it will be a problem.


True but its literally an overlay of the same map from the Plains to the Emerald Dream one in 10.2.

I have severe doubts on Blizzards likelihood to bring them to Kalimdor.

But I cannot in good faith claim this is not true. :smiley:

They only reclaimed Darkshore. There wasn’t any mention of them reclaiming Ashenvale. In fact Ashenvale was still in contention even before the War of Thorns. I really wish they’d kick the Horde out of Ashenvale… the way they left that in Cata is not great.

A good point to make here.

Without the Night Elf home, all the Alliance really has is a few bases and the Draenei’s current home, unless I’ve forgotten something. Not a whole lot to really work with should the whole faction kerfuffle ever happens again or if some emergency happens on Kalimdor that the Alliance needs to address, and Night Elf land could get easily taken by any strong force interested in doing so.

Thus a good reason to elevate the role Furbolg on Kalimdor have and act on their long-time Alliance with the Night Elves and the…err, Alliance in general! Especially whenever that old world (of Warcraft!) revamp ever happens again.

Furbolg can easily be worked into the Night Elf storyline and be a big help to them, as well as it being mutually beneficial to both sides for safety. It really just fits very well for many reasons; not to mention adding some much needed flavor to the Alliance.

Otherwise, what comes out of another old world (of Warcraft!) revamp? Furbolg just being corrupted quest jobbers again? Unless it’s freeing them and having them join the Alliance officially, it doesn’t really seem very exciting and frankly, would be fairly disappointing. Thus why pointing out the potential for many things with Furbolg is important.

But hey, I’ve harped on those points a lot, but I usually do that when they’re good points with lots of potential. Especially when it comes to seeing races I want become playable. :polar_bear:

–35 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!–

-Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:


I like it but hate the Pandaran bodies. luckily they wont ever do that.

The presented bodies are a mock up to show one possibility of what blizzard could do to make a player model of the Furbolg.

It is neither expected nor likely that the final outcome would not be a reworked race texture and possibly skeleton.

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People may be sleeping a lot next patch, but don’t sleep on submitting a new round of in-game playable race requests for the new month, including Furbolg!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

Theres all this talk about the Emerald Dream lately, but I want to explore my dream of some new playable races and have it become a reality! :polar_bear:

–32 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!–

-Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear: