Unofficial Playable Broken Discussion Thread

I begin to suspect the thing Velen said to Hatuun in the Man’ari Eredar questline will lead the Krokul to become a playable race. Of course nothing sure about that but when players wanted Mag’har Orcs from Outland, we got the Mag’har from Draenor (WoD) so it could be possible to get the Broken (Krokul) from Legion instead of Broken from BC. I think no matter what the model we could get, we could finally play a Broken in the game with one of these models.


Getting some Broken walking in Stormwind could be a good start to get them as playable race. I don’t see why we can’t have some Jinyu, Broken and Furbolg walking in Stormwing. They are a part of the Alliance too.

Other thing: we got the Krokul Guisarme in the trading post of november. This is a good start to get more weapons and armors about the Brokenand Krokul in a near future. It could be really useful to get these things until we get the Broken as a playable playable race.



In the Midnight expansion, Broken and Krokul could meet each other. After this, the Broken could help us to fight the Void with shamanim and Krokul could help us to understantd how the Void works with the Void Elves and how we could fight it. So we could get Broken as playable race (or Krokul as playable race) depeding of the story.

We could get Broken/Krokul as playable race for the Alliance and Forest Troll (Revantusk tribe) as playable race for the Horde. Ethereal could be a neutral race in the same expansion.


In my own personal preference, I like the idea of Alliance getting Broken and the Horde getting San’layn for a few reasons:

-It’s a bit of a throwback to BC with Draenei and Blood Elves

-Both races have an ailment/curse that plays into their storylines very well with a few parallels.

-They could play roles in Midnight with a void and elf theme.

-Broken have experience with the void while San’layn would have resistance to it being undead.

I’m sure there are other arguments for that combination, but that is what came to mind.

Since the Allied Race system is being utilized again, it could be possible to see both for their respective factions. Both have been requested for quite some time, so it would be interesting to see it actually happen in storylines and would be pretty exciting, in my opinion.

Just a thought I wanted to share! :smiley:


Love this!


I would play one for sure.


Cool ideas, I’d rather see them added as additional customization options rather than a new race. Similar to how earthen and dark iron dwarves should have been just customization options to dwarves and kul tiran the same for humans. I’m not a fan of “new races” just being an old race with new customizations

I’d rather see a whole reworking of how races work, things like wildhammer should have had the full allied race treatment, but they could easily group things better like was shown on the EU forums for the subrace character creation UI.
Pick dwarf, then go on to pick what kind of dwarf and so on.
Voice sets for each kind. Some customizations are unique, some are shared where it makes sense. Have a proper tag in-game for each kind of dwarf/elf/troll etc.


I found an interessing video about how we could revamp the Broken model and how we can add a female version for Broken. But also how to make them playable using their HD model. Some interessing proposals:


Very interesting. I’ve love to see what someone would do with a current retail revamp like that.

Using the Krokul model over the original broken one (based off the Tauren skeleton I believe) would be amazing.


The models in that video are actually based on the revamped (HD) Draenei model for both the male and female, the bones in the rigging are just bent and deformed to match the original Broken stature. I know this because I’m really observant :upside_down_face:

So you used the HD model to make this video, didn’t you?

That’s right! The bones in the rigging were bent, scaled, and warped to match the original Broken posture. The intention was to do a true revamp of the TBC-era Broken male, just increasing the resolution and adding player customizations/voice-overs.


Some pictures about a Broken in the Alliance :dracthyr_yay_animated:

(Broken coming to see in Stormwind)

(Broken visiting Stormwind)

(Broken asking his way in Stormwind)

I hope to see this one day. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


I’ve been wating and occasionally agitating for playable Broken for years now, mostly because I want to roll this hunter’s mom as a warrior. (Between her and my death knight: that will be two of my draenei characters who are fallen vindicators. I am okay with this.)


Oh that gives me ideas… Oh… Oh no.


Not sure if I should say “you’re welcome” or apologize.

But, at any rate: this is a character whom I spent some time debating whether or not she was even still alive. But at this point: I pretty much only haven’t rolled her because we can’t play Broken yet.


A “you’re welcome” is the appropriate one now. Though its now going to pain me that I cannot make the toon I want to make rofl!

I love new story ideas and getting things in my head from other folks stories. Helps me expand my thoughts and character stories and is just all around so much better when theres many heads making many ideas that can apply to toons.

Love it! Absolutely love hearing different folks character stories.

My main draenei (I have several cause I’m a terrible altoholic.) slipped through the Dark Portal during the first war at great risk to herself obviously. She had really early on shown signs of the elements whispering to her and her brother who’d been in charge of her little group of survivors exiled her. He believed that the elements were bad and had compelled the orcs to war. He knows better these days.

Anyways she slipped through with the elements guidance and once on Azeroth ended up in Stranglethorn vale. Met up with the Goblins of Booty Bay and signed up with some of their ships. She learned from a goblin shaman and then later a zandalari and Kul’tiran shaman more about shamanism and eventually got her own ship. She then signed on as a Corsair for Booty Bay and after a few years of that she amassed a small amount of “pirate” vessels in her own little fleet. The Goblins got scared and just before the Exodar landed they arranged for her little fleet to encounter several pirate fleets that all had beef with her. She lost her ship and fleet but they thought she was dead so she headed north, heard about the Draenei crashing and immediately went to assist them.

Been more since but that was my general concept and now I’ve got a few other draenei who spur off of that. Love making stories. (Also yes I realize technically in that timeline the elements hadn’t exactly started talking to the Draenei when she first hears them. Its headcanon stories so it don’t matter that much.)

Anyways… I’d like now to add a broken to her story. Not sure if another sibling yet or perhaps one of her parents… thoughts pains stories!


If it’s any consolation: I probably have to change a detail of Umbriiel’s backstory on account of Halaa apparently being a lot newer than I’d thought.


It could be interessing to know if some Krokul from Argus can master the Void. So they could teach it to some Broken from Outland and exchange knowledges about it with the Void Elves.

(Call of the Void part I, Whispers from Oronaar - by azerothin365days)