Unofficial Playable Broken Discussion Thread

It could be great if the Broken could get more time screen in the Alliance.

After BC, we get some time screen for them with the Swamp of Sorrows and the Earthen Ring. But we have nothing after Cata. And for BfA they aren’t here for the war.

Sure we have the Krokul on Argus for Legion but they aren’t in the Alliance even if it’s nice to get more stories with them.

Now we should have some Broken walking in Stormwind, they are a part of the Alliance since BC. Seeing some Broken in the Alliance troops could be a good thing. I would like to see some Broken in the expansion stories when we speak about Alliance or when we have things about the Alliance.


Yeah! I can’t imagine there would be many armor issues either to work out with that…

Actually they wear different armor in game already so they’ve probably already fiddled with all that…

Honestly seeing the Broken, Jinyu, Frostborn and such would be good too. Since those groups are already a part of the Alliance. Could extend that to furbolg too now I think on it.


Zonaar, Broken Rite - by neonlaboratory

It’s always nice to see other artworks of Broken other than Hearthstone. It’s nice to see a warlock (or a mage) Broken too.

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The Krokul from legion are just draenei models with different faces/tails. Give us those things as a customization option. Doesn’t seem too crazy.

I don’t see them as simple customizations for Draenei.

The Broken/Krokul model is just too different to be a simple customization like could be the Forest Troll model or Dragonmaw Orc model.

Their knowledge and culture is pretty different from the Draenei one too.

Don’t forget Kul Tiran got their own model despite being just humans (they could have been a good customization for human but it didn’t happen).

Broken have a big potential to be a great playable race for the Alliance with great stories and a rich lore.

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Speaking about customizations, we could get the red skin and the green eyes for the Broken as extra customization. It could be nice to get this skin color for Broken with the other skin colors.



While I’m not going to be too upset if they go the customization route for the Broken I’d very much rather they go with the Allied Race setup.

I think the Broken are different enough to warrant it.


I agree wholeheartedly. I just don’t think blizzard would give us a third draenic race.

So it seems a Man’ari Eredar will accompagny us in the Man’ari quest. The good news here is we will have a Krokul presence in this quest. Sure it’s not Broken but it always nice to see the Krokul to be here.

Maybe we will have a Broken presence too in this quest. It will be an interessing point to get a meeting between the Broken, the Krokul and some Man’ari Eredar in this quest. We could get an interessing conversation between them.


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I found this on a website and I like it. We could get this background for our Broken character in the character selection screen.

by ChroniclerWabba


That’s a Draenei Model that fits very well with the Broken Draenei Model. I seriously hope they add Broken in the Draenei Race soon after Man’ari.


Personally I do hope for the Allied Race treatment for the Broken, however I will not be unhappy with the broken ala Argus to be customization if that is how Blizzard goes for it.


I did the Man’ari customization unlock questline, and there was an interesting bit of flavor text at the end of it. The whole questline is below:

And the interesting bit at the end:

Prophet Velen says: Hatuun, please think on my offer.

Hatuun eyes Velen seriously, then looks away with a wordless nod.

Chieftain Hatuun says: I… did not expect Velen to react this way. He did not have to.

Chieftain Hatuun says: Perhaps things are different now. Perhaps we both are. I will… allow myself to hope.

Speculation has come from this, in that we could see more of the Broken in the future. Some think this could pave the way to playable Broken in the future, which would be great since I know Broken have been requested for quite some time.

If I see anything else of interest, I’ll be sure to help report it!

—52 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—


It’s an interessing thing. I’m not sure it will be for Krokul as playable race but we will get more things with them later so it’s a good news.

They could come on Azeroth to speak with the other Broken and Draenei. Interactions between them could be really instructive. They could see how they live on Azeroth too.


I’m bumping this thread as I want playable Broken/Krokul, with demon hunter as a class option.

Thanks, Blizz!


So we got two trainer for warlocks:

  • Soulspeaker Niir (warlock trainer)
  • Atharuun (demon trainer)



Having these two characters in the Exodar near each of them is pretty interessing. Maybe we could have some exchanges between them about their past, the demons, their mutations and what the future could it be for their race. It could be the first interaction between a Broken (Outland) and a Man’ari Eredar, it could be very interessing to see them exchanges.


This one has an analog in WoD’s alternate timeline.

I wonder if the Man’ari does as well?

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It seems he has not an analog in WoD’s alternate timeline, it’s a new character we never see him before.

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Now, Draenei, Lightforged Draenei, Man’ari Eredar and Broken are one. It could be interessing to see them exchanging about different topics: the Light, the future of Eredar, the demons, the Void, etc.

Exchanges between a Lightforged Draenei and a Broken, between a Man’ari Eredar and a Broken or between a Draenei and a Man’ari Eredar could be a pretty interessing thing.


I think Broken are one of the cooler possibilities, honestly.