Tell me about your characters!

Hi; 'nother player here who’s not much of an RPer (in WoW, anyway) but nonetheless has backstories for a lot of my characters.

For example? Umbriiel (named after an Argus-native wildflower) was born in Nagrand, and spent most of her childhood being a noise with grass stains who was always bringing home bugs and frogs. She was a young adolescent when Kil’jaeden started manipulating the orcs; when her father was killed in an orc ambush some time before the siege of Shattrath, her mother sent Umbriiel and her little brother Rohael off with a family friend (my shaman) to get them out of harm’s way, then presumably sacrificed herself with Exarch Larohir’s defenders.

After training as a rangari (to the surprise of absolutely no one), Umbriiel—along with Rohael, now an aspiring vindicator—volunteered to help hijack the Exodar. Both of them survived the ensuing events, but lost track of one another in the commotion. And because she’s still a bit protective of her little brother, even now that he’s bigger than her and can take care of himself: she’s looking for him.

Also? I at least somewhat 'ship her with my Lightforged priest because their dynamic works; and it’s possible that her mother is still alive.

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