Unoffical Playable Sethrak Discussion Thread

Lore question, are the Sethrak tied to the snake people we see in Zul’Gurub and Zul’Drak? The ones that basically look like Sethrak but have no legs and instead just the tail to slither around?

The Sethrak and Vulpera are allies and the Alliance tried to wipe out both. The latter is why the Vulpera went with Horde.

No, the snake people there are trolls transformed into a serpentine shape. In Zul’gurub it’s the high priest of the snake loa Hethiss and his followers.
And in Zul’drak it’s the high priest of the snake loa Sseratus.

The sethrak are their own race that’s not transformed trolls, most likely they came from Sethraliss as we’ve seen different creatures and even humanoid races spring from wild gods before.




Just kidding, they’d be sick and I think they should go Alliance because they haven’t gotten a true beast race yet. Horde has THREE. Worgen don’t count because they’re just humans wearing very impressive fur coats.


They Alliance only took out one camp of them. Hardly tried to wipe them out.

Actually they hardly tried to wipe out the Vulpera either all things considered.

Either way theres not much bad blood between the Alliance and the Sethrak… or if there is theres plenty more bad blood between those same Sethrak and the Horde. lol


Yes Please!

Weather or not I agree with what your saying (though I do!) this is one of the best, most though thread opening post I have ever seen.

Unfortunately I do not expect Blizz to add any more ally races. At least not till next expansion. This makes me sad. Hope I am wrong.


Agreed. ‘Wipe Out’ is strong language. Its more of “Hey, these guys are actively fueling the war effort of our enemy, so they are our enemy by proxy”.

During the alliance quest line, you turn Vul’dun into an azerite bomb.

(The Vulpera joining the Horde is incongruous. A third factions is arguably needed. The Blood Elves joining the Horde also seemed forced to me.)

All races matter.
Arakkoas, saberons, sethraks, sauroks, taunkas.
There is a thread in this forum about arakkoas.
But if Blizzard had the courage to abandon them together with the draenor ogres, it is difficult to see this beautiful breed receiving relevance, whereas sethraks are still more recent and have received more animations than Draenor’s bird men.

But just as you came here to say that people should be asking for arakkoas, there will be someone saying that I should ask for a race that matters.

After all, what is relevant to you must be very nonsense to someone else.

For myself, I prefer to support people asking them to bring more renewal and options to Warcraft such as sethraks, arakkoas, saberons, San’layn than to say that someone is making an unfounded effort.

If lore can afford it and if the race brings a positive element and adds value to the faction and its values, I prefer to encourage it.


It would be good for the alliance. But I accept sethraks in the Horde without any problems.
I find it very difficult for Blizzard to do something like that for the alliance.
I would be grateful, but there is a strong feeling that this is something that ally does not deserve.
Neither sethraks or anything that has the same vibe.

Urgh! :broken_heart: :cry:


You need to replay that questline my friend.

Alliance never even came close to that. We do blow up three (more or less) archaeology sites.

Also one major WQ thing where we burn a vulpera caravan supporting the Horde. (now the severity of the Alliance assault on this caravan sure ain’t gonna make the Voldunai happy with us).

They join the side that actually helped them. It’s not odd in any capacity.

Really? Seemed very appropriate to me.


Doesn’t mean we need to give up hope! :grinning:

They have said AR do not make sense at the beginning/launch of Shadowlands. This was said in an interview. But they are open to the possibility later into the expansion. And implied this may be what happens.

Hey, we can still love our Worgen. xD Even though they are correct in a comical sort of way. :rofl:

But Alliance should get a true beast race. Cause no, Worgen and Night Elves don’t really count. :stuck_out_tongue:

But hey, whatever gets Sethrak playable. And more lore and history on them.

I would like to know more of their origin. As well as Sethraliss’.

Which reminds me, I might take a shot at drawing her true form. Her giant snake form. As there is not a whole lot of art of her out there tbh. Which is a shame. Just enough to draw and color her accurately.

I took a look at Emeni’s Sethrak model again and discerned what I originally thought were black scales, is just clothing texture in the wrong place. She is literally head to toe bugged with her armor texture everywhere.

I have drawn another picture of her. But am holding off coloring it. Though I am sorely tempted to color her like Merektha. Thoughts?

(As always, playable Sethrak please! :snake:)


Bump, also how are things looking for Sethrak? I want them even more now after doing more of Maldraxxus! So want to make a Sethrak Monk and just 100% main it


Nothing new to report so far.

I’ll see if there is anything when I finish the campaign quests. I think we’re supposed to get the last chapter this week.

But be patient! We got Blizzconline near the end of next month. So just a bit more than a month away. And I imagine we will get news of 9.1 and what it entails between now and then.

And no matter what happens, don’t give up hope. :slightly_smiling_face:

Playable Sethrak please! :snake::pray:


Wanted to mention here to keep a look out for a post from me about the next Sethrak rally!

I’ll be hosting sometime on the 22nd/23rd.

Hope to have the post up with the details later today! (As long as my depression behaves)

As always, playable Sethrak please!


If you need someone to talk to just shoot me a message, depression is an awful thing and I’d like to help with it anyway I can!

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I appreciate that and will keep that in mind!

Have not made the Sethrak Rally post because I’m looking at times that work best for the majority.

I’m thinking 6:00PM Server Time (PST) on Friday the 22nd. This one is set in stone as I work Friday and won’t be available earlier in the day.

But Saturday the 23rd I was gandering at 3:00PM Server Time (PST). But this one I am open to changing the time earlier or later to be flexible with others’ schedules. Thoughts?

As for the depression bit. Just wanted to say you all do help. As does this thread. And well snakes in general are very therapeutic for me. :heart::snake:

Thanks for helping me keep this dream alive.

As always, playable Sethrak please, Blizzard. :snake::pray:


Here’s the next Sethrak Rally event.

Not really expecting many to show up as I want to host in Oribos but we’ll see

Playable Sethrak Rally 2.0 (Shadowlands Edition) - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (


So. Saw something on Twitter that kinda got me thinking.

Thoughts on Kaelthas as potential leader of the Sanlayn? Paired with Emeni as a new Sethrak leader?

Sanlayn and Sethrak as an AR pair?

At this point and time Sethrak and Sanlayn are two of the most popular and requested races.

And there are loose and subtle nods existing in Shadowlands that this could be plausible.


Works for me.

Kael leading the San’layn would be neat and Emeni is definetly a favorite of mine.

I don’t think it will happen but I’d roll with that.