Unoffical Playable Sethrak Discussion Thread

I don’t particularly think it will happen this way either. But there is just enough that Blizzard could make it work if they wanted to.

Maybe I’ll make an in game suggestion about it.

But as always! Playable Sethrak please! :snake:


That would make the alliance and the horde happy.
I approve.


I swear I didn’t come in here just to say I’d absolutely adore that, saw the thread and was like “hey I wanna throw my support for the snakes again, wanna play one”…BUT I also am obligated to say I’d absoloutely adore that :stuck_out_tongue:

Going to emphasize, I’d absolutely adore that :stuck_out_tongue: I’d roll multiples of both races.

But I want to add to the idea too, not sure if it’s been said, but here would also make it kinda… I dunno, I thought of this a while ago, it makes sense?

  1. Both races have fangs. Yes, I know, and they also start with ‘S’, but still, common theme there.
  2. More important, Sethrak are a desert race–San’layn are a tundra race (originated in Northrend). They are, in a way, opposites of some kind. San’layn would give the Horde coverage in Northrend, and Sethrak would give the Alliance coverage in desert areas. Now, there’s not really a ‘Horde v. Alliance’ war, but you know, it’d give factions access to ‘different resources’ and strengths, if you catch my drift, for each race.
  3. Both can be considered monster races in their own ways, but Sethrak are far more oriented to life, and San’layn to undeath. So again, similar, but also opposing.

With pairings, more often than not, we’ve seen themes, somewhat, of similarity. And, in some cases… no similarities at all. But it’s still a fun thing to consider, similarities and relations, I mean. (also I wanna retweet the twitter post that suggested that, love that idea)


I think that if it isn’t a Shadowlands races the next allied race would most likely be from Northrend as that is where we are back home. As well as other races that have ties to major Characters in the Shadowlands. I feel like we will just get covenant races but eh

I hope not.

The covenant races have no business being in the land of the living nor any good reason to join either faction…

It’d feel so off I think.


I agree with all of this.

Maybe you should make an in game suggestion, summarizing and highlighting this. :heart:

I made mine about Sanlayn and Sethrak to be next!

I think this pair is great. Sethrak are almost player ready. Got a lot of player rigging and some key animations done.

As far as the Sanlayn goes, the Venthyr model exists now. So they could use it as the base model.


I’ll make the comment in game sure! Personally I hate the Venthyr (a lot) though so don’t hope for that >< but that’s just my personal thought on it really. It is just the Nightborne model but not aesthetically pleasing at all in my personal opinion, and I don’t like Nosferatu all comments on lore aside.


Not gonna lie, I think the Venthyr are ugly although I am a fan of Nosferatu. So I get why they look like that. XD

I personally just think their model would be better than reusing the Belf Model. Again.

Unless it’s done like the Vulpera. Goblin rig but with adjustments.

Belf rig with some adjustments.

Sethrak are the female Worgen rig with some adjustments. And some Pandaren inspired animations thrown in.

This will also fit for “last pair” of AR. The Worgen and Undead.


I really dislike the intense desire for people to try and lob San’layn as a viable option. They wouldn’t make a third Blood Elf variant another allied race, it would be ridiculous and get more blowback than it would get praise.

Kael’thas is dead, in the shadowlands. He’s not coming back to lead a faction of vampiric elves that don’t even know him, or if they do have any remaining loyalty.
Emeni is also dead and a construct. It seems like a lot of reaching for something that just isn’t there. Not only that, I am a Blood Elf and as far as I know there isn’t even any unique dialogue with Kael’thas.

I want there to be a more organic introduction to the Sethrak addition (to the Horde, of course) that doesn’t take a thousand steps of reaching to achieve.

Hence why this is speculation and discussion. :slightly_smiling_face:

And we have a rather organic step in the right direction for Horde Sethrak already with the events in BfA.

But. If Sethrak do become playable I really believe Emeni is going to have something to do with it.

Returning to the land of the living permanently? Probably not.

All in all. I just want Sethrak playable. And it’s ultimately up to Blizzard if and how it happens.


Perhaps, and as I haven’t done the Necrolord campaign yet I don’t know this, but since she’s a construct can her spiritual form be used still? To give her blessing to the current line of Sethrak or what have you?

I would argue yes.

As she is seen as a spirit before she enters her construct body and you do some quests with her soul for a bit before this.

And I think she was forced out of her original construct body before we built her a new one. Or she left it voluntarily in efforts to rebel against the House or Constructs.


If that’s the case, then she could possibly be used in a further story but I worry the writers will leave her as a Construct and a Necrolord soulbind and leave it at that. My soulbinds don’t have any current story arcs, though I’d love to learn more about Theotar. He’s my bony vampire bae

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And the Build An Abomination factory indicates any sort of body can be built for a soul to inhabit.

As there is the quest “May I Take Your Order”, where you ask a bunch of souls what kind of body they want.


There’s some information that states each soulbind will have a unique storyline.

So I imagine we will get more later.

And there are Sethrak NPCs related to Emeni. Datamined. I imagine for a storyline later. They’re specifically tied to her.


Not giving soulbinds stories was a big missed opportunity imo

A Marileth story would’ve been one of the best things to come from this expansion


This guy is one. And also my favourite cause I love his flavor text.

Which also implies he’s alive.


They are literally his elite forces that were lost when he attacked Icecrown back in WC3FT.

They know him more than most. They were also his most loyal followers.

Have your opinion of course I’m just contending that one bit.



Also to play some devil’s advocate here for Kaelthas and Emeni as actual new leaders for these races is that we’re in The Shadowlands.

And there’s a big theme of rewriting and having control over one’s fate looming in the distance. This is what Sylvanas wants.

For all we know, this could mean giving souls a choice to have a second chance at their mortal lives.


You left a part out of your quote. I’m aware they were his forces, but I doubt in death they harbour any good faith in the prince who lead them to slaughter.

In the end, I just want people to stop grasping at straws, especially when it comes to the San’layn. I unequivocally oppose their addition as an allied race, but I am open to customization options to the existing Blood Elf model. I even think Blizzard themselves feel it was a mistake to add the likes of Lightforged Draenei and Highmountain Tauren instead of making them options in customization, but here we are.