Undeserved/mistaken ban / account closure. GM replied to escalate ticket, was closed/resolved instantly?

So to make a long story short, I have played WoW for 19 years, Never have I done anything against TOS, never have I been banned, warned, suspended, etc. other than a forums silence twice for “inappropriate language”.

A few days ago my account was Closed/Permantly banned for: Exploitive Activity / Abuse of the Economy / Exchange for “Real world Currency”

I have absolutely 1000% never RMT’d, I’ve been reading the forums and seeing that people have also recently been getting banned for GDKP’s by no doing of their own (other players trading around gold that they bought, innocent people getting flagged for receiving/trading gold to an unknown suspicious player?)

I did run 2 GDKP’s for the first time ever in my WoW career, a month or two ago, wasn’t even sure how they worked, but literally it was the only way I could get in a ICC 25 raid in wotlk classic, where the Blood’s from fester/Rotface were not reserved. On Whitemane 90% of the PUG raids are GDKP’s.

I was playing wotlk classic and hardcore classic, until about a month ago, i quit both and came back to retail wow for the new patch.

Anyways, I opened a ticket Immediately, since i was in a Random Solo Shuffle at 2250 mmr, got disconnected and then got a message saying my account was closed? (I checked and I lost 162 rating for the disconnect which is super painful at top 10 ranking US)

I was confused at first before I went to the forums and saw others were getting mistakenly banned for “RMT” as well.

A day later a GM responded, saying the following:

Hey there,

*Specialist Game Master Cthulolchu here. I will be the one helping you out today with your case. *

*I appreciate you taking the time to reach out to me about the account action. I know it can be concerning when you log into your account or check your email and show that we have actioned one of your game accounts. It can be frustrating sometimes to reach out for assistance so thank you for taking the moment. *

*At this time, I have sent up a report to have this account looked over in case we applied something incorrectly. Thank you for your patience as we have this looked into. Once I hear back from the review, I will update this case and let you know the outcome. *

*Thanks for taking the time to reach out to me and reading my reply to your case. I will get back to you as soon as I can with the results. *

Sincere wishes,
Specialist Game Master Cthulolchu

At the same time as the reply from the GM - my ticket was Closed/Marked as resolved?

It has been about 30 Hours since the GM response, 3 days since i opened the ticket, I haven’t got a reply, or a “case” or anything opened, not sure if this was a mistake from the GM opening the ticket? I tried waiting, but now I’m not sure if I should open another ticket?

Can a CS rep help me out here?


There isn’t much anyone, even the blues, can do. If they said they’ve sent it up to be look at by someone, then all you can do is wait. Like the old saying goes: You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.

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It can take several days for an escalated review to process, depending on the workload. I would not recommend opening a new ticket at this time. The Game Master should get back to you as soon as they hear back.


What may or may not have happened to other players’ accounts has little bearing on yours. Also, while there has seemingly been an uptick in these suspensions, many of them are not mistakes.

In the end, receiving stolen gold puts your account at risk. I don’t know if that is the issue here, of course, but if it is, the old excuse of “I didn’t know they had stolen gold” seems to not move Blizzard anymore. They are trying to combat gold sellers/buyers, and since players are willingly jumping into situations where that stolen gold can be passed on, that is also being addressed.

The takeaway when it comes to GDKP’s: if you do not know the other players, do not join. Even if you think you can explicitly trust them, taking part in a GDKP, while not fully against the rules, is unsupported. This means you are putting your account at risk by being a part of it.


Thanks, that’s the answer I was looking for, I didn’t know if the ticket was closed correctly or accidentally, since it was being further reviewed.

I knew a few of the other people in the GDKP I ran with, they are not banned.

If this was the case, all 25 people in the GDKP raid would be banned, because the only person that traded gold with me was the raid leader. Just like he did with everyone else in the raid, during, and upon completion.

Unsupported, means Blizzard will not intervene with the outcome of loot/gold distribution in a raid led masterlooted GDKP pug.

If GDKP’s are a problem all of a sudden after years and years of them being used and more in abundance now than ever, they should flat out put a stop to GDKP’s, so that unknowing people or people who are not familiar or read forums (majority of the community) do not end up being banned because of other players faults, which they have absolutely 0 idea if a player is suspicious, when joining a 25 man raid.

Are you supposed to interview every single individual in every raid you join?

even tho the ticket was closed they will get back to you. i got a perma ban for “botting” in September. Thankfully they saw it was a wrongful ban. I know it sucks but you just have to be patient. It took the Gm 5 days to get back to me


Food for thought.

If people are being banned this way, literally anyone can be banned in any way, not just GDKP and boost services like are being claimed.

For example, in retail the other day, i did a Raidfinder of the new raid, lost the roll on a tier chest piece token, offered the guy that won 100k, and he traded it to me.

If hes a gold seller/buyer, now I can be banned for trading him in a raidfinder raid? Even though im 100 % innocent and have no idea what he does with his account?

This is actually very, very, disturbing. We cannot control what other people do with their accounts. If you buy/sell something to a gold seller/buyer on the AH, or in trade, or even a crafting order I would assume, now you are flagged for RMT as well. This is not upholding the TOS, this is straight up robbery, imo.

This isn’t the same situation. If you trade someone else legitimate gold and they then turn around and do something illegal with it, that is different. Now if you traded him illegal gold, then he would be in danger of sanction if he is regularly receiving gold from questionable and tainted resources. In that situation of course you would be doubly screwed as one who received the illegal gold from skeevy resources, and also pumping it back through the economy/population.


… is that supposed to be comforting? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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It most definitely is not different. people are being banned for trading gold TO people who sell gold. It’s a known fact. Guilty by association. Even if you don’t know they are guilty.
I would just avoid trading with anyone or buying and selling anything on the AH at this point, to be quite honest.

I can honestly say that not a single case of that has come through this forum. We have seen plenty of people who have received tainted gold. Have not once seen a case of someone getting sanctioned for them with their legal and legitimate currency innocently paying for a boost/service to someone who then turned around and used it for RMT reasons.

Now, if there is repeated transactions of legitimate currency into the account(s) who then turn around and use it for RMT? Something established into a pattern? That, I could see.


You don’t know that at all, as Blizzard does not disclose their algorithm, so there’s no way to say that people aren’t getting banned for that. BUT; they have gone as far as saying interacting with shady individuals can net you a ban, which means - YES, trading with buyers/sellers is definitely flagging people for bans.

FOR EXAMPLE: people are being banned in GDKP’s for bidding/winning items with LEGITIMATE gold, and are being flagged for trading gold to the the RAID LEADER / GDKP guild, who are gold sellers. You’re now flagged and associated with them as soon as they sell your gold. Meaning, that it works in many, many other scenarios as well! Hence why they are saying be careful who you join a raid with if you don’t know them. Do the math.

What they said was that they haven’t seen any of those claims in the Customer Support forum. They aren’t saying it has never happened.


I’m saying that while I have seen plenty of issues where someone has received tainted gold - occasions where our SFAs have clearly warned these people to know where their gold is coming from - never once have they told a person to know who they give their gold to. [Editing to add - that I have seen.] That is what I’m basing my statements on. Not what a player claims or believes, but what an SFA has pointed to.


This thread run its corse and any further discussion better off in. General i think.


Can’t post in General when your account is falsely banned, unfortunately. Your subscription time is cancelled, making you unable to post in any forum except for CS, on your own thread :confused:

But it’s not been deemed a false ban if you’re still banned/suspended.


Were not allowed long term disscussions about acount action.

You would have no idea if the gold is relitimate or stolen! Only blizzard would know that!


By legitimate, I mean by farming / crafting+selling / acquiring your own gold that you know is not bought by RMT.

But then again, probably 90% of gold is illegitimate if you don’t actually go farm mobs for sellables and quest gold, and has been passed thru the hands of a buyer/seller at some point. So they should just ban everyone, or reset the economy at this point.