Make sure gdkps are bannable moving forward

The harder GDKP is to do, the less likely people will bother doing it.


They’re tracking the gold and banning people who received illicit gold, regardless of how it was obtained. GDKP just happens to be (outside of the AH) the largest area where gold is exchanged between players.

The response to those being actioned for unknowingly receiving said illicit gold is to be careful on who you take gold from and only go with trusted sources. GDKP does contain illicit gold, and it is being looked at. If you do GDKP they suggest to be cautious of the people involved and to be careful.

Numerous threads in the CS forum, Reddit, etc about these account actions.

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Yeah some people get hit with a 3 day ban. The amount of people that do NOT get punished far outweighs it.

Also it doesnt matter if you buy gold or not, some of the gold in every single gdkp pot is definitely botted gold. Too many people saying “well im not buying gold” but willfuly accepting botted gold should be a bannable offense.

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This is what is happening in a lot, if not most, of these cases. Account bans for unknowingly receiving illicit gold. Very few of these seem to have been overturned on appeal.

To be fair, you have no way of accurately knowing this information.

Yeah actually i do. Most of my friends, and multiple guilds ive joined have bought gold. Ive seen gdkp leaders in discord directly linking gold selling websites, every week, and the same people are still doing it.

Gold buying wouldnt be as rampant as it is if people were actually afraid of being banned.

Also, gold buying is ONLY a 3 day ban and they remove all of your gold. Not a single person is getting banned for getting large sums of gold in gdkp, so im not sure why you think thats happening. Blizzard is not banning anybody participating in gdkps unless you bought the gold yourself. Look at how many people are on era right now with hundreds of thousands of gold


One look at the CS forums says this is wrong. Do some research on this and you will see there are people receiving varying types of account action for purchasing gold. It is also all over reddit.

Is just one, typically these threads devolve and are deleted. However to say nobody is being banned for this is patently and provably false.

Report them for it. They will be actioned.

Discord interactions are not under Blizzards control.

Sometimes. Infractions are cumulative.

Also wrong. Can be proven by spending a short time looking into it on the CS forums.

I get you and others dislike RMT, I myself am not a fan of it or GDKP, however there are actions being taken. We just do not see them as is the industry standard.

Bro i never said action wasnt being taken against RMT. Ive watched people get the 3 day ban, then buy gold again and never be banned.

Those people youre quoting BOUGHT gold with RMT or participated in it directly. Not sure why you believe that they didnt.

Anyways, im asking for gdkps to be bannable and youre only helping my case

I feel the same. I got to level 40, got my mount, built about 500g through AHing and professions… 2-5k buy-ins for a GDKP to even get in the group let alone the betting on items.

WotLK also ruined by botting, and I’m sure it was just pure coincidence that right after every single WSG was 10-15 DK bots, prices went completely out of whack and GDKP runs became basically mandatory for any form of raiding.

GDKP kills everything it touches. Please, lets us have one thing that isn’t completely pay to win.


Just ran a BFD GDKP as Horde on Living Flame (NA). No item sold for more than 35g, which is so easily obtainable. Cry more

Yes please. Ban this garbage, Blizz!

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Hardware ban, IP ban, delete accounts ECT and no more GDKPs problem solved.

Give them their own server and allow free transfers.

But then you need to put one of two things in place:

  • Never let them transfer off the server at any point once they’re on it
  • or, they can only transfer off the server with X amount of gold (maybe in classic that number is like 1500g, wotlk, maybe that’s 7500g, etc)

Nah hardware ban ect and delete thiers accounts

Well, as long as the problem has shoes.

It’s the first week. I guarantee as the weeks progress those prices will rise.

WTB a switch for my keyboards V key…

What y’all are actually realistically asking for is for free trade to be banned, which has never worked for any MMO that has used it.

Restricting player freedom is the fastest way to crash and burn your game.

GDKPs have no impact on you as an individual player. GDKPs are not required to acquire gear. GDKPs allow groups to weed out bad players and reward good players.

Perhaps you should consider joining a guild that you can regularly raid with and be rewarded with gear from your group effort. You never have to worry about what others are doing.

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Okay, but the point is GDKP can still happen without gold buying

Yup. Should be banned. Inherently linked with RMTs.

Blizz won’t hire GMs to police the game, so just ban this garbage. Which has approximately 0% chance of happening.