Undermine(d) Update Notes

let it fester and rot and coagulate and simmer.

A little bit more detail on these bits would be appreciated:

  • Ignite the Fuel of Change
  • The spark of revolution finally ignites! On March 3, join the goblins of Undermine in their effort to take back the streets.
  • Homecoming
  • A new questing experience becomes available for the first time anywhere on March 3.
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Warlock pretending to be a UH DK :roll_eyes:

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Really looking forward to seeing the DK buffs in action

Added the following change to the update notes:


  • The Gobfather drops a warbound-until-equipped item on the first kill each week per account rather than a random chance at equipment matched to a playerā€™s specialization.

Noice! Thank you!

This means only 1 drop guaranteed per account per week?

Iā€™m assuming doing it for the quest on alts only.

Demon hunter

Top 3 sets

Returning to our Main City hub, Alliance SW, Horde OG. ?? Return of the Kings??

Player Housing perhaps? :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

This soundsā€¦not as great as it first appears. Most will come away from this with the knowledge of ā€˜guaranteed loot from the first killā€™, but knowing what we currently do about warband loot, Iā€™m hopeful that itā€™s at least still champion-track like world boss loot has always been, rather than being one track lower like warband loot generally is.

Where is the Undermine patch video???

Hmmm, Goblin soup making instructions, fits the patch theme.

MM hunter would like a word, as would the Dark Ranger hero tree.

Aw. Iā€™m gonna miss Eagle Eye. Ah, wellā€¦

I donā€™t think the achievements are specific to this season; it sounds like theyā€™re permanent additions, akin to the achievements for TWW dungeons. Iā€™m hoping at least, so I can go back and do the tank and healer ones in Midnight when Iā€™m overleveled because shadow is the only spec I can at least claim I know how to play. :laughing:

Probably coming when it actually goes live. They waited to release the full length 11.0 one until the full release in August.

Any idea what level gear or is it more veteran gear I canā€™t do a single thing with.

Itā€™s crazy to lose eagle eye for other specs, at least I still have it for MM but in PVP that is a useful ability.

  • Eagle Eye is now only learned by Marksmanship Hunters.
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For what itā€™s worth, if itā€™s s2 veteran gear, that goes up to 645 so itā€™ll be great for alts for a while, and probably still an upgrade even for geared characters for the first couple weeks at least.