Undermine(d) Update Notes

Undermine(d) Update Notes

The Undermine(d) update is now live!

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let’s go

I am totally ready to crash my drive car into a wall or walls. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


Let’s go vroom vroom!

I’m very stoked for the enhancement shammy changes. They’ve got a lot of cool stuff coming. But I am annoyed that despite all the thought that’s gone into these UI updates y’all still haven’t thought to put a clear indicator around our character for when we get a Tempest proc. Instead we have to keep focusing on our action bar rather than the gameplay. It’s extremely frustrating.

Do currencies reset tomorrow or next week?

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Looks like we may be out of TWW beta as far as classes go. Just took a full season to get there.


IMPROVEMENT! It usually takes an entire expansion… /joke

  • At Mythic 12, instead of an additional 10% increase to enemy health, Xal’atath’s Guile will now include the increased timer penalty for deaths that was formerly part of Challenger’s Peril, as a replacement for the rotating Bargain affixes. While the mechanic could feel overly punishing for groups still learning and progressing towards gear rewards, a focus on clean execution remains appropriate for the upper echelons of the system, and removing the extra 10% stats should make the transition into the prestige tiers of the system feel like less of a wall.

  • Xal’atath’s Guile now causes keystones above level 12 to increase health and damage of enemies by 12% per level (was 10%).

Which one is it?

Some of the worst class tuning in the game’s history. Astounding.

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Those are not contradictory statements. One refers to AT level 12 while the other refers to ABOVE level 12.



  • Developers’ notes: Currently Frost and Unholy Death Knights are incredibly survivable often boasting lower death rates then tanks and far above any other specs in the game. From a fantasy perspective it makes sense for Death Knights to be incredibly durable and their kit lends itself well to it, but it currently leans too far in the unkillable direction. We fully expect Frost and Unholy Death Knight to continue being one of the more survivable specs but this should bring them closer to a more sane level.

I just wanna take a moment to appreciate that the ones responsible for balancing are quietly using the word ‘insane’ and explicitly using the word ‘unkillable’ to describe DK survivability. :dracthyr_lulmao:

EDIT: Also, what the heck does this bit mean? :eyes:

  • Homecoming
    • A new questing experience becomes available for the first time anywhere on March 3.
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Well, can’t wait for 1 tank to rule the meta again

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So the same affix behaves differently at different key levels? That’d be very weird.

Going off of what they said, I’m guessing at 12, only the increased death penalty is introduced, along with the typical increase in health and damage going from 11 to 12. And then beyond 12, the death penalty is kept while also adding additional scaling. But again, this is just a guess.

So in a way, yeah, it’s one affix doing two different things: Introducing an increased death penalty starting at 12, and increasing the enemy scaling per level for 13+.

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  • Primordial Wave has been redesigned – Now deals a high amount of damage to all targets affected by your Flame Shock.

I would like to suggest a correction here. “high” → “extremely low”

As it stands for Elemental, Primordial Wave exists to summon Ancestors for Farseer and to proc Splintered Elements. The ability itself is a damage loss compared to casting Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning otherwise.

  • Developers’ notes: We have a couple goals we are trying to address with this change. One is to reduce the overlap between Ascendance and Ancestral Guidance for Restoration, they both serve a similar purpose and are often combined together. Second, we’d like to bolster Enhancement and Elementals off-healing utility from intentional global cooldown usage while pulling back on more passive ways to restore group health.

As it stands, this update fails at the second point for Elemental at least. Healing Stream Totem’s healing is so pitiful that even if the buff were 800% over 80% it wouldn’t be worth using for the healing it provides, and our Healing Surges at best crit for 20% of our health.

It feels frankly like the second half of this paragraph was forgotten entirely when it comes to Elemental.

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Looking forward to it.

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I’m really enjoying this expansion so far, but i can’t believe that they have left Brann and the issues with interacting with objects they way they have, if it weren’t for my loot-a-rang saving me the hassles of clicking on stuff to loot, i would have went mad!

Just thinking of trying to loot Brann XP items again is frustrating me already.

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It doesn’t behave differently, it still adds the Challenger’s Peril effect at levels above 12. It just also has the additional scaling effect bundled in.

+12: 0%
+13: 12%
+14: 24%

It would be more accurate to say the one affix has multiple effects on the dungeon with more being added at higher levels than to say it does two different things depending on key level. It only ever adds functionality as you go higher, never changes it.

Can we have a demolition derby please.


this is going to be a rough prot warrior season boys