This is horribly worded, and actually is giving most people the impression that there is a chance of loot after the first kill from your Warband.
I have run many alts with full or near full raids, and nobody has gotten any item other than the war-bound one on their first kill.
It should be stated this way:
- The Gobfather no longer gives a random chance at equipment matched to a player’s specialization. Instead, drops a warbound-until-equipped item on the first kill each week per account.
If that’s true, horrible change
This needs to be changed back asap
It’s a pretty stupid change imo
It’s fine for those who have multiple alts of multiple armor types… but definitely not so fine for those who only play one or two characters.
I have multiple alts and its not fine, I switched mains, I want gear for my main when gear drops lol
WuE has ALWAYS been “Extra” not the main thing
The World Boss loot change is a major disincentive. At least, for me. I play multiple alts but if I am going to bother with a world boss, I want a chance of loot for that character. Oh well, I have killed it once and never need to bother again.
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Eh, the silver lining to that change is not having to ride the alt carousel getting a kill on every character on the account. I figured that’s what Blizz was going for when they decided to do that. But it’s usually unpopular when they change something to be account-wide like this. I guess some people LIKE spending all that time doing the same monotonous (IMO) thing on multiple characters. 
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I don’t know, that seems rather clear to me.
Its not that at all. It’s getting gear you can’t use
Sure like… if you get nothing it sucks, but if you get something its at least useful
I got plate boots… on my leather character with no plate plans this season
More likely is you wouldn’t see a single piece off the boss the entire season
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I get gear at a decent rate from world bosses
Except we rarely ever saw gear from world bosses. I saw one piece across five characters running that world boss every week for five months.
Some I know haven’t seen world boss gear in almost two years.
This guarantees a drop a week. There isn’t that much stuff to drop from that boss. Meaning we’ll all eventually get that piece we want.
Then you are a statistical anomaly, not the norm.
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My experience has not been that, I get drops at a decent rate.
This blows honestly, I do not like this change at all, also removes the fun of playing other alts as they can’t get anything.
One of the first things I liked to do for the first few weeks of a new patch was take low geared alts to do the world boss
I guess in a sense this isn’t too much of a big deal for those of us with only one real character, since you’re probably about as likely to get the piece of gear you want regardless? I mean like, before, you had a good chance of getting absolutely no loot at all. This change feels like it’s basically just filling in the “no loot” with “well, at least you’re getting loot for your alt.” But then I suppose that’s rather pointless, since in this scenario, the person doesn’t really play alts to begin with lol. Eh.
Having said that, it being account-wide is a bit of a bummer for folks who have multiple alts, since it effectively means they can only get 1 piece per week, whereas before, if they had a lot of characters, they’d have a chance of getting multiple pieces of loot. I only play one character, so this doesn’t really affect me too much. It just gives me free stuff instead of no loot at all when I’m unlucky. But I do get why it would be frustrating for folks with multiple alts. Not really sure what the happy middle ground is.
It isn’t a good feeling right now, but once your main has no usefulness for the world boss, maybe you already have a bunch of stuff for an alt. Bad now, good later.
And if people don’t play alts? Or they keep getting the same piece they can’t use?
Good news, you can do m0s and get the same ilvl loot
You can still get armor of your type.
It is a guaranteed piece every week. Chances are you’d get nothing anyway in the old system, so even if you get something your main can’t wear, it is better than nothing and go into your bank. Maybe some day you will use it on an alt.
Your experience is not the norm.
Now your alts are guaranteed a piece a week until you run out of drops from that boss.