Undermine(d) Update Notes

Thank you for fixing Hammer of Light interaction with Judgement.

But is the interaction with “Of Dusk and Dawn” fixed as well?

Don’t worry. They said it would be easier to play. :grimacing:

Joking aside, those changes are nasty.

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Difficulty levels of tiers 9, 10, and 11 have been lowered in Season 2.
Developers’ notes: In season 1, tiers above 8 were meant purely for players who wanted a challenge. Now that we have more desirable rewards such as Gilded Crests on bountiful tier 11, we wanted to review the difficulty levels of these tiers along with our philosophy behind them. We had previously balanced them with the thought that tier 11 would be a challenge for all players in the game, even up to the high mythic levels. In season 2 we are changing our philosophy for tier 11 to be the highest challenge for delve players, which means it is balanced around what fully upgraded gear players can get within the delve ecosystem as opposed to the entire game.

Looking forward to the upcoming changes for Delves next season!

You’re more than welcome to tank in Delves with the upcoming achievement… No meta required. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

These tier set images only serve to show how stupid the decision is not to give full transmogs to the dracthyr form. One of the most beautiful tier sets, which will not be shown in the main form of the race.

The dream for nuclear weapons is coming back. Going to have to get back into the Flameshaper Groove.

I play with chosen identity on my evoker. I will be seeing the mog for majority of my gameplay.

W patch!
Can’t wait to explore Undermine.
Also pretty happy with all the hunter changes. Let’s go!

They said they were ditching the extra 10% scaling, so I assume 10% is the normal key scaling and it’s adding 2%. That’s how they explained it a couple of months ago.

Why would you waste time doing Delves as a tank spec

Gotta ask Blizzard that one, there’s an achievement for clearing each and every T11 delve in all 3 roles in S2. Guess I’ll be trying out tanking for the first time in years, I want them nerd points. :shield:

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Oh didn’t even notice that

At the bottom if you’re interested.

Monk tier looks different to the preview? Wrong set linked?

Will it still be possible to do season 1 mythic+ dungeons next week? Or is March 4th the last day for KSM and CE for season 1?

You’re getting an aura buff of 32.3% in addition to still having insane rage gen and now ignore pain is 30% better.

Stop crying, you’re fine. You’re more than fine because Colossus is currently doing DPS levels of damage while also taking no damage.

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Well I’ll at least get the tank/dps ones done

Blizzard spent more development time making Brann an effective tank than Brewmaster.


There is!? Damn, I didn’t even bother with doing the War Within dungeons from season 1 as a tank or healer for those achievements either…. And for completing all 8 TWW dungeons as a tank, healer and dps, you get a transmog set.

Yea, the link to the guide for Delves for S2 is a couple of posts above this one, scroll to the bottom and it’ll show the new achievements

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Hopefully they support the patch and don’t let it fester like S1

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