UndercityUnited - Forsaken Community Discord

Undercity United

Are you undead? Do you like Undead? Well, come pull up a coffin and have a nice hot mug of blight with us! We are usually pretty friendly corpses as long as you don’t mind the occasional cannibalism and mess of blight that can be left behind!

This server has been around for several years now and has quite a few long time Forsaken RPers and guilds! We welcome all Forsaken, Newly risen and long time veterans alike! We are looking to grow our community, host public events, help connect guilds and help find RP connection!

Remember we do have an ingame channel at /join UndercityUnited that has been used for a Long time now! It’s far less active these days but some of us still stick with it!

Permanent Discord Link: https://discord.gg/J2ThTzp or join off of /J2ThTzp


Yes :open_mouth:

YES!!! :smile:

Okay! :tea:

Wait, I’m melting.

Bye everyone.

((In all seriousness this is a great community discord, 100% recommend joining))


:metal:t2::skull: Stay metal fellow undead :skull::metal:t2:

Unlife is the best life :skull::microbe:


Already a few faces have joined us! Wonderful!

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Not sure what happened to the rest of their bodies but the faces are welcome anyway.


Bring out ya dead!


Death to the living!


Loving all of the new faces since this was posted!

Joined. Victory for Sylvanas.


Get back to the top!

A street lamp dimly lights a vacant path, somewhere in Tirisfal Glades. Anzl walks into the faint glow, looking around at anyone who might pass. In a bold voice she proclaims:
“Hear ye, hear ye! This is Lordaeron Crier, Anzl Blightborne! You are hereby invited to join the fellowship of UndercityUnited! Come one, come all, to a Forsaken-centered community! Public events, guild coalitions, individual connections, and more await you! UndercityUnited needs you! Thank you.”
Anzl nods once, then walks to the next street lamp.


I play dk in non rp servers. They are undead. I wish they would add non human forsaken though. I would play one in a heartbeat.


I know many people who use Death Knights as a way to RP undead of other races!

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I will think about it. I kinda wish i could be an undead forsaken night elf (since no race should be left out of ressurrection) so i could actually be a druid in the horde without being a beast or troll but eh. idk what i want right now aside from that. Both the Blood elves and the Nightborne are very opposite of nature so im at a loss atm.

The server has been quite lovely as of late!

With the Undercity otherwise indisposed we’re just United. Which is nice.


The Undercity is not just a place. It may be gone but it is still within our unbeating hearts! :black_heart:


If people could choose a new hub for the Forsaken could be, where would you decide? ((All players))

Location right now.

And a location as if Blizzard was going to fix it and make it so.

Honestly? I’d say screw it and just use Gilneas for our new place. It’s already ours, so why not use it? There are a lot of Forsaken who were Gilnean and got screwed over and died outside of the wall. Not nearly as many as say Lorderon. But I think it’d be fun for us to rebuild both above and below it. Make it new Undercity or something. IDK.

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At the last recorded lore on the status of Gilneas, it was actually won by the Alliance, specifically the Gilneas Liberation Front. While Civilians do not populate it, Lord Darius Crowley remains in control as of the end of Silverpine Forest. To my knowledge we’ve had no subsequent lore on it.