Undead Keep Getting Dumpstered

Like how they cleverly stated that “who burned telsrassil will be a surprise!!” When literally everyone thought Sylvanas was gonna do it.

With these writers… there’s no faith anymore

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Actually the neck is going straight forward while the head connection is going straight down.

They may love their spine disease but the helmets didn’t do this on the old model.

He did confirm it. ‘‘Ion confirmed in an interview with Chinese players that Calia won’t be a new Forsaken Leader’’

We could argue all day about whether they are of Lordaeron or not but at the end of the day we are both right about that. Considering that the forsaken values conflict depending on the forsaken individual.

Arthas did nothing wrong.

‘‘lol’’ k?

‘‘Whose alt are you?’’ What are you even asking me here? If you think I’m some other poster that’s a load of nonsense considering I don’t even know how to do the direct quotes of my posts that you’re doing.


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I’ve seen this quoted several times, but here’s a question … when did she do this?

Because the only time I can think of is a loose couple of lines for BtS, where she refers to “Her People”? Which means she cares for them, but its also in the possessive sense … and thus we don’t know in which way she cares for them? As possessions, or people? Or was it when she curses the Loa for making her warchief? Which … could actually be true still. She may not have wanted to be Warchief, believes a Loa put her there (one did), but exploited the position anyway.

In fact, if she IS just being played. If her afterlife that she’s been so desperate to avoid really was a lie. If her Primes deal really was as “To Good to be True” as it appeared to be. Then … she may not be the one who made herself warchief, but was simply placed there to aid her in the direction someone pushed her in. The convenient lie she was told to make her as convenient. Her being the victim of the very same type of manipulations she has subjected so many others to is possible.

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“She will not join the Horde because of this” does not mean “will not join the Horde” lmao you’re ignoring the dependent clause so you can get mad later

lol ok

I am, I think the Forsaken trading up to their rightful heir after being used and discarded by Sylvanas - really getting back to their roots as a faction - would have been good for the race. It’s an interesting concept on paper IMO.

It’s just unfortunate they had to bring her back as this weird Light chimera thing. It’s too divorced from the core Forsaken aesthetic.


You lost me at Arthas did nothing wrong, to be honest.

But in terms of leadership, the best option would be for Blizzard to remember the actual canon line of succession for the Forsaken in the form of the Executors. They clearly forgot, given the creation of the Desolate Council, but the next in line for leadership would likely be Grand Executor Mortuus. He’s established, is in line with Forsaken themes enough that they can bring them back to pre-Cata edge levels without completely revamping them, and has a quirky but serious personality.

Getting back to their roots at the expense of everything that came after. The only way I can think of for Calia to work is for her to represent the people they were in life, while Voss gets equally built up as her equally powerful co-leader to represent who they have become since death.

BtS actually did have one good part, where it dealt with the idea the identity spectrum within the Forsaken is pretty varied. There are those who would reclaim their identities they had in life as much as possible if given the chance. There are those who have more thoroughly adopted their new Forsaken identities, for any number of reasons. There are tons in that spectrum in the middle.

Sylvanas only ever really supported the second group; Calia as for right now could only hope to support the first group. But Calia and Voss (as forced as they both are in their current roles) being built up into equal co-leaders … could theoretically and thematically facilitate that entire spectrum. Neglecting none of them. But, for it to even have a chance, its gotta be both.


True she was wearing a mask that she cared, but after she got her ability to feel back she came back for them so Garrosh wouldn’t send them to their deaths. Before she got her feelings back she said she was finished with them and thought of them as arrows. After she got them back she thought of them as ‘‘her people’’.

Upon further inspection I see now page 3: ‘‘Her body burst on the saronite stones below’’.

Page 4 ‘‘This isn’t real, sylvanas realized, suddenly aware of her own consciousness observing these ghostly events as they unfolded. She was dead: she could feel it, but her spirit was being held in limbo. What is this? The last thing she remembered was falling her demise.’’ I’m not actually wrong. She was given them after she hit the stones.

OK, but she was given those visions before she was allowed to go to hell … and she made her choice. She ONLY changed her mind AFTER she experienced her eternity in torment; and took that deal that honestly was always sketchy and way too good to be true. Those Primes had all the power in that deal and didn’t use hardly any of it. For what? So they can get a Sylvanas field trip until they eventually take her place in hell?

The motive from EoN wasn’t that she came to care for them. Its that she became terrified of what happened after death, and needed them again. They had to be “used carefully, no fool orc would waist them”. Nowhere does it say she can’t waist them if she so chooses. Above all … what did you think “Bulwark Against the Infinite Meant”? Meatshield Against her own Afterlife? A mass of bodies who can go to the same hell she herself is so afraid of?


Every bad thing Arthas did was after he claimed Frostmourne and was corrupted. Killing the infected people who were turning into zombies was the right call lol ok.

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Ergo why I most desire an Unholy Triumvirate with a Figurehead

Figurehead = Calia Menethil
Forsaken Human Leader = Lilian , now Deathstalker General (or make canon the Lightslayer concept)
Forsaken High Elf Leader = Velonara, now Ranger General
Forsaken Night Elf Leader = Delaryn, also Ranger General

Secondary leaders would be:
Mortuus, High Executor
Faranell, now Grand Apothecary
Belmont, put him in charge of the Deathguard
Aelthalyste, for Cult of the Forgotten Shadow
Lenara, put her as Ranger Captain

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‘‘I was once like you Garrosh.’’

‘‘Those who served me were tools arrows in my quiver.’’ She reached up and slowly brought down her hood, then directed her dark gaze at him. Her eyes were alive, their oversized jet-black pupils liviv with rage, red embers glowing deep within.

She cares about the forsaken they aren’t just tools to her anymore.

If you didn’t want to get complex, you could also do two A-Listers and 8 B-Listers. Voss represents what the Forsaken have become after death, and is given the growth needed to become that. Thus, she garners the loyalty and trust of Belmont, Tattersail, Velonara, and Faranell. Calia represents who the Forsaken were in life, and a part of them that also should not be neglected. She gets backed by Derek, Faol, Delaryn, and Leonid.

Boom! Its easier to write around, and gives a nice balance between Lordaeron Past and Forsaken Present. Creates two HERO class characters that Blizz can default on (which Voss is extremely powerful, Calia likely is). And creates a good supporting cast for both of them … and the greater Forsaken as a whole. Plus, you could justify Forsaken Paladins with this.


Not only does she not tell him how she was once like him, she then goes on from that line to tell us they were now her “Bulwark Against the Infinite”. She outright tells you their new role. And BTW, Garrosh never considered the people he considered HIS Horde as expendable tools. Even at his worst. He may have been exclusionary on who he considered as part of the “Horde”, but those who made the cut he actually did seem to care about in his own twisted way.

Everyone else where either enemies ore obstacles. Not tools that he relied on.


She does tell him how. I’ll type it again ''I was once like you Garrosh, she answered, her voice quiet and steady, loud enough only for the war chief to hear. ‘‘Those who served me were tools. Arrows in my quiver.’’

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Hoooold up, Cowboy. How? They’ve got Nathan Explosion hair, now. It’s great. The future of fashion is now, old man.

Slyvanas as a character getting ruined, yeah, fair.

Calia Menethil would be the worst possible fit for leadership of the Forsaken, though, for a multitude of reasons, and she still is likely to become the leader anyways.

Sweet Jamba Jesus, no.

If you want my opinion, the Forsaken are best off without a formal leader but instead of a military body to protect society while it carries on by itself, rather than a leader that is ill-equipped for their needs and wants.

Wait what if we get Thomas Zelling back from the Maw and with the New Fancy Necromancy from the House of Rituals in combination with his Tidesage powers, they raise all the dead Kul Tirans who died during BFA and become a Forsaken Navy under Admiral Derek Proudmoore, Captain Tattersail, and Tidesage Zelling.

Ho ho ho uwu

Natalie Seline + Faol are both given to the Forsaken formally, so we get Cult of the Forgotten Shadow more robustly along with your Forsaken Paladin idea.


Their new fashion is amazing. That’s not what I’m talking about.

And I don’t need my opinion to be implemented I just don’t want a crappy leader.

Pretty sure Tattersail is a Dread-Admiral now already lol. She’s the leader of the Forsaken Navy now from what I understand. :smiley: