Undead Keep Getting Dumpstered

My mistake. I misread your post, thought you were talking about Arthas there.

Carry on.


So is a Nation of intelligent Zombies…

It’s fiction. An fantasy system can work in a Fantasy setting of Fantasy People.

The undead male back/neck is horribly done. And if you compare it to the previous model even all the way back as far as vanilla the undead have much better models there. And I’m not just saying I don’t like it I’m saying the model looks legit broken.

Ion confirmed that Calia wasn’t going to.

And for the options of Arthas and Uther. The undead are still their people, they are the citizens of Lordaeron, death hasn’t changed that. Arthas was corrupted by Ner’zhul when he killed his father. An uncorrupted Arthas may still care for his people. And Uther clearly has strong feelings about the people of Lordaeron.

Intelligent zombies with no morals or ethics. A system like that falls apart as soon as one decides they want something and sees no problem with murdering someone to get it. It’s arguably even less likely than in its real world counterpart.

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*squints *



Zero idea what you’re referring to.

No he confirmed she wasn’t present at Icecrown as the Forsaken leader, specifically. People are intentionally reading into it so they can get mad later. lol

Actually this is the main point of contention on the forums, whether or not the Forsaken claim Lordaeron.


The living people, sure.

Well, a system of government isn’t meant to hold it’s citizens to morality or ethics anyway, not that the Forsaken ever had to worry about that anyway.

I never thought I’d see hunky undead. Well, except for the abominations.

Aren’t they? I mean we have laws saying you can’t steal, rape or murder because people would do those things if the threat of punishment wasn’t hanging over their heads.

Forsaken Males never skip leg day or shoulder day! But the extremely thicc traps is probably what is causing the scoliosis.

No. Governments pass laws but that’s not holding them to Morality. And citizens are only as ethical as a government allows them to be.

Point is, A government under Sylvanas was neither Moral or Ethical anyway, so it’s not like they’ve going to be much less Moral or Ethical under Anarchy either.

??? Do you personally feel the urge to do these things were it not for the threat of jail?!?!?? I am concerned.

Ethics aren’t created by the State??? What???


I very clearly said the back and neck model was broken not that the graphics quality was bad. The neck does not look connected to the spine in a believable way. And it makes helmets clip horribly. The back arch needs to be changed to fix the neck.

He did confirm that Calia was not going to join the horde a simple google search will clear that up for you.

They rally behind Sylvanas saying ‘‘The rightful heirs of Lordaeron’’ In Edge of Night.

‘’???’’ ???

Uther is now dead himself. It would be pretty hypocritical for him to denounce the forsaken based on them being undead.

I don’t know why you’re trying to argue with me when you don’t care enough to listen to what I’m saying, or to find out if what I’m saying is actually wrong or not.

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I mean, people in war still do that on a regular basis but have it covered up or ignored. No country’s laws are good enough to protect an enemy from their own army.

I’m not saying it’s acceptable, but laws or a government alone will not do much.

Did I say that? You and I both know there’s people that are only reigned in by the threat of justice.

shrugs Some people are terrible, what do you want me to say?


? It does actually? The Forsaken basically have severe Kyphosis. lmao

I mean yeah but WoW loves their scoliosis/spine diseases (e.g. Orcs originally)

Nope he said she wasn’t present at Icecrown as leader.

[…]We saw Calia and Valeera standing on the Horde side of things.[…]
"[…]In terms of Calia Menethil, you’re right that she is not the leader of the Forsaken. She is on top of Icecrown for a reason and you’ll learn that there’s some content that that people haven’t experienced yet, because it involves events of the prepatch - both Calia and Lillian Voss will be there in the prepatch, and that will set up some context for why Calia would go to Icecrown.

I don’t want to go into too much detail there, except I will say that if you think about Calia’s past and her family history, she has a personal involvement in the spectre of death that hangs over everything - and there’s no way that you can think of the Shadowlands and the power of death without thinking about Arthas and the Lich King and that legacy. So, I will say that Calia is involved in the Shadowlands more for her personal reasons than she is as a representative, or a leader in any way."

Yes but that was many years ago and Before The Storm has whatsherface correcting Calia saying she lives in Undercity not Lordaeron.

You want Arthas to be “redeemed”, brought back to Azeroth, and lead the Forsaken?


Nothing, because I’m saying a government will not prevent war crimes against an enemy unless its reputation with its people or allies is at stake.

Considering we’ve seen her lie to herself and the readers via her inner monologue, it’s impossible to take anything she says or thinks seriously anymore. You could tell me she and the forsaken are tireless defenders of the living and it has a 50/50 shot of being correct at this point.


This is probably the single most generous interpretation of that short story I’ve ever seen. Kudos. No wonder you were completely blindsided by the Sylvanas we saw in BtS and BfA. Especially since what you said is actually false. She wasn’t given her visions of what would happen to the Forsaken after she splat. She was given them before. Behold!

"Annhylde remained patient, her voice soothing and measured. “To show you the consequences of your passing, and to offer you a choice…”

“I’ve made my choice,” Sylvanas interrupted.

“Your people will perish!” said the dark-haired Val’kyr. She had clearly been the youngest of the battlemaidens in life and was now the most impatient in her undeath.

Sylvanas thought about her people. They had come far from their decimated origins, the yearning, confused mob of fresh corpses huddled about the ruins of Lordaeron’s wrecked capital. The Forsaken were truly a nation now: a fetid, gore-caked, hideous mass of lifeless husks, skilled in combat, devastating with the arcane arts, and unhindered by fetters of morality. They had been honed into the perfect weapon. Her weapon. And they had struck the killing blow for which she had built them. She cared nothing for their fate.

“Let them perish!” Sylvanas cried. “I am finished with them!”

In this short story we have Sylvie’s entire relationship with her Forsaken up until the Fall of Arthas recontextualized to where she was just using them as tools. She was wearing a mask that she cared, while pushing them in a direction that was convenient for her goals and her objectives. She then jumps from ICC; is given visions of what would happen to her Forsaken; and her response is clear. “LET THEM PERISH. I AM DONE WITH THEM!” It is only when she experiences her afterlife, realizes the horror that awaits her there, that she decided to come back for her new “Bulwark Against the Infinite”. Because she realizes she needed them, her abandoned tools, again.


I mean no? I think people who murder do so independently of the threat of jail (ergo murderers in jail) and I think most people do not wish to murder if actually given the opportunity and power to do so.

I do not think the existence of laws actually serves as a deterrent for violent crimes. Deterrent for speeding? Sure. Deterrent for excessive drug or alcohol consumption? Absolutely. Murder/etc? No.

Idk I think the UD male model is fine. However when you choose to hide your bones your toes still stick out from your shoes for whatever reason. It’s really awful. Small indie company.