Undead Keep Getting Dumpstered

First they ruin Undead male models. Then they retcon Sylvanas’ personality as understood in Edge of Night, and use that to take her out of the Horde leaving the undead with no faction leader. Then they confirm that Calia Menethil, one of the last true heirs of Lordaeron (who recently became an undead) is NOT being set up to lead the Forsaken.

And after all that now I’m hearing talk amongst players that Lillian Voss, of all people, is a candidate? Like what? Where is this going? The player character is a better candidate that Lillian Voss, and that is unacceptable. Even if she is the only undead besides Nathanos that they’ve actually put recent work into.

Unless they plan to bring an uncorrupted Arthas (or perhaps Uther) back in Shadowlands to lead the Forsaken, this is all one big mess that’s going to need a very large mop to clean.


Create new leaders. Kel’Thuzad is an option too if you think about it.

But really Voss for the defense against annihilation, and someone else that’s made to lead the Forsaken.

Ideally away from Lordaeron.


The closest thing I can think of them implementing is an undead council made up of the several ‘‘important’’ undead units like The Black Bride, Belmont, Lydon, etc. But with the lack of character development with every single one of them that feels pretty hollow.

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Make a league of assassins. The deathstalkers led by Voss. There needs to be another to handle statecraft though. Ideally NOT a king or queen.

I bet the Forsaken would welcome him with open arms. :laughing:

Seriously tho, yeah I feel you. I don’t know where this is going but I also hope we won’t end up with Voss leading the Forsaken.

I don’t know why they had to ruin Nathanos too. I wanted to see him turn against his beloved Queen at some point. He is a Lordaeronian (so he would be a ‘true’ racial leader of the Forsaken since most of them are from Lordaeron) and the only Forsaken character that got plenty of development after Sylvanas.
Imo a big waste.


I could see Lydon handling statecraft.

  1. You sound disappointed about that?
  2. I don’t believe them. I think they think they’re cleverly faking us out.

I get that Arthas may not be welcomed. Although I am an undead main since WC3 who believes Arthas did nothing wrong. But I added Uther because of that who would be a pretty solid choice considering.

The reasons being that he never turned his back on his people even when they were infected, and he was killed by Arthas as well. He’s also a very well known character that would fit right in. The only problem is that Blizzard likely will never consider him as an option.

Wait, this sounds like a good thing. Why would you want the antithesis of Forsaken to lead them?


I don’t see how she is the ‘‘antithesis’’ she is of Lordaeron and they are her people. She also stood for some of the Forsaken and was killed by Sylvanas for it.

I believe it’s because she chose to be an undead instead of being forced into it. I guess they just want another Sylvanas so the Forsaken can go back to their mad science and general crimes against everything.


“As understood” how? Because there were two ways to look at the outcome of that Short Story. Either you gave her the benefit of the doubt, and took her “Bulwark Against the Infinite” and “No fool orc would waste them” as her moving on from using them as tools. Or, it was the reverse, and all she literally did was written on the page. She repurposed a tool she once abandoned because she realized she needed them for something new. The prior option meaning she was unlikely to abandon them again, the latter absolutely meaning she probably would.

Seems to me the only thing that was retconned in that story at least was people’s interpretation; based on how generous they were willing to be to and with Sylvanas. Two possible meanings, one view was proven incorrect … the other proven correct.


Question: Why do they even NEED a leader?

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I mean leaders inevitably rise in a community whether the people want them to or not. Somebody needs to make decisions.


Leaders as a voice but not a ruler.

Why can’t they be the first, functioning Perfect Anarchy?

Because they’re a pipe dream. Like Communism.


The Val’kyr let her die, before Annhylde brought her back, so she could feel again. They used that as a tactic to sway her decision. She saw visions of what would happen to the forsake. And with her feelings back she realized she didn’t want them to be thrown away by Garrosh and came to their aid. That’s more than an interpretation that was the whole purpose of giving her a reason to live. Then they took away her compassion for what she thought of as ‘‘her people’’ in BFA.

Nope, he just turned his hammer on them.



Uther refused to cull them actually. The only undead he slays are mindless.

Whose alt are you?


Yeah this sucks.

They didn’t say that. They said Calia is not present at Icecrown as the leader of the Forsaken.

I don’t think anybody actually believes this.

How is either option better?

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