Undead Keep Getting Dumpstered

What did Arthas do wrong? Every bad thing he did was after Frostmourne corrupted him.

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If this has to be explained…than I don’t know what to tell you.


How can you respond like that after what I typed? Name one thing.

Yeah just checked, forgot they changed her from Dread Captain to Dread Admiral. Don’t think Derek would mind being Dread Commodore :stuck_out_tongue:


Lordaeron for starters, Stratholme, murdering his own troops while still in Northrend. Wiping out 90% of the hIgh elf population, descrating Dalaran.

I’m a Arthas fanboy to the EXTREME. And trust me, the dude was evil from the get go

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True enough. Though I suppose we could just have two equal Admirals. Regardless, there is merit enough if both of them are built into Forsaken Leaders. Equal in power, and counterbalancing eachother thematically to represent all identities within the Forsaken.

EDIT: Now that I think about it you could really build up two cities for them too, with both Stratholme and Lordaeron. Adding to that theme with what both those cities represent.


Stratholme was the right decision. As you can see in WC3 and Culling of Strathholme those people were a threat and it would be easier to deal with them before they became undead. None of what you listed happened before Stratholme where Mal’ganis got him to go to Northrend to be corrupted.

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I thought the issue with the culling wasn’t the decision itself, but how he jumped straight to it without even questioning another way.

And why does it matter that the troop killing happens after Stratholme? It was still before he picked up the sword, even if you want to absolve him of everything he did after taking it.


They have battled the scourge before there is no known way of reversing it. He thought on his feet and resolved himself to do what needed to be done.

Was it before he claimed the sword? I don’t recall that. I just searched for it and can’t find it. Do you have a link?

  • more Undead Night/High Elf presence in Ghostlands! Repurpose Deathholme.

Stratholme should have docks no?

Depends on the choices. Definitely a better option that Calia Menethil. At least because her [Calia’s] story is a story of a person, whose nation have both undead and the living, and arguably should not turn into a forsaken exclusive.

Not all of them are “her people”, so you would need a creative definition that would include Cata+ non lordaeron undead, and exclude lordaeronian refugees, because… because.

There is some pre-patch stuff that distanced her away from leadership position.

The interview you’re referring to is not from Ion, it was said, about Ice Crown, by Danuser.

But how do you handle the way the exposure to Light alters the undead? It’s not like they can hide from it, be she a queen or a janitor.

gl hf

I disagree about Calia not being fit to lead the forsaken. She literally died for them because Sylvanas didn’t want an uprising.


Yeah, canonically it was a major harbor town. Apparently they’re supposed to be in that still locked zone called “Northern Lordaeron”. Also, hell, lets get the Forsaken back to their roots here. With the Helm of Domination gone, maybe its possible to start salvaging Scourge minds again? Its a resource only the Forsaken can really make use of, and anyone too mush and too far gone could be harvested for parts.

Hell, who knows? The Storm Giants are extinct … maybe there are some Undead Storm Giant minds that can be brought back that can be brought into the Forsaken as an NPC race?


I am not saying she can’t lead, because she herself claims that she might lead those who would want to follow her. I am saying that it’s not just about undead. Which creates the problem IMO. Maybe not for others, I can’t say for everyone.

Also, she died, because she thought that the forsaken are her friends, and Sylvanas was a fake queen. But she [edit: Sylvanas] was real [leader] for them [forsaken]. And it was a forsaken, who told Sylvanas about Calia.

I think it would be cool to get Strathome back. With all the scourge “tech”, and plenty of perished souls to rescue. But it’s just me.

gl hf


Had to do some digging since my BTS copy is a audio book. Can’t tell you which page it’s on but:

“A curse upon Vol’jin and his loa. I should have stayed in the shadows, where I could be effective without being interrogated.”

Where I could do as I truly wished.

She’d never wanted this. Not really. As she had told the troll Vol’jin before, during the trial of the late and greatly unlamented Garrosh Hellscream, she liked her power, her control, on the subtle side. But with quite literally his dying breath, Vol’jin, the Horde’s leader, had commanded that she do the opposite. He had claimed he had been granted a vision by the loa he honored.

You must step out of da shadows and lead.

You must be warchief.

Vol’jin had been someone she respected, although they had clashed on occasion. He lacked the abrasiveness that so often characterized orc leadership. And she had been genuinely sorry he had fallen-- and not just because of the responsibility he had placed on her head.

Sylvanas states, to herself, that she didn’t want to be Warchief. We’re now told that her entire plan was to do just that. She curses Vol’jin and the Loa for appointing her as Warchief. But we now know that the Jailer is the one who orchestrated the appointment. Why is she cursing Vol’jin for something she knows was the Jailer’s plan from the get-go?

I’m beginning to see why the writers despise canon so much. Having to actually keep your characters consistent must be such a chore /s


I personally still think the Forsaken should turn Undercity into a flying Necroplis, because it would be such a big middle finger to the alliance. And we know how the forsaken love to prove how resilient they are.

I have a feeling if they made the UD city a necropolis, which would be cool as hell, it’d be 100% more effective than the Vindicaar.


Actually, they never specify if it was her plan, or just “the” plan if you’re referring to that Dev interview. The actual wording is … not just poor grammar use, but a bit vague to say the least. Technically speaking this is not contradictory until such a time its revealed that she actually was working in cooperation with Mueh’zala to kill Jin. She could still not want to be Warchief, but still exploit it while she had it. As of right now, we only know A or THE plan was to make her Warchief.

And considering how indoctrinated and culty-coolaid she’s coming off as in the new trailer, I’d wager its slightly better odds now that her afterlife really was a lie; her Primes were playing her, and that deal really was WAY too good to be true; and she’s been marching to the beat of someone else’s drums all this time. And before you say “The Jailor is New”, all you really need to do is plug Yogg-Saron into the Jailor’s current role and that idea works just as well (if not slightly better).

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Probably right. Because, the forsaken would likely use it as a mobile chemical warfare weapon on top of being used as their capital :gift_heart:

You certainly could try and handwave her appointment to Warchief as something she didn’t want but ultimately needed to do. But it’s much harder to try and handwave her cursing Vol’jin and the Loa for appointing her Warchief in the first place. If she’s been working with the Jailer from EoN until now, knows the plan is to become Warchief, why is she cursing Vol’jin and not the Jailer for making her Warchief? It was the Jailer’s plan, not Vol’jin’s.