Is there anyway a GM can grant access to my account to purchase a WOTLK-classic WoW Token with in-game gold?
I believe gms stoped doing that when they added the trading post.
GM’s do not assist with this, another thread recently had the same problem and was not granted gametime.
They cannot help unfortunately.
You can scroll down, choose WotLK, then hit the “I want game time” for more info. It states you must have active game time to buy or consume a token in Wrath.
Thanks, i’ve seen that and was seeing if a CM could grant/gift access (has been done in the past) to gather gold on retail for a token. Or to log on Wrath to purchase
If you have enough gold on retail then it should prompt you if you’d like to buy a token when you go to log in. The support article I linked has some good info in it on how to buy and use a token on the various versions of the game.
There arent any gms here in the past you could ticket for a day as i and the others mentioned they no longer do it.
They’re not doing it anymore. It’s on the player to make sure to consume a token on WotLK before time runs out. Otherwise you’ll need to make other arrangements.
But more importantly, like Darth has said, there are no GMs on the forums. The only Blues you’ll see here on CS are SFAs, and they don’t have that power. And as was linked above you, as recently as 27 days ago, GMs denied someone else’s request for the same. The rules for token use are clear.
This is simply untrue. They have their guidelines in-place and typically go-by-it in general. But there are certainly case-by-case where a CS can over-look a post and help with ticket processing. My irl just had time gifted about 4-5 weeks ago to do exactly what I am asking. I only posted in CS in hopes a CS agent could help push my ticket etc
That’s not a thing, no.
Everyone is treated equally. First in, first out.
These forums arent staffed 24/7 nor is it there jobs to do what a GM does they also dont just gift game time its up to them to open a ticket and ask. Care to post a link where a blue did so.
CS is a player to player assistance forum. Our SFAs do not man the forum 24/7. And you’re never guaranteed a Blue response, not that that response would do anything for you here, since granting that time is outside of the SFA’s purview. Only a GM can grant that. And you were linked a similar case from 27 days ago where someone else asked and was denied.
Because of the way Wrath tokens are set up, you HAVE to have purchased the token and use it before time runs out. Retail has the benefit of being able to purchase a token with or without time, and use a pre-purchased token with or without time.
Wrath requires you to plan ahead. You didn’t, so you will need to get time another way. I’m sorry.
And in case you didn’t bother clicking the link above, this is from that person who asked a GM for the time to go on their Wrath character.
The only way you can ask for the time is to submit a ticket. But I really wouldn’t get your hopes up, and you should be looking to an alternate method of subscribing while you wait for that response.
You are welcome to block someone if you no longer want to see their posts. However anyone in good standing (ie has the ability to post) can post on whatever threads they would like.
Not liking an answer does not make it wrong.
How do I block him? He is basically harassing me and follows me on every forum. (sorry ik it looks weird without back story). It’s not that I don’t like or agree with his answer. But he knows what he doing (subtle trolling). I would 100% block him if I knew how. Can’t find it on google either
EDIT: I found it, thank you so much. I know it won’t block all his toons but this is better than nothing.
Click the users profile picture. Click the icon that looks like a message to see their forum profile. Near the top is a box that says “normal”. Click that box then select the ignore option. This will ignore that specific character. It is not battlenet wide if someone posts using another character.
When you post in a public forum, you are inviting anyone who is subscribed with their account in good standing to reply to it.
Just because you don’t like what you’re being told, doesn’t really mean much, I’m afraid. But what I and everyone else has told you in this thread is 100% correct. There are no GMs on this forum. The SFAs (the only Blues you’ll see on this forum) cannot grant you what you want. If you want that snowball’s chance, you’re going to need to submit a ticket. Period.
She. o.O I have not? I rarely venture outside of CS. We had some back and forth with an alt of theirs arguing about GDKPs. Editing because I am always an open book and don’t hide my posting history - I did go to a SoD post from that GDKP one that got locked and though I was posting there, I didn’t interact with their pally under that same time. I was in a back and forth with someone else. So I’m not sure where this accusation of following THEM is coming from.
Thing is, forum staff are still bound by the same policies that govern GM’s, as set by the developers.
What you probably don’t understand is that GM’s etc can only do whatever their toolset allows them too. As this is something that had a policy change, I would not be surprised if the devs also made changes to the toolkit to remove that functionality. Ie, even if someone wanted to, they probably couldn’t.
It would be highly doubtful, given the current layoffs, that anyone is going to risk their job by breaking policy.
Ugh. What?
Yeah, I don’t know either? We had discourse in a single other thread but now I’m harassing them apparently. I didn’t even notice the name at first until the attitude had me look at their history and it clicked. So yeah. But now it’s expanded that I’m some mass reporter and am involved in a discord server for it?
this isnt reddit if yall dont like each other dont comment on each others stuff. be adults