That’s usually my line re: Reddit. I actually don’t have a problem with OP, contrary to whatever they’ve got going on. And I was responding to Nephe there. My last post to the OP was above, and I’m content to leave it at that with them. This other, I’m just as baffled as I am amused. The folks around here know me better than that. I can be obstinate sometimes, but in my history here - I would never do what I’m being accused of.
Anyone in good standing can post were they like the op seems to think theres a grand conspiracy against him.
It would seem prudent for Wasianbroly to /ignore Leillieth and for Leillieth to /ignore Wasianbroly. Do this on the Blizz forums, Discord, and any other platform. Issue solved.
As to the topic, I play in F2P mode on retail and always get the pop-up on the character selection screen to use gold to buy a game time token. I wonder why the devs specifically programmed Classic to forbid that option. It’s the same subscription after all.
Loosely related to the topic, is it an option to use in game retail WoW gold to directly buy battle net balance? Not a game time token, just BNet Balance. I really have no interest in activating a WoW subscription but I’m pretty sure I’ve got a good bit of gold stashed on my various characters. I could use the balance to buy Hearthstone items.
They have in the past but things could have changed. Also if you asked before i doubt they would a second time.
Even when they could i am guessing they had a small check list of stuff that could get this turned down.
If they say NO then your out of luck
I don’t think that they programmed it not to. It wasn’t a feature of the game back in the day, so it’s more likely that they haven’t added it, rather than that they programmed it not to work.
Nope. The game token, depending on where the player lives, can be turned into balance, but you have to be in-game to convert it.
Can you explain a bit further? I live in US so I don’t think location is an issue. If I get the couple days of free time (that is apparently possible in retail) to consolidate gold, then what?
You don’t get free time so much as you can still log in to characters under level 20. The system will also let you use gold on your account (even spread around) to purchase a token to activate time.
That article says how to turn a token into balance.
Edit: I’m kinda curious how many times I can link this article on this thread
Thanks. The article was helpful, but to clarify, I don’t want to use gold to activate game time. I just need to consolidate gold to get a token for BNet Balance. I think I’d have to be in the game to mail gold from multiple characters to one single character. And then buy a token (or tokens) from the Auction House and retrieve it from the mail. So I’d need that one or two days of game time to go through that process. (Maybe a couple more days since there have been a few reports of people not getting their tokens and having to wait on GM tickets to push them through.) Is there a way to find out the sum total of all my gold on all characters?
You actually wouldn’t have to go through all of this. So long as the gold isn’t sitting in a personal guild bank and is actually on your characters or in their mail - you should be able to buy your token from the screen and it will just pull it from those characters on your server. Now whether you’d get the option to use it for Bnet Balance or Game Time on an account that doesn’t have active game time - I don’t know. Perhaps someone else has a more concrete answer that it would give you the option to convert it to the balance or if you would have to use it for game time only. That part isn’t made pointedly clear in the artcile.
I don’t believe that you can, but perhaps one of the SFAs can take a glance? I don’t know that they would be able to say exactly to the last copper you have available, but whether you’d have enough to get your token.
If you’re on the character list on retail, and you have enough gold on all characters on that server, and you have no game time currently, it should give you an option to buy a token for game time only.
If you want balance you need game time, but as far as i know, and already mentioned, gm staff can’t grant that.
The only exception i know of is it might not allow you to buy the token if your character bank is drawn down to zero, or if there’s no tokens in the system.
In the “I Want Game Time or Battle Net Balance” portion of the article, it seems (if I’m understanding it correctly) you need to buy that type of token from the auction house in game, which is not available without an active subscription. Same with using the mail system, so I think I’d need to get a tiny bit of time granted to be able to do that.
I thought they can’t grant it for Classic, but they could for retail.
Classic is free with game time in Retail. So any game time works for both. And with trading posts, as far as I know they stopped granting game time like they did in the past.
You mean when they added that feature, that coincided with a policy about granting a day or two of game time? Or does the Trading Post somehow impact how the game time granting works?
That’s from the article Jeysca linked, re: not having to go into the game and physically use the AH. Without active game time, it can all be done through the character screen.
BUT. I actually found the answer I didn’t know by going into a different article.
So you can buy a token for game time from your character selection screen. You wouldn’t have to physically go into the game and the AH to buy a token to reactivate your game time.
But it doesn’t look as though you’d get the option to buy a token to add to Blizzard Balance without active game time through the character screen. It would only work to activate a token for game time.
When they added this feature, they stopped giving out game time. It’s simply not something that they do anymore.
So in order to buy a token and convert it to balance, you would first have to purchase game time.
You would need to use enough gold to get yourself game time. Once you have that, you can use additional gold to buy tokens for Bnet Balance.
Without game time you can ONLY get the game time token.
Sounds like there is no more granting of a day of game time here and there. I was not aware of that until this thread. Like most things, I am going to assume it got abused so had to be taken away
I think you need to click on the little drop down menu at the top of the article. It’s a different explanation for getting a Game Time Token versus a BattleNet Balance Token.
Those are the same thing. The token purchased from the AH for gold can either be turned into game time OR balance.
The confusion here only comes from not being able to log into the game and buy the token. When a player has enough gold to get a token, but does not have game time, the system in place will allow the player to buy the token from the character selection screen for game time only. It automatically applies that game time.
If a player wants to convert a token to balance, they MUST purchase the token from the AH and they need to live in an area where that’s allowed. Being in North America would be one of those locations where it’s allowed.
That’s seems a bit obnoxious to be honest. So if I have 500k gold and want BNet Balance I have to throw away 250k on unwanted game time merely for the opportunity to spend another 250k to get BNet Balance. That’s pretty gross.
That’s a shame. I suppose I could ticket and ask anyway, but I won’t get my hopes up.
Thanks for the help everyone!