Have two WoW Tokens in my bag but can't log in to use them - WotLK

I got the following answer from Xyphibennu:

"Apologies for the delay getting back to you, it’s pretty busy here recently with the Dragonflight, Wrath of the Lich King Classic, Hardcore Classic, Season of Discovery Overwatch 2 and Diablo IV updates, among other things

Since WoW Classic requires active gametime to log in, there is no current way to use a WoW Token from Wrath Classic if your account is inactive.

Unlike in Dragonflight where you can still log into the character selection screen and characters level 20 or below, Wrath and Classic need active time to even get to the character screen.

In future you would want to use the Wrath Classic token before you run out of time, or keep the Tokens for time on your Dragonflight characters."