Uhhhh hey why do the new heirloom

340?? that’s (current) heroic dungeon level! Honestly I don’t understand Heirlooms and why people feel so dead set on having them. Unless im leveling a new toon 1-120 (which since I capped my pally in Legion, the last class I needed, I don’t see happening in the near future) but for just the 10 lvls from say, Legion to BFA, its less than a two day grind (how long it took to cap my monk) sure it woulda been just a touch faster, but with Islands, Dungeons, and the invasions, we already have quite a few different ways to level quickly. Even just questing goes extraordinarily quickly compared to some xpacs in the past

340 is also when ilevel clams down. Why it came to mind, its when I start to truly enjoy the game.

but like you the 110 to 120 I am not seeing. yes the leveling there can suck. But it sucks for reasons this gear won’t fix. Its that ilevel scale. If looms make this go away expect p2w rants. Rants blizzard probably doesn’t want lol.

In retrospect I’d not have done the 100-110. But I like legion. An extra day or 2 not that bad there imo. Hell I am there more than BFA on the 120’s so there voluntarily often now anyway lol. Do my cache runs, call that done and stone to dalaran.

Lmao I spend a decent amount of time in New Dal on this toon too, but only because there is a way to get into horde side w/o getting ported out as a DH and its amusing to see peoples reactions, gotten a few new btag friends that way :smiley:

Where I agree with your point that they do make an extra 5. The reality is the economy went to the dogs soon as they started the token system. The people like myself who have committed the 15/mo for years ended up getting the shaft, not the token players.

Token buyers are the ones who ruined pricing in this game in general. Inflation occurred when those were pushing to pay for their accounts with them on the back of others. I would love to see that stats, how many who pay with real money vs wow token actually spend the 20 on them. I know myself at the beginning of BfA I was forced to buy a few just for the ridiculous costs of everything.

Yeah this is a bit rediculous for pricing. I mean I can afford it, not a huge deal to me I have millions but I know plenty of people who do not have that kind of money laying around. And no you shouldn’t have to spend more IRL money to reasonably buy the stuff in a subscription MMO. It is not like we are bringing in gold like we did in legion.

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As the prices have been adjusted, I’m closing this thread to ensure pricing discussions are on the proper amounts.