Uhhhh hey why do the new heirloom

RIP this was me, on a sales alt, swapping from desktop to mobile was wonky

110 to 120 is so fast, why bother with the cost to upgrade? And why would new players need heirlooms? Gold sinks exist and are heaviest for things that are purely optional, nobody is forcing you to use heirlooms let alone grind gold or buy tokens. The time spent on the forums complaining would be better used questing.

Some people dont enjoy leveling up over and over and heirlooms help with that significantly. I myself always make sure i have heirlooms for all my character just in case one or more of my classes arent viable. Such as right now my dk which i was hoping ot main is legit trash tier so now I have ot level up pallies and rogues for progression

back when i really wanted to gget rep with everyone and hit them hard, it took me less than 2 hours to every WQ in both KT and Zan. every. single. one. so now, and with gear ilvls being what they are today, to get the emmissary done and a handful of others to ger paragon, easily take an hour or less. before you go out, look at the WQ, take a minute to plot a path and use your whistle. you can get thru many of them in no time with a little brain power applied to it.

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Try killing stuff.

Quiet human male paladin ugh Zzzzz

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“They’re not making a completely optional nearly superfluous set of items super cheap, this is abuse!”

… this is pathetic.

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You seem like the type that enjoys timegating? Am I wrong?

Not particularly. Not that much of a killjoy either though since I have plenty of stuff to do. If I didn’t I wouldn’t be playing longingly gazes at RE2 Remake

Oh no. I’m a pacifist. No killing for me.

Tortotllen WQs. I really like the matching minigame.

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You’ll want to upgrade them anyways, much like weapons, because next expansion and beyond you’re not going to give two hoots about Azerite gear. Just like now how we don’t give a hoot about artifact weapons.

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I remember back in my day, when we didn’t have Blood Elf Paladins…

There’s middle ground between enjoying something and throwing a hissy fit on the forums about it.

Blizzard seems to be trying to drain our gold despite BfA already providing much less gold to us than the previous expansion. Everything got significantly more expensive despite less income.

Everything sucks for people who didn’t spam alts on gold missions during WoD and Legion, tbh. Obviously anyone can attempt to play the auction house, but it takes a certain kind of person to truly dive into that and actually enjoy it.


I won’t be buying them this time. Blizz is acting like everyone is a mythic guild that sells runs.

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Even in an online game you can’t get around catering for the wealthy…
So only those with exorbitant amounts of gold or willing to fork over cash should have access?

Luckily I can afford it via printing money across tons of alts in WOD & Legion, but this just seems unfair.

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I will agree its not worth it.

At least until they kill off ilevel scaling.

I could see, and did, the 100-110 upgrade for legion. Nice gear, stayed ahead of the power curve just a bit to make legion (I was late legion start, artefact gear was killed off already) an easier run. So you go something besides the XP boost.

Unless these looms are getting boosts to be equal to 340 gear minimal (some classes its more like 360+) ilevel scaling is going to do the same thing to this gear. If not harder. Current 110-120 ilevel assumes you find gear. If RNG hates you…you don’t beyond some pieces as quest rewards.

Full loom set, ilevel boosts per level…this is asking ilevel monster to come by just tear apart that player faster. This may be seen in DH start scenario. With stat squishing and such the DH start area can be rough since never adjusted for several game changes.

Many reports of you do not want to whip out the looms here. It makes it even worse…Unless they uber boost the new looms (and risk p2w whines) bfa might suffer the same fate maybe.

Suffer the 10 levels seems prudent really. My next run through would be a plate class. DK or paladin. I won’t mind that 10 levels…tanks fair better under this ilevel crap as I have seen with VDH. Yeah you may grind a bit but you don’t die in accidental 4 on 1’s though lol.

Thank you; very helpful!
Flips hair

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Good for you belfs are the true paladins thank you