Ugh... the graphics again

I must have got my Lieutenant Commander title from a bug or something, right?

Wouldnt surprise me. Im betting you got it from the re-addition of ranks.

We can stop making this about us now, I’ll even let you have the last word if you want it.

Blaming other people for personal attacks

personally attacking himself

Lol you are pathetic. And I thought that you really wanted to prove here something. Jeez.

And If I want to play something pretty outside and something pretty inside? What do I do?

You are trying too hard to put words in everyone’s mouth.

I personally like the older models, but I truthfully don’t care if there was a toggle. As long as it doesn’t effect the servers during large scale open world PVP. If the new models only another player sees effect the game in any way I’m out. That is my only concern.

I can see it opening a big can of worms down the line when armor doesn’t look right with new models and players beg for it to be fixed.

Then you get a time machine, or quit caring about the graphics on things and just learn to appreciate the gameplay. OSRS has some pretty god awful graphics but people are still playing that game. Same with Classic, it doesn’t look the prettiest but the gameplay is what makes it.

You need to learn you don’t always get it both ways and you must compromise.

If you want a gorgeous looking game with little to zero actual depth or excitement, you have Black Desert as an option. Alternatively RS3, or BFA.

If you want an ugly looking game with a ton of depth, you have OSRS or Classic.

If you’re willing to moderately compromise have both be “looks pretty good” “plays pretty good” but clearly room for improvement, you have FFXIV.

Says the elf

They won’t upgrade the graphics 1 because it’s not a game changer for most people.
2 that’s what classic reforged is for.

Im not here to prove anything, you are. I pointed out that you are required to prove your case and you are asking everyone to do the work for you. I have no horse in this race.

This is incredible. Thats what i call deaf to logic. But you also deaf to reading and sense which people put in their messages.
Didn’t I tell already dozen of times that I AM appreciating gameplay?
THis is the same as you will tell your children to eat raw meat or raw eggs or unprepared veggies. They are the same carbs and even more proteins, but the taste sucks. Why you picking one thing to eat over another if it’s all proteins carbohydrates and fat? Why you just don’t buy the cheapest stuff and shove into your mouth? Why taste is important for you?

Jeez. you just can’t think do you? You don’t see any logic in any of this?
No it is not. WoW Classic is a DISH it has proteins and it has valuable fats and a bit of carbohydrates.
But tastes sucks (for me and for other people like me). and I want this dish, not another dish which has another taste and other ingredients, I want THIS ingredients but with additional topping, cause only then I will enjoy this dish for 100%
I don’t want YOU to taste this dish with this topping, you can enjoy this dish all you want with original taste™ but you have no right to tell cook to NOT add toppings which only I will experience.

This is incredible. And this says the person who tells other to shove their stuff up their peach and shut up. Could you please practice what you preach?

I just… I can’t. Is this even allowed to be THIS level of illogical?

Why do I want to play FF if I’m not interested in their Universe? Is this Square forums? Am I FF fan or something? Do I look like I care about any of those games you mention and did I ever said something about any other game in this or any other thread?

Okay, since you want to start being needlessly belligerent I shall respond to you in kind. Better get yourself a box of tissues if you’re going to get this irate over a simple statement because I imagine what I’m about to say will induce tears.

Maybe if you had the reading comprehension of something greater than that of an eight year old, you might realize what I was saying is learn to appreciate the game solely on the gameplay and not overly fixate on the graphics. This is why games with terrible graphics, like I mentioned with the case of OSRS are still going strong despite being in a market what heavily relies on your game looking pretty.

There’s only so much a game can do, it’s no secret that most games who allocate all of their resources into looking great tend to be horribly lacking in actual gameplay. See- Black Desert Online, MoP/WoD/Legion/BFA, RS3 specifically regarding MMOs.

This is also why you’re noticing a large shift AWAY from the much better looking games because they have next to zero depth and people are finding themselves enchanted by the ideas of Classic WoW, Old School RuneScape, FRICKEN EVERQUEST OF ALL THINGS.

Considering the fact you type like an absolute mongoloid I have a hard time buying this statement because I can’t imagine you being over the age of 16. Your typing is utterly abysmal, your ability at reading comprehension leaves A LOT to be desired, and frankly the entire argument you’re making is somehow even dumber than my perception of you based on your own posts which a massive undertaking.

Since you clearly don’t understand nutrition to any meaningful degree, let alone food I’ll still give an answer and give my prayers to God that he grace you with a brief amount of intelligence so you can hopefully understand this:

There is a certain amount of each thing you can take in without the balance being messed up and the dish becoming utterly unhealthy for you. Even with vegetables. Carbohydrates can be quality of life, they can be found and added to about damn near anything on the plate but if you have too much of them you still run the risk of making the dish unhealthy. It doesn’t matter if your diet consists entirely of vegetables, too much carbohydrates will still make you an obese monster. You need to learn how to cut back on the carbohydrates and add in other macronutrients such as protein, and even fat to a degree to have a balanced diet.

I absolutely adore broccoli, but I still realize if all I eat is broccoli, it doesn’t matter how healthy it can be because it will end up being unhealthy if it’s not used in moderation.

Oh perfect, you went right where I wanted to take this discussion and made my point for me:

There’s a common insult regarded among chefs. That being the need for ketchup. A lot of chefs get absolutely irate if you are unable to enjoy their meal without having to add condiments to it. This isn’t common in America as much as it is in Italy. The chef reads it as you do not view the meal as good enough and that it requires you adding things to it to be able to eat it. I feel this is a more apt analogy to getting my point across but I imagine you’re so horribly uncivilized if your typing and behavior are anything to go off of that you never knew this bit of information.

Except here’s the problem with your explanation and it is dishonesty through obfuscating the actual relation. You aren’t having somebody tell you how to enjoy your meal, nobody is getting in your face because you choose to add ketchup to your meal. That is what you want to desperately pretend is the case here, what’s actually happening is this:

You want a meal with things that are not listed as being a part of it added. Which the request is fine, but then the chef tells you that by policy he is not going to add things to the dish and it is going to be left as is. You are then slamming your menu down and throwing a hissy fit and when the other patrons are telling you politely “Dude just order something else” you’re screaming at them thinking they’re trying to dictate how you’re allowed to enjoy food.

If the place doesn’t offer the dish you want, find a new dish or a new place. I don’t walk into a vegan eating establishment and go off on a rant because they don’t sell cheeseburgers or steaks. There’s a thing called courtesy which you clearly lack, but it’s clear that you’re too inept to even comprehend what you read so I imagine expecting you to actually be able to see scenarios as what they actually are is a bit much.

If BLIZZARD THEMSELVES say they’re allowing HD models I won’t complain. I will find it stupid. If however they don’t outright state they offer them and people proceed to beat this dead horse screaming “I CAN’T ENJOY THE GAME UNLESS YOU MAKE IT SPECIFICALLY HOW I WANT NOW IMPLEMENT THIS CHANGE THAT I WANT BECAUSE I SAID SO!” much like how you are doing I will tell them to shove it.

There’s a massive difference.

Since you’re clearly again too stupid to figure it out. I was telling you there were other options. Again back to restaurants. If you don’t like the menu, you’re better off taking your business elsewhere instead of making a complete prick out of yourself.

Now you can either read what I said and reflect on it, or you can continue to disgrace your keyboard by smashing its keys typing out yet another hamfisted reply because you just are not getting your way and can’t accept that.

Worst case I imagine somebody will make a model edit to have all of the new models in the game that you can play around with.


Nobody wants the new crayon, tim burton style play-doh graphics and animations. No changes! EVER! GO PLAY BFA AND STAY THERE!


Jee when I stumble across someone who has the skill to answer.

They are going strong only cause people played those games and they aren’t evolved as WoW. I still enjoying play in FF9 sometimes, despite its being even less polygony than wow, I still enjoying playing Lunar SSS despite its being 2D RPG, I still enjoy playing a lot of old games, only cause I remember how they were in my childhood: Good story driven with awesome gameplay, balance and combat system. But They are stood that way forever, and when I’ve got remastered Lunar and remastered FF9 I played them again, cause I knew that previously 256 textures will be now higher and maybe they even rework some pixely VFX. ANd I enjoyed this game again with HD graphics. So would I think other people in your OSRS, Ragnarok Online, Everquest (which is hideous).
In terms of WoW it evolved throughout its life and all new models and textures aren’t something like REMASTERED version or models from another game it is still this exact game. ANd I’ve got used to new stuff and can’t enjoy old one.

True. I’m not very good in English, so whats that is that. I’m learning. I’m only hoping that my points are somewhat clear.

I actually understand the nutrition, all that I wrote was just an exaggeration. With my desire to maintain a healthy body and my problems with gallbladder I must see what I eat and what food consists of, or there will be a bad times. Your next paragraph about how you can feel bad eating only one stuff is irrelevant to what I was talking about. I know this and almost everyone with a logic knows this. The point of this was in: you are pushing your agenda to other people (“your kids”) which is me.
it happens that I made an metaphorical statement which you are kind of acknowledged in. I can’t make any other argument on a fly, but I just will tell that you shouldn’t tell other people what to do and what to ask, well you should and can and nobody is master of you except yourself. But Your freedom of actions ends where freedom of actions of other person begins. So I rather say you can’t win nor lose this argument here.

I agree. This argument is valid. But. You see that you are the person who THINK that you know better than me for myself. Imagine us in a 6 star restaurant which serves exceptional unique dishes. You can’t add or remove anything from them. Cause you didn’t taste them earlier. You don’t know any of these dishes and never prepared them yourself. Ofc you will not be asking a ketchup for your Masa Toro or Additional Pistachio syrup for Mauboussin Mega Sundae dessert. Cause they are unique, very expensive and you will eat them once or never in your life. But if you KNOW how they prepared and you did them yourself or tasted several times already but somewhere else and liked more than that you eat now, you will ask cook to give you what is missing there, cause it is your favorite sushi or dessert. THis is same with me and WoW. I like this dish and they are prepared it with perfectly okay. But I know that by adding this topping ONLY FOR ME, I will enjoy this dish more. So I asking blizzards as a chef to add what will turn cool soup into incredible tasty cuisine. I’m not demanding, amd barely ASKING for it. I will address my “demands” in next accusation from you.

This one right ere.
If blizzards themselves say that they aren’t allow HD models in their game I won’t complain eiter. I already stated this few time in this thread. So next your:

Is false. Cause I never DEMANDED it. I said “PLEASE GIVE”. I ASKED and if you don’t understand

Between asking and demanding, you aren’t very smart yourself.

But I know that you wrote this cause you trying to get me as I was trying to get you, cause generally I’m doing this when I’m arguing with a stupid little wankers, which you aren’t clearly. So it’s forgivable.

There is a problem here. Other restaurants are serving other food that I don’t like AT ALL. THey are making them too hot, too cold, they don’t serve dishes with forks and I’m supposed to consume their dishes with hands or with shovel. WoW is what I was eating 15 years straight. And I know where it’s good or bad for me. Which ingredient has bitter or sweet taste. I was evliving with this dish. I became a dish critique cause I was eating it over and over with more different dressings and toppings and complements from a chef. I didn’t just randomly stumbled across this restaurant and suddenly demand GIBE ME KEKTCHUP FOR THIS STUFF YOU OFFER!1
I carefully was looking at how this dish was prepared and which ingredients were put there. And this I assume gives me right to ask the chef, who is familiar with me, to add something additional to its dish.

Reee #nochanges, reeee muhvanilla, reeeeeee go and play BFA

This is very original, you are very original.

Could you please be more like your fellow sider above you? At least he has some arguments to offer and minds to tell.

I can’t imagine a toggle would hurt anyone. Being able to toggle between old-school graphics and those nice HD models could be a real seller for new players even.

I’m cool with it. Not a priority, but I like the idea.


Sooo… you’re gonna play it or you’re not? I’m confused. Either you can’t stand the graphics… and won’t play… or you’ll get over yourself and play it.

I mean. no one is telling you what to do. You have freedom of choice.

This. 100% this. What’s so hard to understand? Everyone is happy.


Imagine being proud that terrible models and animations were able to be hacked into the game. LUL

This is actually what I’m asking for.

This isn’t BFA. Retail design is disgusting in every category :nauseated_face::face_vomiting: Classic’s graphics are a Classic


Resurrecting my own thread. To inform you guys from Blizzards that I’m expecting new graphic toggle soonish™ soon™ or sooner™ then first two.
I have my awesome gamer spec computer (which also a workstation for all around art and graphics) not for 256x256 textures and no use/no activation animation on models.