The Graphics War

If you knew the first thing about Classic, you’d know that was in Blizzard’s words, directly quoted from them on the WoW Classic homepage. I’d suggest checking your level of incompetence before discussing someone else’s.

Don’t assume, you know nothing about me, and it further proves my point that you really have no idea what you’re talking about.

Why? Because they don’t agree with you? I never said I was a #nochanger, you assumed that, which continues to prove my point that you really have no idea what you’re talking about. I encourage changes that help the health of the game relative to bug fixes amongst a few other small things that the dev team has already done.

Because it wasn’t a part of the original game. HD models didn’t exist back then, so they have no place in the game, toggle or not. It’s not really that hard to understand. It looks out of place with the rest of the environment, considering the rest of the environment is using the original models, the only armor that is available is armor that you don’t see people really using that commonly anymore because it looks out of place and it takes away from the spirit of the game. Not to mention, it looks bad on Blizzard’s end for branding and advertising to integrate different aspects of the game in a “faithful recreation”, and even has advertised on their website that the original character models are what’s available. It’s comparable to Bethesda’s Fallout 76 Nuka Dark Rum fiasco. If you can’t accept that, then that’s fine, I don’t care quite frankly.

Let’s use your own analogy against you;

Blizzard and World of Warcraft is equivalent to Gordon Ramsay and Hell’s Kitchen. In short, neither one of them need your critiques. Why? They are established through financial reasons, and are accomplished by their own numbers, and don’t need someone else who is unhappy with their decision making to give them their opinion. You know what happens when you walk up to Ramsay and tell him you don’t like his food? You are told to get lost and sit back down in your seat. Here - it’s no different. If you don’t want something in your order? The chef’s don’t care - because that’s how it’s supposed to be made. Unless you have a food allergy, you are getting that plate the way it was intended to be prepared. Don’t like it? Don’t eat it.

If you don’t like what I’ve said, or don’t agree with it, then continue prodding in your delusional perspective. I’ve no interest with debating with someone as illogical as you have demonstrated. Stick to BfA friend, that seems like all that you are prepared for. Between your nonsensical rants, your points that have no weight, to your delusional perspective of the game, you really have implicated yourself, the only person who is deaf to logic would be you. I find it amusing, quite frankly, that even throughout the amount of people who have told you to simply read the Classic WoW homepage, which debunks your entire argument, yet, you still stand by your illogical point of view, which you’re entitled to do so, but it doesn’t change anything, nor do all your posts, and it never will. So let that rest with you while you continue to dance around your idea of how Classic should be, when it never will be what you want. You’re in the outspoken minority, and Blizzard has already confirmed that what you want isn’t happening. So either deal with it and take your L, or continue to waste your own time. Either way, I walk away happy because I know yet another illogical person asking for HD models isn’t getting what they want, and if that makes them unhappy? Good. You don’t know what Classic is.

That being said, respond however you feel fit, but it won’t matter. You want your HD models so bad? Download an .mpq file and inject it into the game, see what happens.