Ugh... the graphics again


One month and ten days until release. I really, really; really, really doubt that anything other than bug fixes is being done to Classic from this point on.

Modded Skyrim and Fallout 4 ->

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No. No modern models in Classic. Keep things OG.

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You can always change your resolution for WoW. You do realize they already had to re-create character models right? They went through the work and replicated the old models. So there is zero chance of new updated models.

I am not against this, I’d like to see updated models, but it isn’t happening.

Wow, I literally cannot enjoy this game because the bush.model#178237 has 3 polygons instead of the new 7. Actually unplayable.

over-exaggeration and false accusation.
You lost this argument when you started it. Read thread properly please next time. Thank you.

They didn’t re-create them. Those models always were in their archive files. Old vanilla assets are now out there in internets archives and 100% blizzard has their own game assets staffed somewhere. There is nothing to re-create since they didn’t delete anything, they just put it to rest.
And since they didn’t told us that “this toggle will lead to too much work and bug fix/QA overlook” through all these months of asking for new graphic toggle, I don’t think this is hard to do. It was already working before perfectly fine.

Buddy, if you play any game and judge it solely or mostly on graphics, then I wouldn’t suggest gaming at all.

Mass Effect: Andromeda is graphically beautiful, but the game itself was a huge pile of garbage.

Maybe kids these days just value it more than older gamers. Dated graphics is the last thing I’m worried about because I’m more occupied with the overall game play experience. Graphics play a role into that, but it’s on the bottom of my list.


U didn’t understand what I wrote in my original post? Or you didn’t read at all?

I love everything in Classic I can’t stand only visuals. They are truly aged poorly. No one told anyone that “hurr durr I can’t play this game and wont play it cause graphic suckxerz” I ASKED blizzard for toggle. not demanded it for exchange of me being playing unit of it. I will be playing no matter if toggle appears or not. I stated my feedback and asked to get some help.

That’s the problem. You go for nice graphics but found shyte gameplay. My thread is already established that classic has awesome gameplay, but it lacks graphics, since you are insinuating that gameplay>>>>graphics (which is somewhat true) I answered with that: I already know that gameplay in classic will be much more valuable than lack of graphic. But for making it MUCH MUCH better I asked for toggle, which already worked before and no one was upset with it cause it was OPTIONAL.

Then you wouldn’t care if I’m asking new graphics since you don’t care about graphics at all. Yet you are here. Arguing.

I agree with the OP.

Classic needs to have the beautiful visuals of BFA. The spell effects. The draw distance that goes for literal miles. The foliage, that beautiful beautiful foliage.

BFA is gorgeous. Classic needs that.

It’s funny because we aren’t getting bfa graphics for classic.
I think it’s hilarious lmao. That’s one thing that just won’t happen and i’m glad for that.

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Do you hate minecraft?

So…you want playing a game to take FOREVER to do things…ok…?

If, and only if, graphics toggle is possible and it somehow does not disturb gameplay, I would not care to try the modern look. (attention people: try, meaning it’s not mandatory, so if you don’t like or don’t want it, you will not need it)

With that said, on recent weeks I’ve played the GOG version of Diablo and, well, the graphics are exact the same as 1996. To be honest, the only thing that bothered me more than 15 minutes was the 4:3 screen proportion, and not for long. So, to the ones that are really upset about graphics, Blizzard did a great job on that in all it’s games since Warcraft II, so, do not care so much about it, I’m sure most of people will get in touch with graphics since they aged very well. For sure the ones who played Vanilla or games before that, will.

Now, for new gamers, most probably graphics will matter a lot, specially if they compare it with BfA. Aiming for Classic to be succesful, could be a nice move to toggle graphics, old and new… I just don’t know if Blizzard really wants that, since they are trying to save retail WoW and the new look Classic could hit retail even more (I guess…).

This game isn’t for you, go play the new game if you want the new game, stop complaining that “classic” wow isn’t new…

I enjoyed Vanilla. I like the graphics in Vanilla. I greatly prefer the old Vanilla character models to the new ones.

Vanilla is being re-created now as Classic. I am thrilled that the old models will be back and that the way I design my character’s appearance will be the way all the other players will see it. No new models, even with a toggle.


100% Agreed, but because of the brainless #nochanges mob, if we want to play a real MMORPG with actual RPG systems, we need to suck it and look at their glorious 2004 graphics

That’s correct. Classic, a restoration project of the old Vanilla WoW, was indeed a true MMORPG game. And yes, if you elect to play Classic you will see the old models as they were.

If that upsets you, take it up with Blizzard. Ask then to make their new game better, more like the MMORPG of old, and there you can have your new models.

There is no reason to pollute Classic with features from the new game because some of you might prefer them.


Unfortunately for you, this is already the case. Guess you better find another game to play!

I’m not insinuating that; I am saying that.

You managed to type a lot about how you’re not complaining about graphics while complaining about graphics.

I don’t really understand it anyways. Your character is going to be covered head to toe in armor eventually in low textured gear. Even if the game gave you a toggle between the two, you’re still going to be low textured anyways and retail doesn’t have high res version of the classic gear.

In retail, most world textures like walls, floors, the sky, dirt, statues, etc. including many world NPC models are the same and I’d argue that the classic water textures were way better than retail’s glass-surfaced water.

The biggest differences are our character models and very high res armor on our models and new NPC’s. The new content areas are the only places with high resed world textures.

On that last point, I’m not sure what you’d be asking for specifically anyways when the original world in retail WoW itself isn’t really updated. So are you asking for more foliage, cata changes, and spell effects? Because I feel like what you’re wanting doesn’t exist in the current state anyways.


They said they did not have the files, could not find their original files and so they had artists re-create the old models. That is the facts.