Turning WOTLK into retail

You know what that article also says? They said set pieces should be acquired the same way every tier… did that happen? No… why not?

Maybe its because Blizzard doesnt know what in the world the yare talking about.

When they said it is irrelevant and I’m not mad at all. This doesn’t even effect me. This is more an exercise of dealing with difficult people I’ve decided to put myself through.

What he said is wrong and I linked the proof. Whatever I am doesn’t matter, his whole argument has been on a house of cards. Blizzard agrees the system is clunky, why they didn’t remove it I don’t know and for him to say BLZIARARID NEVARE SAID TAHTAT. Over and over and over again is just pathetic.

I entered this discussion partway through, so I don’t really know the back and forth.

But Blizz says a lot of things. And it’s almost always bull :poop:. I’m getting a real kick out of this article though. I really enjoy this paragraph:

" However, as we re-release these expansions, we find the design pillar #NoChanges isn’t sufficient anymore. With World of Warcraft’s expansions came design changes to the game, and some of those changes were not consistent with the way Classic World of Warcraft felt. It’s undeniable that the latest 2021 modern expansion, Shadowlands* , feels very different than the original launching game in 2004. Where should the evolution of the game stop, if we want to retain that Classic feel even while releasing new content? Many players today choose to play Classic WoW because they love that feel, and don’t want it to be lost. The World of Warcraft Classic team has given this a lot of thought, and we would like to share with you today our design pillars for what we call #SomeChanges."*

Yes, that amazing 2004 experience we all remember of legally buying gold from Blizz and buying gear in GDKPs. Blizz has done a bang up job capturing that authentic experience!!

They claimed that the emblem system is too complex, blizzard agrees and that they were going to a 2 emblem system (they didnt say that at all) and basically said they were out of their mind.

I think I remember Blizzard saying the same thing way back in 2009 when 3.3 hit and they just had Triumph and Frost emblems. That they wanted to make the currency system less complex. Which…it does.

Its not complex though. Any way you do it its not complex. If heroics only dropped heroism, phase 1 dropped valor, phase 2 dropped conquest, phase 3 dropped triumph and phase 4 dropped frost… thats not complex. Thats extremely simple. Its not good for catch up… but its simple and straight forward.

The thing is, this other person was complaining about the system in place because 5 types of emblems is too much and there is no way to get the past emblems… yeah… ok… tell that to the vendor where you can downgrade emblems.

I feel like the dungeons made going back to the raids even less rewarding.

Why will anyone do 25man normal ToGC come ICC? Why will people even step foot into Naxx at that point?

I think that argument has some degree of validity. Taking 3.3 with rdf for example you could get a full 232 (even some 245) just doing random heroic dungeons…so why would anyone set foot in an older raid?

I don’t have a great answer to that. There could be mounts, titles, pets earnable. Stuff like that. It doesn’t need to be power progression to get players to do content. In Cata there will be transmog, so that’ll help a lot.

Classic Era just got some things right. Wrath has too many gearing options which makes anything less than near BiS uninteresting to most players. Toss in only one lockout for either Normal or Heroic, you’ll very rarely see those top players losing a lockout for an easier version of the raid.

I only bring up Classic Era because it’s been gaining a lot of interest these past few months. People know ICC will be a slog and alot of us aren’t going to Cata after. It’s a waiting room for something Classic related I feel, and it’ll always be here because of it’s replayability.

I can say with certainty that the difference Titan Runes have made is nominal at best. Back in original Wrath, I started playing shortly before 3.3, and by the time I hit 80 the only time my main ever saw Naxxramas or Ulduar was to do the weekly badge quest

Buffing the gear was supposed to make them have more replayability I thought, now they just get phased out by dungeons.

Because I was farming Naxx in classic and Wrath and tired of it. In my guild nobody wants to run Uld25 anymore. Everyone is ready for ICC.

People sometimes mock Vanilla for its simplicity, but sometimes (or oftentimes) simple is the best answer.

Ulduar was the only raid that got gear buffs, and the reason they stated for that is because they didn’t want it to get immediately overshadowed by TotC. That’s also why they delayed the TotC patch a little

If it had a gear related reason to go back people would. People still run MC weekly to this day so boring long raids isn’t a complete stop for most.

They also buffed Naxx drops too, don’t forget that. They wanted players to replay those old raids. They just abandoned that idea somewhere after ToGC apparently.

It’s awesome how in Classic a near BiS player still has reasons to go into every raid. That is far from the case in Wrath or any expansion after. TBC had some old raid replayability but the idea that after you learn something you immediately want to forget it and move on is appealing to most, is just bizarre.

The expansions in general are failing because it doesn’t attract the same player long term. Once someone realizes they change things for no reason other than to change it, you start to get disinterested in investing time.

They buffed the encounters, but the gear is news to me. I can’t find a source on that either, and the one I ran on my DK before I took a break dropped the same gear it always had

Just go to atlas loot and look at the 10man drops for Naxx/EoE/OS. Its 25man loot.

Can’t, I’m at work, and I’m pretty sure that was a change they made after the fact. When Naxx first launched, the gear was the same as it had always been

Ya that’s the point. They buffed it after Ulduar came out so players would still raid it or have a reason to.

They buffed Ulduar so that once ToGC came out it too was more interesting to players to go back and raid. Instead of drop rates they did a power increase because the Naxx replay only lasted a week or so once the power difference was too big.

If Ulduar didn’t have two trinkets and a legendary mace, almost no one would go back there come ICC. Even with those, few will.