Turning WOTLK into retail

So if anything they’re trying more to keep old raids more relevant than they were in OG Wrath

Whatever the case, I don’t disagree Titan Runes suck, I just don’t think they’re making any significant difference as far as content relevance goes vs how the original release went

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Yes, again I’m not sure why they abandoned that idea with these dungeons instead.

I can’t speak for your server but there were a ton more entry level raids going on back in the day on mine. And that’s only going to get worse with H+ being included in RDF and all heroics dropping triump.

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That was not a contradiction. Wow uses LUA and C primarily. A tiny bit of PHP for the web stuff. That is their coding. It is not hard to work with or to change. C is very simple to change. But knowing something is made with C does not mean that you know how it is made. So all that you know is that it is coded, you don’t know exactly how it is.

And they said they are not familiar with Blizzards specific engine and coding. That just means they don’t know the coding style, doesn’t say anything about not being able to code it.

Like why do you honestly spend almost all day every day trolling the Wrath Classic forums while posting on a retail toon?


Only for achieve and cool drops farming. Not for gearing. But mostly for achievement runs now.

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Yes, it actually is. Claiming you know something yet dont know it is a contradiction.


You should probably look in the mirror before you start pointing fingers.

Its more than a little irony that we have an unaccomplished retail player nonstop posting in the Class thread, telling Classic players that they need to get better at Classic.


Aw is the low life mad again and cant do anything but try to character assassinate someone else? Grow up.

Every time I do log off and l look in the mirror, I cant help but notice how absolutely beautiful I am. Likely a lot more than you can say for yourself.

Would help to describe why you are so unaccomplished at retail. You cant deny that you literally spend hours each day patrolling the Classic threads, looking for someone to try and insult in any way that you can. Never once seen you on the retail forums with a retail toon of your own… so you are basically spamming a topic you know nothing about in a game mode you don’t even participate in.


No, thats not the mirror, thats a magazine, learn the difference.

Mabey you should go back to playing hello kitty’s Island adventure

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Tell me you don’t know how mythics work without telling me.


How to say you don’t understand the system without saying you don’t understand the system. Wrath Rune dungeons aren’t anything like retail.

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naa only reason i came back was because RDF is finally coming into the game , try making a new toon and finding dungeons to run lol you cant , this is well needed into the game , also i enjoy running dungeons then raids i dont have 6 hours for a boss

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They’re more like Retail than they are authentic Wrath.

The Heroic+++ crap is stupid.


In the most important way they are, blizzard was lazy and just stuck a generic affix on everything instead of actually making new content.

The reward structure is secondary to that.

It’s the philosophy design behind it. The dungeon experience in original Wrath was: you get stronger, the dungeons don’t. That design has been gone from Retail for many, many years. Retail is all about everything scaling with you. An endless carrot on a stick where you don’t actually grow more powerful. That’s fine in a raid setting when a new raid is released. Even in Wrath. But for dungeons specifically that’s not how Wrath worked. So they shoved this Retail design philosophy that is the literal opposite of authentic Wrath into Classic.

Then you have all the toxicity and gatekeeping that comes with it. One of the best things about Wrath Heroics were how chilled and relaxed they were. Precisely because as you got stronger, they became almost laughable. Whether people think that’s good or bad…that was Wrath. And can’t we have one damn version of the game like that? Why add this Mythic crap that goes against the very essence of Wrath dungeons?

I’m very curious to see how RDF + Mythics are going to work out. Making dungeons more ‘challenging’ just means players are more tryhard, elitist and min/max focused. They won’t tolerate subpar specs or bad gear (though there certainly will be an ilevel requirement just to queue into them). So I think some of what the trolls said about original RDF in Wrath being toxic might come true. But that’s not RDF’s fault; it’s these Mythic’s fault.

Also, I still wonder who these Mythics are designed to appeal to. The only people I see supporting them do so because they’ve been tricked by the Classic team that they serve as a better catch-up mechanic than RDF + Emblems in original Wrath. But some of us know better.


Uhhh, they are better. Are you trying to gaslight people that actually play the game?

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Wrath was always retail, as was TBC. Neither are Classic.