Turning WOTLK into retail

And I think old raids should still be more relevant than the same old dungeons just scaled higher with terrible affixes.

Wotlk already has catchup with ToC dungeon, ICC dungeons, emblems, crafted gear, pvp gear, Onyxia/VoA. It didn’t need more.

What is your argument about? I get so lost with some of you guys.

Mine is currencies bad. Add bloat.
Blizzard said currencies bad will remove in developer blog post.

Why no currencies gone?

Cause #nochanges

So no changes, but they said they were going to do this. I linked the article way up.

Yeah, Titan Rune dungeons shouldnt have existed.

That your complaint is a non issue, literally.

Going to do what?

Remove extra emblems…

It is an issue the developers even agreed. small yes, but it exists.

What you linked says Emblems are staying as they were. Not once did they say they were a problem either.

What are you reading?

A good example of this can be found in the Emblem system from Wrath of the Lich King, which became needlessly complex and confusing by the time we defeated Arthas. We’re planning for each raid tier of Emblems to work the same, with one Emblem dropped by the latest raids and used to purchase gear equivalent to those raids, plus a second Emblem dropped by dungeons and older raids and used to purchase less powerful items.

This is copy and paste from the article. They legit said they were moving too a two emblem system. Saying that the emblem system was needlessly complex.

I read the thing, they said they werent making any changes to emblems. If they were such a convoluted mess why didnt they change it?

Bloat? In 3.3 there were Emblems of Triumph and Frost. That’s bloat?

You could trade-in Triumph for Conquest to get a few 232 pieces. I hardly consider that overly complicated.

WHAT!?!?!?!??!?!??!??! LMFAO I just linked what they said and it says the exact opposite. Needlessly complex.

Yes… what? Exactly because this is how it worked in original. They never said that they would have 2 emblems either. Seriously what are you not getting? They even listed that there would still be heroism, valor, conquest, triumph and frost. Where in the world are you getting this 2 emblem nonsense?

I knew you were a troll, but come on it’s right there it even says two emblems(sorry second not two), uses the words needlessly complex/confusing. Yet you are claiming the developers didn’t say there was an issue. How is needlessly complex/confusing not an issue.

Oh, I remember, this is the same troll who refuses to accept Heroic dungeon bosses dropped Emblems of Triumph at 3.3.

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I don’t know why they’re so fixated on making 5 man dungeons valued as much as raids requiring 25 players.

The true beauty of Classic Era is all raids are valuable and no dungeon passes them in loot. There’s also not different levels, you either do a raid or you don’t, no turning down difficulties so you feel included.

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You have got to be trolling.

And guess what… THATS HOW IT WORKED ORIGINALLY. They fixed nothing and here you are still complaining about it. The raid will drop a certain emblem and the dungeons will then drop the previous raid tier emblem… like it worked in Wrath… OMG WHAT A CHANGE! Keeping it accurate to the game?! Wowzers!

And there is nothing needlessly complex or confusing about it and its not an issue. If you played the game you would know that its not complex at all instead of buying a boosted account.

I honestly don’t know what he’s saying. 3.3 WAS a 2 Emblem system.

It’s been fun. If you don’t think needlessly complex/confusing is a problem. Then I guess you are kind of right, but I think those words mean problem and the developers did say them. You claim they said their is no problems with emblems is factually incorrect.

They want people to actually be able to experience the current content. People aren’t going to do Naxxramas regardless of if Titan Runes exist or not, and Ulduar runs are already starting to die down as guilds finish getting Val’anyr for their healers. With Titan Runes (at least, the idea is) new 80s have an easier time getting into the content that the majority of people are actually doing, instead of languishing in barely ilevel 200 gear until they quit

Of course, there’s definitely an argument to be made on whether Titan Runes actually worked in that regard, but that’s another conversation entirely. Ideally, RDF will actually resolve that issue when it finally comes

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Did you seriously just link an article from a year and a half ago? At a time when they said RDF wasn’t coming to Wrath Classic ever?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh man, Gumby doesn’t stretch as well as some of you guys.

By the way, everything they said in that article has turned out to be a lie. Their Pillars were complete nonsense. They’ve backtracked on almost everything single thing they’ve said.