Tremendous amounts of information regarding pre-patch honor

Disclaimer: I don’t care if they increase the honor further. They could increase it 100x for all I care. That said, facts are inside.

Adrianne Rich — “Every journey into the past is complicated by delusions, false memories, false namings of real events.”

This also explains why the video that Zinqf linked showed a solo Grand Marshal kill giving 40 honor. It was likely a display issue.

Bonus image of someone complaining about only getting 8,000 honor in 14 hours of PvPing:

Here’s someone complaining that marks are too easy to obtain and honor is too hard. This was before they nerfed the honor gain by an additional 30% in the original TBC pre-patch:

Here’s someone complaining about low honor in AV:


Looks like around patch 2.3 the cost of the level 60 PvP gear was reduced from the pre-patch values:

We’re getting more honor with the double honor event, and the items cost less than they did in the original pre-patch. Current prices on the TBC Classic pre-patch:

The rest of this post is the information I collected before finding the Blue post above:

Some supposition from that post:

The rough rule that we’re using is “10% the honor you used to get.” So, think like 500-1000 honor an hour depending on how you play.

At 1000 an hour an epic 2-hander would be 45 hours of pvp. For casual players, this is not a “freebie” at all and more like 60-90 hours.

Folks in beta are all reporting about approx 20 Honor Points per solo kill in the 61-64 range. Some report up to 30 at higher levels. I’ve also noticed that we’ll get from 1-13 or so within pvp groups (i.e. splitting honor).

This Blue post talks about a 30% honor nerf that happened one week into the pre-patch:

Posted by Nethaera 12/12/06, 11:24:29AM CST Quote:
Now that the Before the Storm content patch has been live for the past week, we’ve had a better opportunity to track the rate at which players are accumulating honor, and subsequently how easy it’s been to obtain honor rewards. In gauging these elements, we’ve determined that the effort required to obtain honor rewards is more trivial than we had intended. As a result, during today’s maintenance we’ve applied a hotfix that reduced the amount of honor gained by approximately 30%. This change allows the honor rewards to be obtained at rate that better reflects the item’s in-game value.

Here’s a video posted on December 19th, 2007 of a solo kill on a rank 7 Warrior that gave 12 honor. DR of one kill would put it at 12 from 14:

Here’s a video posted on December 14th, 2006 of a solo kill on a rank 10 Warlock that gave 18 honor. DR of one kill would put it at 18 from 20 if this video was taken before the nerf and uploaded after:

The way people recorded videos back then, it would make sense that the players who recorded these videos had a fight without their recording software running and decided they could record a cool PvP video, so they decided to go back in for another round. This would explain the DR on these world PvP fights.

Here’s a video uploaded on December 28th, 2006. At the start of the video you can see he’s using the Black Pearl Panther trinket, so it’s the TBC pre-patch. It’s hard to tell but every single kill looks to be below 20 honor:

Another video. Uploaded on December 16th, 2006:

Every single kill is in the 10’s on all kinds of different ranked players.


so we should get 10. but we get 1. and they doubled it to 2. and you’re saying this is ok?


so there was a 30% honor nerf 1 week into a 6 week prepatch, and youre saying a 90% nerf 1 day into a 12 day prepatch is ok?


I’m positive you will get a lot of hate for posting this thread but good find and lots of information.


This doesn’t the fact that the original game had 6 weeks worth of prepatch time. We’ve gotten 2 weeks.


The original game also lasted 3 years before TBC, classic wow has only been out for just under 2.

Time tables for Classic vs Original are different in general, not just this one instance. In fact quite a bit about classic has not been 1:1 with the original experience.


exactly. as people loved to defend boosts with, this isn’t TBC, it’s TBC Classic :slight_smile:


Fair point, but there is no reason why we should only get 2 weeks of prepatch time with a 90% nerf. 6 week pre patch time back then got a 30% nerf. (Longer time to prepare, smaller nerf. We now get short time to prepare and a larger nerf) What is the logic in this? Enlighten me if you can cause I do not see the logic in such a huge nerf.

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you’re seriously going to say that as a reason to screw everyone over? or you say this as a reason to put honor back to a reasonable state? really not clear what you’re getting at here


That’s got to be one of the worst excuses for Blizzard’s defense I’ve ever heard.


500-1000 honor per hour is an abysmal rate and not at all representative of what was really earned back in TBC.

I think most people will agree that getting the marks was the bottleneck. Honor came naturally as you acquired them.

Let’s look at the cost of offset items in TBC (Neck, Cloak, Bracers, Belt, Boots, 1 Ring). Approximately 87k honor, let’s round it up to 90k to make it simple. 140 marks required.

Assuming 50% winrate, you get 2 marks per game on average. This means you needed 70 games to get the marks required for your offset items. In order for honor gain to be equal to mark gain, this means that you would need an average of 90k / 70 = 1285 honor PER GAME. And yet, you would often have the honor required before the marks, suggesting that it was actually higher than this.

I remember hitting the honor cap in one AV week-end back then. Are you saying I played 40-80 hours in one week-end? I’ll admit I played a lot, but that’s a bit much :stuck_out_tongue:

everyone wants to quote tbc honor being low. havnt heard one person bring up preform AV enabler and how we would get fat honor and be gated by marks

you are misunderstanding, the original tbc patch got a 30% nerf to its 10% values, if you look at the thread from 2006 you can see them talking about “45 hours for a weapon”, the original tbc patch never ever had the 10x honor rates, that was a bug that only existed in tbcc


Looks like you skipped 5th grade math. a 30% nerf to our original values would be a 3x nerf. Kaivax did a 10x nerf.

Do these clowns like dispelme even understand what they are typing? Anybody who played from 2006 knows it did NOT take 46 hours of BG grinding to get 1 weapon. You sir are done.


it doesn’t take 46 hours of bg grinding to get 1 weapon now, do you not understand what i am saying? the original tbc honor was a lot lower than the 10x rates we had and it was nerfed by 30%, did you bother to read this thread or look at any of the screenshots? There is literally a guy from 2006 complaining about only getting 8k honor in the pre patch lol


Prepatch honor gain rate was higher than intended, this is true.

Memory isn’t a super reliable thing but I guesstimated it around 2-3x higher than it should’ve been.

No chance it was 10x higher than it used to be.

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  • first pre-patch was almost six weeks
  • this one is two weeks, minus one day of server maintenance, minus one for 1/10th honor

We deserve a multiplier for the truncated timeline. So:

35 / 12 = 2.92x

In fact, there are only 10 days left, so again assuming an original 35-day pre-patch:

35 / 10 = 3.5x

Blizzard should respectfully offer us an additional 3.5x honor multiplier for the remainder of the patch, were it to be hotfixed in today (Saturday). Sweaties will get capped out and they don’t even need Level 60 HWL, so this would help the common person with a real job more than anyone else, and normies, which was the point of it in the original pre-patch.


I wish I had arrived at this information before the throngs of disaffected forums posters sieged the forums and subsequently dispersed without giving the facts a chance to manifest.

Oh well. Id est quod id est.

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I don’t care that it was nerfed, i care about how much it was nerfed. You don’t do 90% nerfs. Thats just not a realistic % to nerf anything by when there is like… ya know, a beta.


I posted some screenshots after honor was nerfed showing my numbers and had what is best described as a lynch mob come after me, lots of personal attacks when I really did nothing wrong. it was the first time I ever muted a thread.