Trans Women ARE Women

I did, and linked plenty. I can’t exactly ‘link death threats’ and posts that use some really awful language either. I also can’t link to the EU forums, because you’re not allowed to where at least some such posts are still up. You even like the poster that’s called me ‘it’ quite a few times. I can link those, at least since apparently Blizzard hasn’t caught up with the times that calling trans people ‘it’ is dehumanizing. Not too surprising given their corporate culture.

Not to mention the people that continually try to reference I must have ‘multiple personalities’ because of my preferred pronouns because I’m trans.

Not surprising Thallia liked that one too, using two incorrect pronouns to mock pronouns as usual.

It’s further evidenced by said people not going after people saying awful things in this thread and even partaking, but choosing to go after LGBTQ+ people instead. They out themselves like this every time.

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