Trans Women ARE Women

Do yoga, it’s a game changer.

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dude and bro can refer to women… that you are close to
but should not be used everytime

I grabbed some popcorn to watch some forum pvp tbh. Always a complete %$"/show when Pawzer gets in the mix.


But don’t worry, it’s never their fault.


Edit: Brain took a massive poop. I thought you meant me, but you meant Paswer. I think it’s a sign that maybe i need to chill out. :dizzy_face:

Alright, i misunderstood who was that for, mea culpa. :+1:

I did, and linked plenty. I can’t exactly ‘link death threats’ and posts that use some really awful language either. I also can’t link to the EU forums, because you’re not allowed to where at least some such posts are still up. You even like the poster that’s called me ‘it’ quite a few times. I can link those, at least since apparently Blizzard hasn’t caught up with the times that calling trans people ‘it’ is dehumanizing. Not too surprising given their corporate culture.

Not to mention the people that continually try to reference I must have ‘multiple personalities’ because of my preferred pronouns because I’m trans.

Not surprising Thallia liked that one too, using two incorrect pronouns to mock pronouns as usual.

It’s further evidenced by said people not going after people saying awful things in this thread and even partaking, but choosing to go after LGBTQ+ people instead. They out themselves like this every time.

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You are not who I was referring to with that comment.

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I think you misunderstood…

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Well apologies, i couldn’t tell considering this was the comment i was given. :point_down:

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Google the definition of a woman.
Google the definition of a female.

I can’t be coerced into lying.

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We fight a lot. But to me it’s usually been respectful fighting. And we move on afterwards with some modicum of respect for each other. Kind of siblings. :grin:

No no, you misunderstood. Caps was referencing who you were replying to earlier. :wink:

Damnit Moritz. You are a wise man. You win every thread, my bro.


Oh, Pawser?


Is that name a Moritz Stiefel reference?


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Ahh, right.

Sorry, my brain took a fart. :dizzy_face:

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Hard teaching a 12 about to 13 year old that. Recent camp outing him and his friend also a gamer in their discord (both at scout event) I had to cover for them in a potential bully incident at a scout camping event.

Some kid whose parents don’t give them much of an internet footprint (okay…none) was misinterpreting the word simp.

so were 2 other adults. I had to cover the etymology of the word simp to clear that up to back up the kid’s side.

Thats not even the funny part. Of the adults I should have been the out of touch “boomer”. Me the Oldest at 49, other 2 32 to 39.

But there I was…the supposed boomer telling non boomers modern internet word use lol.

I can’t see who is on the other side of the computer screen.

My favorite part is always “you have no quotes!” when they hide their profile and if anyone links anything they said, they cry harassment. :rofl:


the writer made it unreportable