Trans Lives Matter!


I love my fellow trans people but we usually don’t introduce ourselves as “she/they” next to our names like that. That’s generally a “cis ally trying way too hard” type move. So I could definitely see this being bait.


Since we’re going the ‘I speak for the whole community’ route of things, I’ll go with the “Yes we do, actually put pronouns next to our name or in our bio.”

But I can see why you would post on a classic alt.

Says the level 50 class trial alt. And in your bio sure but in a random thread like this, no. Stop falling for transphobes trying to rile up arguments.

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Not a class trial, if you actually looked into it~ I’m an EU player with an alt here since the “NA” forums are the main forums.

My pronouns are they/them, and I’ve said it in plenty threads.

Says the one legitimately being one.

Lol. Lmao. Accusing trans people of transphobia for pointing out a troll thread. You are wild.


Cringing rn.

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Technically, you accused OP of that first, so I guess that makes you wild? Also yeah, being one actually doesn’t mean you can’t be one. For an example in another area, feel free to research about Milo Yan.

I bet you cringe every time you post on classic alts to avoid being connected with your retail and actual previous posting chars.

I do feel bad that you struggle so much with reading people’s posts, do you happen to have any reading issues I should try to be aware of so I can help you understand?

Ah yes, Milo, famous trans person, expert on trans issues

Still cringing. Is this your main outlet for social interaction? You take it very seriously.

You sure you’re not just having a bout of something?

Not as serious as people so scared of being named on retail or having an armory they post on classic characters. :3

More true for yourself, After all:

It’s usually best not to engage with Pawzer in any meaningful way, just an fyi.



So I see lol

Well, they are a Worgen.


Is there an american flag anywhere in the game? I’d like to have it for the 4th of july, memorial day, or the sad times when clinton and bush finally kick it, or pther days respect should be shown.

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Disappointing from you, Shreds.

Zoomers don’t deserve rights, they can be disregarded safely.


While I applaud your complete disregard for money, I find your view of humanity to be skewed. If you spend more time examining each generation, you will discover that none of us deserve to survive.