Trans Lives Matter!

I think Pawser wants the other way around to happen… :no_mouth:

So, the only reason I came into this thread is because, at first, I thought the title read “Trains lives matter” and I wanted to see what why Thomas had to do with WoW.


Thanks for the giggle, and also there’s a book in a series I love that shares your guild name so I thought I would share that.


ThomasFlight. All the dragons are replaced with flying Thomas the tank engines. :laughing:


Like the Elder Scrolls Mod!? Petition to recreate the dragonflight cinematics but with Thomas the Drake Engine.


I’ll take that bet. Does 2 billion dollars work?

Pawzer is like those kids in game that exclaim “Find me in SW/ORG and I’ll give you 1 million gold!”

Then, when someone finds them, they immediately log out, and pretend it never happened.

Don’t waste your time with that looney toon.

Offer a GAZILLION bucks. Another random amount of money you will never see…


I actually pointed the same out on another thread. I watched 5 people like a post one after another. They didn’t have all the profiles set to private, and I checked them, and even brought it up, and the person made the account private.
Blizz should really just lock posting history to the account and not treat every toon as a unique post/engagement history.


They claim to be against trolling, yet allowing that nonsense is allowing trolling in it’s primal form…

Yet they do nothing…


its the only way we can get to 1000

I disagree with OP

Okay, bigot.


Others in the tread should do the same.

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I thought you were a libertarian?


-10.00 (Anarchist/Extreme Libertarianism), -10.00 (Communism/Collectivism) on the political compass.

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I’m a nihilist.

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A perfectly reasonable thing to be in a world such as this.

That’s a mouthful of conflicting tastes, good luck implementing that.


Treat it like the “body type” argument in the game now. Just pick any tabard and tell yourself it’s trans. That’s what I was told we should do with body type 1 and 2, don’t worry about the wording, just know that it’s male and female.

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By making a statement like this you are either arrogantly proclaiming yourself a genius or admitting you are one of the idiots.

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