Genuine question

Sure did, their lack of response to the Worgen tail thread that’s over 10k responses, their comments previously about high elves too where they gave off snark and said “Lol if you want high elves just play horde.”

There’s no lore in game that mentions Worgen being sad about the lack of tails, therefore this is indeed meant to be an attack on players which is very Blizzard. They do that a lot.

You mean like your entire post is? :3

Got a source for your previous post? No? Wonder who you are that you had to alt-hop and start all over.

Ah? So no source then? Not surprising, contradicting yourself.

If you say so, Pawzer.

And those people are weirdos and yes that is a personal attack

Oh are you one of the ones being ridiculous about this? I’m not even slightly surprised.

You when it relates to elves, not even slightly surprised uwu

Irrelevant. I don’t think worgen shouldn’t have tails. I’m just not gonna throw a tantrum if they don’t, and a joke about it is harmless. Keep digging up unrelated nonsense like it proves some kind of point though, it’s always fun watching you seethe.

You’ve had plenty of tantrums about elf-related stuff, imagine that.

I do enjoy your rants in MSD when you get your inevitable time away from forums.


It’s so cute how you try to throw that into any conversation you have with me, like a little “I can see your secret club teehee”. You must have been left out of a lot of things as a kid, huh?


Just pointing out that it’s fun to watch you do the same thing you accuse me of, like your accusation of it towards me is supposed to be harmful.

Oh trust me darlin, nothing about us is the same.

Some people feel the devs are actively against them (in some cases it’s justified, in some other cases it’s greatly exaggerated). So, following that line of thinking, the joke becomes interpreted as an insult or mockery.

They are legit one of the people spamming every thread about this topic, actually if you look at the people in these topics raging it’s all the same people overreacting over nothing.

Yeah, like I said, I’m not surprised. They take everything as an insult, so obviously a random joke line would be a personal attack to them. Narcisism is barely the surface of Pawzer’s issues.

I know, everyone you interact with wishes you had more of my qualities.

You haven’t paid much attention to your reputation around here, I take it :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

People see insults where they want, I suppose. But the key word there is “feel.”

People “feel” the devs have it out for them. They have no proof of that. Not giving them what they wanted isn’t having it out for them; they just didn’t give them what they wanted.

But their perception becomes their reality, and now we get a dozen threads on it or whatever.

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I’m going to press x for doubt because legit I haven’t ever seen them attacking people personally but I have you and although at times I have liked your posts because I agreed with you there’s a big difference between you two.

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Oh I have, it’s quite a good one - despite a very small amount of people that always end up going mask off and exposing themselves.

Then you haven’t read very many posts of theirs, have you?

There’s a reason they have so many vacations from here.

So they made a joke about people who care about their characters, and have been asking for that feature for years. People who play worgens and think worgens should have had tails clearly wouldn’t have thought that “joke” was funny.

Mocking people and using the excuse that “It’s just a joke, man. You people are too sensitive” doesn’t appear to be working.

Any thread that starts with a disclaimer is started by someone who is fully aware that most people who read it will assume it’s a trolling thread. And if most people assume a thread is a trolling thread, it is.

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I mean, clearly they would also defend what Corpsegrinder said about Alliance players because it was a joke, right? Wonder what they think about that one and his NPCs getting removed.