Trans Lives Matter!

Doesn’t sound very religious to me to be quite honest.

You apparently don’t like that group.

This of course, is referencing something else which is those that tried to respond to BLM with ALM or WLM.

Mocking pronouns and such (not surprising given you seem to enjoy misgendering others.)

Ironic here, doing something you accuse others of doing a lot.

Cackling at that one.

Of course, you make a bunch of jokes about gender identity all the time. The whole ‘one joke’ thing too.

More personal attacks.


Very much are too.


Even using the name in vain with a personal attack.

Should I keep going?

Ooh, personal insults.

You’d be wrong, especially given my name isn’t Panzer. :3
Nice job bypassing the word filter too.

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What does reporting someone for hateful posts have to do with religion? Who are you BTW to judge? When did I ever post that I dislike liberals or any other side for that matter, I keep asking for evidence yet you don’t post any.

Once again, link where I ever mocked pronouns, I could care less. Now, does that mean I don’t have my own opinion on it, no. So because I think “they” refers to more than one person makes me bad? Look if you want me to refer to you as “they” I got no problem with that.

But don’t expect everyone to do the same. You said I was bad at PvP, you posted that first, and yes last I heard the game was meant to PLAY not log on to find someone to report.

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I don’t even know what you linked or even the point of what you posted? I never mocked anyone on either side, yes I think they refers to more than one person, you don’t. That is it nothing less nothing more, you see it is okay to disagree, you fail to recognize that. Now go log on and find something else to be angry about.

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Consistently mock the left or ‘liberals’ as well as pronouns.

Take your own advice.

Some people need to be insulted


Perhaps, Google the meaning for the term “mock” cause you are thinking of another term or phrase maybe

“disagree” comes to mind. You see disagreeing with someone is not the same as mocking, I see what you tried to do there but I am not going to let you get away with that.


Bro you level 50. Get off of the forums and go level


Are we so low on things to argue about lately that we need to res dead threads about topics that were meant to start an argument?

I never created that thread, I even linked your posts from that thread in another thread. You tried to claim that the

Even when I never posted it. I simply stated, it’s a factual statement that there are INSTANCES of it, thanks.

Off to go watch your overpaid sport and use all their YT clips spamming it on a gaming forum, apparently.

Not a bro, and I have a bunch of 60’s and more activity than you. You only have 10 forum posts, and of course being on the forums means you should go back into the game and ‘get some real achievements’ and parses preferably.

Then again you’re a non-RPer that rolled on an RP server, so there’s that.

257 ilvl lel

Bro you are wrong. You look foolish.


Source: Trust me bro


You have a bunch of 60’s, great since you think I am bad at PvP we can have a friendly duel.

Trimac #1537

I rolled on ED back in the day because my guild went there, that is it. I was right you do move the goal post, first my name and now my server. BTW, link me one of your PvP achievements on one of your 60’s?


Source: You have grey parses even in LFR lol

Bro why is your account private?


Sure, if you have any EU 60’s I’d be happy to duel.

Didn’t reference your server, I referenced Aobozu. Unless you’re admitting to being them and sockpuppeting?

You’re not wrong. I don’t even care about any of these trans arguments I’m just bored at work doin a little tom foolery :slight_smile:

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I saw that as well, LOL. I gave “they” my real id since “they” think I am bad at the game.

This is my alt. I actually have 4 toons full mythic, gladiator, and 20k achiev points


Yo horde brother, I would team up with you

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