Trans Lives Matter!

And I’m gonna be honest I have no idea what you two are arguing about. I just got here and whipped out the popcorn.

It is a name, and I protect FC’s or healers in Rated BGS. Speaking of someone who wakes up and looks for things to be angry at, I see you haven’t changed.


Basically, he said he hated people who were religious or basically had different views than him. I simply stated he was being a hypocrite.

That is what people who lose an argument do. You started by name calling now you are ending the conversation because you have nothing of substance to post.

Ah I see. I’m fairly anti-religion myself but I still agree that’s a very ignorant stance to take.

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Oh My! I prefer to keep real world drama out of the game fantasy world. I play in order to escape real world drama. Plus as a mage…who has magic and can change your body into whatever you want…would there even be trans in wow? In the real world you are restricted by the limits of our tech but in wow…let me take a few seconds to cast and you are whatever you want to be. Just my thought on the issue.


That is my point, live and let live. If you are not religious I have no quarrels with you or anyone else. This guy seems to believe if you don’t think the way he does that it makes you a bigot or a bad person.


I couldn’t agree with you more 100% on point! Well said!

Seems like a person that just has a lot of anger in their heart

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I mentioned that earlier. Instead of caring and helping each other despite our differences this guy wants to divide us, sad TBQH.


Clearly not very well.

Says the person angry at others for pointing out your name, your privilege, or how incorrect you are on anything else you try to bring up.

Not from your prior stances and your posts here.

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That’s why a more traditional transition would not only make sense, but would be super common. In Azeroth, being born the wrong sex is no big deal. Transitioning is instant, painless, and allows you to become reproductively viable as either sex. All I’d like to see is an NPC here or there mention (only when it’s somehow relevant) they were born the other sex and chose to become who they are.

What is your PvP rating or chieves, oh that’s right you don’t even have a level 60. Let me repeat I Googled Latin names and loved the meaning, nothing less nothing more. Please link where I said I hated someone for their beliefs or sexual preference. I will wait.

To be fair those are 2 very stupid things to bring up in an anonymous forum


Hello, I see you replied to the thread. That wouldn’t make them trans, it would make them the opposite sex, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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This is why you are a misanthrope you see people as control objects. Not having a job isnt helping you either, In my view solving problems for others is a form of therapy for self and society.

Trans women are not women, and Im not religious just educated in science and medicine.


Amigo, I have no idea what Pawzer or Shred’s are referring to. I t is very hard to find a name so I Googled Latin names and liked the meaning of Patronus. Someone in a BG the other day pointed out it also had something to do with Harry Potter, I didn’t know that either.

Swear people here are really reaching.


Your name is a real word. Even if it was a Harry Potter reference you’d have to be sub IQ to actually care. Also coming from someone named Pawzer that’s rich. Because that name seems to be a play on the word “Panzer” which were tanks used by the N*zis. 2 can play at that brain rot game. It’s not worth it.


I mean, trans lives do matter but how much real life do we want in Azeroth? I prefer my fantasy world to be free of sexism, racism, and homophobia and the identifiers necessary because of real world idiots. I can’t control jerks in the game, but I can mute them.

I don’t need to signify pride in any aspect of myself in the game because, in Azeroth, you are judged solely by your accomplishments and your historical knowledge of Chuck Norris jokes.

In MY Azeroth, nobody cares that my female pally is married to a woman and has been since she was killing murlocs in Elwynn forest. They might have an issue with my wife being a warlock, what with me traipsing into the church with a big blue demon by my side, but that seems reasonable.


Oh My, Why would they do that? It is a story based game…I don’t know why an NPC would bring that up during a quest. Very few games have any quest or stories about gender/race or sex…they are really hard to do and often just puts the company in hot water…there are a few love type quests but most are cheesy like getting a pie for a girl you like