Potential New inclusivity update

OMG, your reading comprehension is awful. So now you are trying to imply that I meant I was angered in my comments, dude just take the L. Yes PVP is part of WOW not the whole game, but if you think it is easy we can duel IF you even have a level 60 toon.

Trimac 1537, add me I will be on Saturday afternoon.

I am not offended by gender identity, I am simply pointing out that you log on WOW to find something to be offended by rather than actually play the game. So not only is being religious wrong but now being right wing?

One more thing I might add is why do you post on a lower level toon and why is your game activity hidden? I ask because it seems like you have a WOW account to simply log on and report people you don’t agree with :thinking: