Trans Lives Matter!

Trimac #1537 I don’t think I need to be on EU for you to get my request. After I beat you we can do a BG together and be friends, is that okay?

Source: Trust me. :wink:

Meanwhile, if people actually cared I had linked my EU chars before and their parses. Just proving my point that you will do that when it suits you while trying to decry anyone else, since you use it as a personal attack you don’t like it being used back at you. So defensive.

Can’t crossplay between regions, then again there’s that sports brain again lol not understanding what people are saying.

Talking mad crap about our profiles for someone who privated their account. Probably for good reason XD


We don’t



Speak up my alliance brother. Speaking facts


Okay going to move my new Warlock to EU tomorrow, so I can show you how bad I am.

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Literally the only thing it does is prevent people from seeing when I’m typing, or the ability to look through my FORUM profile. You can still see everything else. You wouldn’t know, then again you got linked this thread by a buddy and decided to partake.

This post PROVES otherwise, actual evidence btw

No such thing as a region transfer, either. You start from scratch, guess you’re not aware of that either. What a surprise.

Wrong yet again. You made it all private. So you either post up and go public or shut up


Aobozu isn’t my buddy I just met that person on this thread, my god your derangement and paranoia are strong.


But now we are friends

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I’m gonna be real with you chief, I wasn’t subbed for most of Shadowlands. It was straight dookie. I’m just doing casual pvp and world content until DF comes around.

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If you can link me anything higher than 1400 in any form of Arena or Rated BGs I will say you are a better player than I. Go…

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Unironically teach me how to be good at pvp

The internet was a mistake

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Speaking of PvP it is Rated time, later amigo.

Using the name in vain again and personal insults, lol. I didn’t specify who linked them this thread either. Seems those words fit you more instead.



Why does this keep coming back :roll_eyes: I’m all for LGBTQ+ representation and strength but this thread is bringing out some serious hatred.


Blizzard should fix that, shouldn’t they? Enforce their game rules about not being discrimatory and all that?


Why not just link the character?

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How do we know those achievements are yours? There is no name attached to them.