“I’m a girl, I like the girlie stuff”
“I’m a guy, I don’t care for the girly stuff”
Wow, very shocking…
“I’m a girl, I like the girlie stuff”
“I’m a guy, I don’t care for the girly stuff”
Wow, very shocking…
You’re drawing a false divide between “regular items” and “butterfly items.” I pointed out no such divide exists in this game other than your imagination. If you want skulls and chains, farm anything from maldraxxus, warlords of draenor, or undermine.
Are you 7 years old? That’s about when I thought that was cool. But anyway, ironically, every tier set, every raid set, pretty much everything the game drops you looks like the stuff you’re after. The trading post is the only place that has stuff that isn’t like that
Trading post feels cheap. Like those fake rolex watches in a chell gas station.
You look at “skulls & chains” and don’t understand a single thing about thematic sets.
There’s 3 mounts and a bright red sword. I won’t be able to afford all of them this month. And I still have last months horse mount frozen.
I mean, there’s definitely something there for nearly everyone to dislike, but I think they found at least one thing for most people to like.
I’ve bought the skirts and cloak recolors, but the butterfly wing things don’t go with anything.
The pink princess and super duper girly stuff doesn’t go with anything, so I didn’t buy any of it. They’re basically just stand alone sets and are jarring if you try to make a mix and match mog with them.
I mean some of the stuff on the TP are using textures from 2025 and then some of the mogs are using textures from 2005, 2008, 2012, and so on and so forth. They need to first go back and update everything before I can even begin to complain about anything new they add, it’s going to be jarring and dysfunctional out of the gate because of the old, outdated stuff.
what about your opinion means thats its trash exactly?
There have been some low-fantasy items in the TP already. Revendreth leaned a bit more towards realism than fantasy and had some OK weapons. More would definitely be cool, though.
I think it’s OK to have some of the cutesy stuff as there isn’t too much for that crowd. My wife has only ever liked maybe one or two months over the whole span and its the stuff people complain about.
She’s just happy to change up from 2005 textures tbh.
Looks good. Shame about the low res chest piece.
Surely there’s like some game dev AI thing that they can use to upscale all the low res armor and weapons in the game so they don’t need to use human ̶s̶l̶a̶v̶e̶s̶ employees to do the work.
Personally, I don’t care for the fairy/butterfly stuff this month. But hey, more tokens saved for next time! Different strokes for different folks.
It’s already fair. Everyone doesn’t agree with you.
I hope April is all scrapped Maldraxxas stuff so you call all eat crow and cry about it.
Did you even bother to read what Blizz stated about their own trading post?
I see not.
If they provide things I don’t like, I just save up my tender for something I do like.
simple, easy.
LOL, good ol Akston being Akston.
I want more spell visual customizations. I want my spells and skills to match the aesthetic of my fantasy. What falls short is presuming that horde loves that gray red color pallette when in actuality hoard is more than just gray and red.
the best things are full mogs imo lol.
the jester will always be the top tier one.
but yeah im kinda like hm, we need more cute stuff
but some things are cringy like the friggin onsie…
the class sets would have been so much better if they came as a complete package.
I’d like to have more Warcraft III outfits.