One person’s trash is another one’s treasure.
/e buys most of the Trading Post.
One person’s trash is another one’s treasure.
/e buys most of the Trading Post.
Nope! We’ve had a Wizard’s Vault since before the trading post existed, and it functions just the same except for what I just pointed out. Just do content and earn points to spend. You even get daily, weekly, and “Epic” objectives to work on so it gives you a nice little checklist to pick and choose from in a very intuitive way. I find the wow checklist to be a bit clumsy in comparison.
Could dev bring some badass weapons, like a katana in HD? Or how about a simple rapier or a medieval longsword like the ones Landsknechts used? BUT let’s NOT add weapons covered in flowers and glowing lights that NO ONE will use for more than two days.
FOMO-issues are always a big problem with WoW, unfortunately.
The wizard’s vault was something they introduced in Secrets of the Obscure. I’ve only been playing since Path of Fire, but Trading Post definitely preceded Wizard’s Vault.
But I’m tracking on the ability to pick Ascended gear from the vault - much more convenient than having to do the daily cd’s of some of the ectoplasm-using crafting!
I only really play my Norn Guardian/Dragonhunter there, but it’s such a good game. Didn’t get really into raiding, but enjoy the fractals
I do agree with Op that TP isn’t 1 body type friendly in my opinion. We differently need some love.
I just used this month to collect tokens. I thought about getting one of the butterfly mounts because they’re pretty cool, but having a month to save my tokens will probably be the move.
This is by far my favorite Trader’s Post month.
The fact y’all don’t understand not every single month is made for you is crazy.
I understand not every month is made for me. I should know… since i know Western Astrology. Every Sun sign has their month.
Plenty of room for butterfly stuff. There is an entire realm of the afterlife based on fae aesthetics (night fae), faerie dragons with butterfly wings have been in the game since vanilla, bosses based on fairy myth are in the game (Nymue) so there’s certainly room for creative expression, which is the stated purpose of the trading post.
Wait you are correct! I remember now thinking “It’s about time GW2 stole from WoW” when it came out. Thank you for the correction.
Edit: oh, and definitely recommend trying GW2 raids. They are a lot of fun if you enjoy GW2 in general. If you like challenging content, the Challenge Mode Strikes are pretty brutal.
WoW, i feel, has been taking from GW2 a bunch. the D.R.I.V.E. feels like roller beetles, and the inclusion of amazing music is reminiscent of Heart of Thorns, and, well, Guild Wars music overall with Soule’s input in GW1, too. I would like to see them incorporate recurring characters on delves or quests, like we see in GW2 - love Canach, for example!
Dragonriding feels like an improvement on Skyscale, and probably more correctly, a melding of Skyscale and Griffon. Now, if WoW can get a dynamic ground mount like raptor/bunny, that would be awesome - maybe that’s what D.R.I.V.E. will lead to?
Oh! And how could i forget! The more overworld-focused group quests and events, such as DF and TWW. Those World Boss-hopping groups in GW2, or zone meta’s like dragonstand, etc., are awesome and I wish we could have them in WoW!
Unfortunately I feel like WoW has designed themselves into a box unintentionally when it comes to mounts. The fact that they were able to turn all the flying mounts into skyridable mounts was great, but turning all of the ground mounts into anything cooler than just holding W will be a feat lol
I wonder if they can extrapolate on the mount gear thing? Like the water-walking-shoes, or the parachute when you dismount mid-fall? If they can incorporate a device that allows for ground mounts to use limited abilities?
i said it in other thread. more floatie outfits for trading post please.
also, i think my gw2 ‘btag’ there is Fairlight.2924, i dont play much, but if you need help and i’m on, lemme know! I have most of the professions maxed, as i bet you do, too by now.
I imagine it will be less about “can they make a ground mount do X” vs “does it make sense that a raptor and a mechagon bicycle and both do X,” especially since they’d have to also make the flying mounts be able to do whatever. If my flying mounts and stuff start leaping like raptor/bunny mounts in gw2 I will have some questions lol
yeah, good point. with the way ground mounts ‘evolve’ into flying mounts, it really creates some pain points in the overall mount system - unless they start adding abilities like those found in dragonriding/skyriding
recolor post
At the cost of regular items, therefore no. If the person in charge of the trading post cannot strike a balance, then they shouldn’t be in charge of the trading post.