Trading Post

welcome to 2025 wow, where ppl fight dark cosmic powers with unicorns and rainbows :rainbow: :unicorn: :crossed_swords:
and yes i still play it cause drugs are hard to avoid :upside_down_face: 
ill keep my tender till :poop: get grimdark

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I’m happy to save my tenders for another month. :slight_smile:

You might not like it but I am ok with it. I love to collect mounts and only spend tenders on mounts. This month we got two mounts.

If you are a mount collector, there are 3 (or 4) items of interest, even if you don’t like how they look.

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I love collecting most things in this game and try to accomplish that. My biggest issue for me, trying to pair up what races would look good riding on a butterfly or unicorn mount.

Like, I enjoy the way the mounts look, I just always try to match up the different mounts with which races I play would look good on them. Like my wolves with orcs, or human’s with horses. My Kul Tiran with a Truck, and my Tauren with it’s Tank.

If we had a spider race, riding a moth or other insect would be on point.


This is what we actually need, more heritage-based designs.


The trading post is everything but STRAIGHT.
What happened to the game?


This is the best trading post in some time
 but we have different tastes.



Oh is it crooked? Twisted? Upside down? We need to get the peons to work it sounds like.

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My Paladin looks a Paladin, thanks.

Also straight from Blizzard before the Trading Post went live to explain its purpose:


you guys sure love to parrot this article around after yesterday.

sure you ain’t NPCs with a program lol

the first few months of the trading post (if their intention was to only have cutesy stuff as a thing in the trading post) went against their “objective”

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You sure like to try to dismiss information. Sorry you hate when people try to inform others.

That person straight up asked for a Blizz post. I posted it.

Go be dismissive elsewhere, Titanspit.


you and luxuria and flower are all the same person, ya gotta be.

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Oh no! Someone gave someone else the information they asked for! Whatever will you do?! :scream:

Stop making up nonsense.


the same exact posted article with the exact same quoted wowhead text.

Shocking how people actually read and retain information to post for someone when they asked, eh? IT MUST BE A CONSPIRACY! :scream:

Continue digging that hole of trolling strawmans. Maybe eventually you’ll come out the other side. Bye bye.


im super young & actually hot, and i cant stand the trading post lately
im sorta new to WoW but I love dark and gothy things
I have an inverted pentagram on my wall, not a rainbow flag
I wear fishnets, 6inch goth boots, and black/red lipstick

Cool, add some cute stuff for the sensitive karens & femme beta guys(lol)
but completely ignoring ppl that prefer darker themed looks?
sounds pushy to me

I try to keep my character “femininely badass”
I don’t look like a rainbow xmas tree


And all of that is available in the game right now to farm up for transmog.

The months that have some or mostly fun things doesn’t take away from the thousands of other transmogs in this game.

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How about the literal rest of the game? Raid drops? No?

The irony of “But what about my tastes” Is always palpable when this comes up.