Can we talk about the trading post being trash for 2 months in a row? Butterfly wings & overall awful looking content. If people are into that, fine.
It feels the quality and appearances has gone way down from when it first started. For example, my warrior is mogged in gear and weapons that looks like he was pulled straight from lava.
I will continue to save the trader’s tender currency. /shrug
Whoever did the designs for this month is on the wrong team… perhaps they should be re-assigned or go back to the lifeweaver group for Overwatch 2.
Someone forgot this is a game where players kill things. IT’s the main activity in the game. KILLING!.. Trading post is very much out of touch… or they’re aiming for the remaining player which could possible now be stay at home mums… but nobody knows.
I couldn’t find a postable GIF of that one, but this one also applies:
Anyway, to the OP, abloo bloo bloo, not everything that goes up on the trading post every month is to my personal tastes. The source of grimdank spikes and plain brown unremarkable bleh is literally every other source of armor in the game. Go get some junkyard looking stuff from the Undermine.
I’m not a huge fan of cutesy stuff, but I’m glad it’s there for the ones who enjoy it. Just save your tenders, because I’m sure there’s gonna be a month where you simply want everything on the list.
There is a huge market for fae content within fantasy, the night fae exist in wow, it makes sense to expand on fae, butterfly themes, etc. The shoulders this month are great
correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure the entire premise of Overwatch is that you are trying to kill the other team.
and frilly stuff and butterflies don’t preclude being able to kill things in bloody and terrible ways. if you don’t want butterflies go to literally any other place than the trading post. I can’t get my revealing armor sets for dudes in traditional tier sets but you don’t see me bellyaching about it. complaining about the trading post not having things you would have to spend tender on is ridiculous when you can get the other gear just like what you describe WITHOUT spending tender.
This is my own opinion, no need for cancel culture here but let’s be honest… When have we gotten something not related to holiday or season and actually something thought up as for a set (8 piece) that was Wow-related. You may say October and you’d be correct, and I loved that set because it took on a Harvest Reaper. But since then, we have gotten many recolors of butterflies, cute foxy mounts, dresses, butterfly backpacks and then steampunk?
I feel like we are taking a step into FF14 in terms of artwork and theme. Yes, I know transmog is dress up but it’s a big part of the game to immerse yourself in a fantasy game and I get that but when did it matter to keep on implementing and promoting this stuff? There’s some justification for the holiday stuff and I respect it but it’s been since October we’ve had something wow-related and cool. I’d love more Necromancer/Gothic, Spiky, Bony artwork that fits the theme of the game.
I know I sound like an ungrateful person and I’m not i’m just wondering when we can get some more recolors or new up-ressed items that could’ve been scrapped or never redone. I watch Tomkek on youtube just remaster items and I always see comments “Why don’t they put this in the game”.
I know I am typing up a storm but I am just wondering when that month of awesome options come up for those who like the lore of WAR-craft and it’s theming and artstyles Metzen and Sam Wise drawn up. I know cultures shift but in this world I don’t see butterflies and sparkles for armor design in multiple months of choices.
To sum this up, less seasonal sets, more warcraft artstyles please.
I absolutely Love this months trading post. I made a really pretty mog with it. Just because you didn’t get amonth with bones, spikes, faces vomitting goo or whatever, doesn’t mean the items are “straight trash.” It just means you aren’t mature enough to handle the fact people like stuff that you don’t. The world doesn’t bend to your will and desires. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this.
I’m not really enthused about the entire Undermine thing, but I’m not going to cry about it. I can see how other people would enjoy it.