Did people forget what the Trading Post is supposed to be for?

A Home for Creative Cosmetics

There are a multitude of interesting transmog, pet, and mount possibilities in Azeroth, limited only by imagination. The Trading Post will serve as a home for many more items from across Azeroth— and beyond—and is not limited by the current game content. You can expect to see a variety of fun new items to add to your collection.

Opening the possibilities allows for a wide variety of different goods to be brought to the Trading Post and players can expect the unexpected in each month’s new catalogue!

It’s supposed to be for transmog, mounts and pets you wouldn’t normally get by just playing the game because it wouldn’t make sense for it to drop from that zone/dungeon/raid. Or it would be weird lorewise.

It’s supposed to be a place to give us fun and creative options outside of normal gameplay.

If the selection is not to your personal taste, suggesting that the Trading Post has more items that look like we’d get them from a dungeon/raid/zone is just silly. That is not what the Trading Post is supposed to be for.

I’m all for more of a variety on the Trading Post, but I want them to be creative and interesting, not just stuff we’d get as tier gear sets or something. Make real, creative suggestions.


We surely needed another one of these threads!


Don’t cancel me I’m just giving my opinion :dracthyr_tea:


Alls I know is I remember seeing some data mined turtle shells and gnome costumes. Eagerly awaiting those. Not really a fan of pretty stuff, but if you are enjoy.


I’m excited for the gnomes too. And those datamined plate bikinis. The gnomes are definitely coming next month though for sure.


I just got the mask and skirts(Always gotta get my skirts :wink:), I’m not too crazy about the butterfly stuff myself, I simply treat it as an opportunity to save my tendies for a month that’ll interest me like February did.

Not really a lose-lose situation for me. :woman_shrugging:


Would like to have more colors for the Swashbuckler’s Shirt. We currently have white, red and blue. Forest Green and Dark Black would be good additions.


I wanna see some Venthyr themed short dresses. Basically like a gothic lolita dress but make it Venthyr themed to match the parasols and stuff. We need more short dresses/skirts in general, we got a crumb of them and we need more!


Racecar themed stuff would be cool.


I think the Trading Post just needs to be updated functionally.

  1. Monthly Reward. Most monthly rewards have a reskin in the TP for currency. Instead of shoehorning one of the versions onto us, let us pick. If we want both we’ll buy the second one anyway. This month for example, I’d have preferred the red colour. I’m not going to buy it tho because I got the lighter version and rather spend the tenders on something else.

  2. Increase the monthly cap to 1500-2000 and have more returning items each month. There’s usually only a few.

  3. Tell us bigger ticket items in advance. When the class sets came out, we were given notice on which month they would be in so we could plan appropriately. This would be nice to do with other items, especially ensembles and mounts. We get a small preview of the next month two days before, and then the full list once the month has changed over. Sometimes this means we don’t actually see something we’d be interested in the next month because it wasn’t in the preview, so we have to gamble missing out on an item and waiting for it to return, instead of just buying it cuz we know what’s coming.


I’m just going to start muting these same threads that keep coming up from the same people over and over again.

:thread: :mute: :no_bell:

I get that, but does it have to look like the rejected crap from Disney Dreamlight?


Yeah I’m upset that nothing returned for this month, wanna get the other colors of the tropical swimwear stuff. :slightly_frowning_face:


Make some suggestions then! What kind of stuff would you like to see that wouldn’t normally come from a dungeon/raid/zone?

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Their creativity has been waning for quite some time. I’m getting really tired of fairies and butterflies.


I want some farm-related clothing, and I don’t mean harvesters. I want new overalls! HD overalls specifically. nod

Good thing there’s a whole rest of content with stuff that isn’t fairies and butterflies. Isn’t that wonderful? lol
But serious, I do like that stuff personally, but would love to see less of that and more just… generic clothing? nod


Every month is more fairies, butterflies and shoulder drapes.


doesn’t mean trading post should be there and uninteresting for a chunk of the population. they earn tender too.

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I want more gardening gear to transmog that isn’t just profession gear. I’m betting we will probably get some with housing, but if not, I need some to tend to my potential future garden at my house.

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What else do you want to see? Post your suggestions, we got lots of great ones in this thread.