Toxicity in M+ (or lack thereof in my case)

Stalker, I know it’s you Kaaarrreeennnn.

I don’t see much toxicity if any, and usually only small things like tanks leaving when they don’t instantly get a summon during formation or passive aggressiveness. Can’t even correct people when they mess up because sometimes can come off as a jerk and they get defensive lol

I agree with basically everything in your post except this to an extent. I have two friends who tank for me. One of them pulls as if they only have melee in the group despite what I say, one pulls as if they have a nuclear strike every 3 min with a boomie. I always do substantially more damage with the latter.

Maybe a minor thing, but I don’t want anyone to be lost to the idea that their damage output is entirely their fault.

Thing with OP’s like this is I honestly don’t understand the point.

GD is filled with two types of players:

  1. Hate mythic +
  2. Enjoy mythic +

Neither category is going to be swayed to the other side.

From what I’ve seen, the overwhelming majority of the people who despise m+ do not engage in any skill-based content.

So, it’s either a “get good” issue (being that this is GD, I lean towards this as the more common reason), or this crowd would enjoy an alternative form of end-game content (which is far more reasonable. But bashing m+ isn’t the way to advocate for alternative content).

Regardless, their opinion about m+ is not going to change. So, what’s the point

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You’re spare parts bud

Most people are nice but I am also at around 17 right now so it is not insanely competitive. I have had nothing but positive experiences with people from Lightbringer, there are some good cookies on there!

Unless you’re me. I will do M+ every now and then. Maybe 30+ of them a season so far. I honestly have to switch It up man. I can’t get too deep Into doing one thing or I start losing my mind.

If you don’t raid or push high level mythic+ content, why on earth do you “need” mythic+ gear? Dailies in Korthia will land you some amazing gear for world questing and content outside of raids and myhic+.

Your behavior seems very toxic to be honest, you don’t like the content, but you expect others to carry you through it so you can get your gear. To me, it sounds like you’re the source of all the toxicity that you find. When people ask you, you can’t even answer what you “need” the gear for.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re content to have your iLVL go up to whatever the max level gear is without ever wanting to work for it or participate in the content that rewards the gear. One could argue that the game is in decline because it catered more towards players like you. During WoW’s glory days, high-level gear was really only rewarded from more challenging content.

Players that want to pursue more challenging content in exchange for gear are probably not the issue with this game.


Bravo, although. Don’t be hatin on my World Quest content. I want more of It and better quality. All I’m saying. If you bag on me for doing this content you are no better than he.

Yeah. I really don’t get it. I don’t want to insult other posters, but I don’t know how anyone can look at the massive appeal behind M+, the absolute love and support for it as a game feature, and think that salty boomer tears are going to knock it all down. It’s the peak of delusion and entitlement.

M+ is here to stay. Period.


Definitely not hating on World Quest content, to me it’s one of the few aspects of the game that I think should stick around between every expansion.

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:heart: :heart: :heart: :beers: :pray:

Thank you for that.

I think I’m confused. You hate M+, but do it because you need the gear. Hate raiding, so you don’t do it at all. What exactly do you NEED the gear for if you don’t raid and only do M+ because it’s required for gear?


Never done a 17 and never will. Most people won’t. I haven’t even done all the M+ yet. Think most people are doing +3-5’s and have a bad toxic experience. Then never do them again. Personally I’d like to never do a M+ again. Just wish it was only for competition and not tied to gear. Makes me and my friends sad. Just want to take the 3,000 valor I have and buy a BiS item at a vendor. WoW is such a mess now… RIP

So, you don’t want any sort of a challenge at all? Simply rewarding for completion would trivialize every element of the game, even raid bosses have enrage timers or other mechanics that punish you for not having enough DPS.

Do you have any idea how trivial every dungeon ever could be if you were just able to wait for all of your big cool downs on every pack? Timers exist to ensure that people are playing their best and being appropriately rewarded for it.

3-5s are probably having a bad toxic experience with you because you put forth no effort and expect to be carried to a higher item level.

I think this correctly summarizes the perspective of the majority of the m+ hating player base.

The Torgast entry system instead of keys may be a nice alternative. As bad as choregast is it has some nice alternative system ideas that may cross over nicely to mythic plus. Not needing a key may open groups up a bit.

I literally have a M+ is NOT content the problem with modern WoW Mega thread that is heavily upvoted. What I want is a good game again and that doesn’t involve us doing M+ which is boring stale D3 rifts. It’s not good or innovative game play. It’s lazy design. If you enjoy it cool.

I don’t see M+ as a place to challenge myself, I see it as a toxic feature that this game got lost in ruining it’s soul.

Just have a Valor vendor where everyone can take their valor and buy BiS gear. You know like we used too. Remove the toxic great vault which is just a weekly chore list of things players don’t want to do. Remove the RNG. Make the game feel good again.

Torghast is the same as 5 mask Visions from BFA and should reward Heroic Raid level gear for Adamant vaults. So people have another way to gear and it makes Torghast be in line with 9.1 theme if it rewards Domination gear/shards. Just like BFA Visions rewarded corruption.

There’s such thing as being the common denominator across all your experiences. Just saying.

You don’t see M+ as a way to challenge yourself, you don’t raid, and you want mere completion of trivial content to award you with BiS gear? The fact that you have a thread that is so highly upvoted highlights one of the main reasons player feedback is a tricky thing. How do you like to challenge yourself? Because it sounds like you just want your best gear to be rewarded to you for showing up.