Toxic players in retail are going to get a life lesson in classic

I couldn’t agree more!

This is actually wrong.

Most of the players in progression guilds were actually nice. The issue is there were 40 raiders in 1 progression guild. ONE aszhole player quickly typecasts the group.

I vividly remember jumping around IF with all but my legs T2 gear and randomly starting a conversation with a fresh 60 warrior tank. After 10 min he said something to the affect of WOW you are not a aszhole at all! It surprised me.

Edit: I know there are a lot of elitist dicks but vanilla was not like this as much and it may be a little more with classic so I am not 100% disagreeing.

It’s not wrong.

What uh… server did you play on?

Definitely wasn’t a pvp server back in classic.

Even on PvE servers progression guilds were fairly elitist.

The only people I recall ever not being invited to stuff were ninjas and people who were notoriously bad at playing.

The things that will ruin rep are ninja looting, abandoning groups, etc… game stuff. You aren’t gonna get blacklisted just because you call someone an idiot in General.

While Blizzard may have a " code of conduct " Guilds will have there own codes and rules.

Yet classic has the most whiny, toxic , immature community ive ever seen.

They make retail whiners seem like lovely people.

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Most the replies on this are toxic, I agree with original poster, this will not fly, we already have a server community with thousands on it and every guild plans on blackballing anyone behaving this way you guys can say your gonna take over classic with that behavior all you want, you’ll last maybe a week, then quit cuz nobody will guild or group you. The only servers that will probably tolerate it, are the streamer servers, and good luck with that.

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Vice versa for me personally.

Now you’re sounding like those people who used to post the “Wall of No” against pro-Classic people. Let people who enjoy retail do so, and let the Classic fans have their fun, too. Blizzard doesn’t have to jettison one group or the other (anymore). There’s room enough for both kind of gamers under the WoW umbrella.


My position about wanting retail to die isn’t from a spiteful point of view. Its not about wanting to deny people retail; Its the simply fact that so long as warcraft story and the general IP of warcraft lore is tied up into an MMO game they’re exceptionally limited in the story they can tell. They cant break alliances or kill off characters if it doesn’t fit their healthy MMO model. So as a general warcraft fan… yes i want the game to die. This is especially true as to why we will never see a warcraft 4. Not until WoW is dead.

Ok, I can respect that viewpoint even if I don’t necessarily share it. Tying a franchise’s lore to a never-ending video game can certainly limit it in a lot of ways. For one, I don’t see there ever being any realignments of the races in the two major factions due to the structure of the game when international coalitions are made and broken fairly often in real world history.

Being in a guild helps yes, but even if you are in a guild people, choose to ask people that a “nice” first, and its very common outside raid times that people can or want, and then you need to seek people outside of your guild… and guess what its nice to have friends outside your guild…

Also back in the day, the world dragons or other world bosses was often done by a mix of people from the top guilds orgs, since they spawned wendsdays back then if i recall it, so people was called it that were around, and again you picked people you knew…

When guilds fell apart, that happens more often then not, good and nice people are often picked up by the established other guilds, again your rep matters…

So if you think you can be “toxic” just couse you have a guild, prey your guild dosent fall apart, couse you will essentialy be screwed after that

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“Sorry” but you are wrong. You being a toxic avenger doesn’t mean that everyone else was. People were not nearly as toxic because the couldn’t get away with it. People haven’t changed but the consequences of their actions have. which means they can get away with being toxic as they want. HENCE the vanilla craze.

Don’t worry. I will just as toxic in classic as I am in retail.

Good players got spots whether they were toxic or not. People were and will be more concerned with clearing content effectively over that one time some guy was mean to you.

The whole “your rep matters” is a myth people perpetuate so they can get imaginary revenge against imaginary people.

You had to make an effort of ninja looting multiple times and disrupting raids to actually get blacklisted from anything.

People talk, since you have to invite people, everyone have a net work of friends… just like in real life… so yes " your rep matters " since that is a measure who you are and how people think of you…

Most toxic players don’t actually realize that they are toxic.

For instance, if you were one of the people whose “friends” started abandoning you when things like LFG and LFR were introduced, then you were probably toxic.

Probably the worst part of the early history experience of WoW was that toxic players were often tolerated WAY beyond the point that they should have been, as long as they were a good player. It’s sad, but I saw it happen enough to recognize the pattern (no matter the guild or faction I was in at the time).

I don’t see any reason that this won’t happen again in Classic. Maybe a bit less, because Classic will not be the only outlet for playing WoW this time around.

Legit opposite for me I plan on being MORE toxic cause I know I’m not nameless. I plan to be super toxic and when you see me or my guild you know your day is about to get worse in a meaningful way : )