Toxic players in retail are going to get a life lesson in classic

The amount of people that are toxic in retail right now is rediculas. A few of us were talking in zone chat about classic and how were excited about it , I said i hope they end up re-releasing TBC also cause i really enjoyed it. Literally like 10 people spammed chat saying " no one cares" or " " Good for you " I cant wait for the toxic people to act like jerks on their server in classic and never get invited to anything because of their reputation. Maybe it will turn them around.


Sorry, but no. Toxic players will find other toxic players and form toxic guilds, groups, cliques etc.

People back in vanilla were just as toxic if not more so than today.


Sure there were toxic players back in vanilla, but its really bad now. The fact that you will most likely " never" see that person again has created a whole new genre of toxic players. That just in my opinion


Hmm, there were plenty of toxic players in Vanilla. Maybe a bit less, percentage-wise, but they were still there in decent numbers.


I do hope that classic gets a better community, somehow. Right now stuff like general/trade chat in game is revolting 80% of the time.


plenty of toxic players in classic community, I don’t think retail toxic player will change in any way


Sounds like you need a few friends to talk too! You should focus on that instead of what is going on in general chat somewhere! There are a ton of cool people out there, you don’t have to be with that type of person! However some like this kind of abuse so don’t let me get in your way of playing how you want to play!


The only thing that will happen is toxic players find other toxic players and make toxic guilds to grief people.


Yet many are migrating back to Classic for the very reason the OP stated. Its been 15 years, most of which we’ve been powerless to control the toxic crowds (sharding). Ignore only goes so far especially when most people in chat are strangers, and more turn up every day.
Now with 15 years of experiences under our belts, toxic people will not be as tolerated in todays Classic. Single server communities many of which are filled with real adults will shut down the “toxic” quick. RCR and peer pressure will ensure that.


Retail wont ever change if they keep it how it is now. People that are toxic in retail that havnt played back in the day cannot understand the importance of having either no rep or a good rep in the community. Remember the days of " DONT GRP WITH WHATS HIS NAME, HE IS A NINJA LOOTER!"


My friend, toxic players have already found their way into the Classic forums, do you think they will stop there? :slight_smile:


I’m just hoping its less than now cause of community reputation

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if you think there is going to be less of a toxic atmosphere in Classic, I think you maybe disappointed.


I think you do not understand.
They want that reputation and will still raid and pvp as usual because there are many other players like them.


It being Classic will not change the fact that WoW’s community is majority toxic.


A bunch of random people were discussing classic in general chat. I didn’t know any of them. Its like the typical " ask google " response you get when asking a question. I cant remember people in this game consistently being like that back in vanilla. There were some people, but not to the degree it is today

Have fun trying to do that with realm populations of 30,000 online and 12 layers. :rofl:

Us BFA players about to rule this game!


one can hope i guess



well met :slight_smile:

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