Tourist Mode

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People want a ‘tourist mode’ to be able to explore or utilize dungeons for RP events or simply to be able to examine their finer points without mobs. You say it is purely and simply stupid, please explain why.

One person brought up engine or system limitations to having more than five people in a five people only space, another brought up the potential for people to find exploits, so what’s your reasoning?

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/squirts rp-ers with water bottle

Whaddya know? A not garbage take from someone who understands.

This is sincerely the weirdest case of projection I’ve run into on the forums this week. Evidently someone hurt you… want to talk about it?

…And you tried to accuse me of strawman? Wow. Oh, and trolling. And shifting goal posts. And projection. Just hit me with Gaslighting and I’ll connect 5 on my forum bingo card! Go ahead. I’ll wait.

Edit. Oh he’s typing. Here it comes!

This literally doesn’t meet the definition of a strawman. It appears my diagnosis of you as a troll was accurate. I can understand now why you’re posting on your classic account :joy:

Noooo! You were supposed to say Gaslighting! I already marked off trolling! Come on. I’ll give you another go.

Got my stamper ready!

I mean this is pretty obvious trolling. At this point you’re just making yourself look even more silly.

I am just waiting for you to finish my row at this point. But now you’re just being stingy. I already made myself clear about your bad takes but you keep responding with more and more buzzwords. I am glad to keep playing though. I got about 20 more minutes to kill.

Oh I see. You’re not trolling, but just immune to having bad takes and deflect at every turn. Got it.

My bad take is that your bad take is a bad take?

No, your bad take is that a viable solution that already exists isn’t viable. Move word soup though, I’ll mark that off my bingo card :joy:

Word soup. “Word soup” is not on my card. If you edit to “word salad” I can start a new row. But also waiting for current content to become Legacy is not a good solution. In fact it’s bad. It’s bad to make players wait one year or longer (you suggested one to two xpacs. Assuming an xpac lasts 3 years… two xpacs could be 6 years before SL raids become Legacy) to tour old content.

I just soloed the first boss in Uldir on normal. It took about 3 minutes and I took no damage. You have nothing to complain about.

Try Zul next.

Lmfao, epic troll fail.

“It CaN’t Be DoNe!!1”

“Yes it can, let me show you”

“WrOnG gOaL pOsT!!1”

How about instead of making up things to complain about, you actually do them. Or get those friends you were talking about doing events with to help you clear the whole thing in 10 minutes.

I never said it can’t be done. But if you wanna congratulate yourself on clearing the one boss… the first boss… don’t pull a muscle patting yourself on the back.

You literally said it can’t be soloed for another 3 years. You’re an absolute goofball.

…Oh boy. You keep stepping up to bat and they just keep wiffing on by. Please. PLEASE show me where I said killing the first raid boss of BFA could not be done.