Tourist Mode

Five man dungeons need an exploring mode. This mode would remove all enemies, loot and achievements from that specific instance. It would remove the player limit so a full 40 could enter.

It would be a pure RP mode to provide event back drops. And it would be accessed by simply selecting it from the difficulty menu.

Explore, normal, heroic, mythic. Etc

There would be no active mechanics, and it would exist as if selecting the dungeon in its cleared state. Without cleating it.

This has a benefit of not affecting anyone it does not apply to as you would have to manually switch to it and you could even include a warning that no rewards or gameplay is available from dungeons on explore mode.

You could add lighting controls to it too to to provide an interesting screenshot stage.


The FFXIV players are trying WoW I see.


A lot of dungeons have an outdoor version of the instance that is basically what youā€™re describing.

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Folks want it to be 2005 again so badly.

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Great idea!

But can a 5 man dungeon support a large number of players. Or would it lag?

I donā€™t like ā€˜exploreā€™ or ā€˜touristā€™ as they both imply a specific activity whereas you as asking for a dead mode where a group could explore or use a large room for an event or use an area to act out a scenario, ect.

I think ā€˜Abandonedā€™, simply making it clear it is empty of mobs, would be better.

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Abandoned could give it a lore readon to exist.

The Deadmines are abandoned after the events in Westfall leaving it vacant for everyone to use.

The nexus is abandoned after malygos is defeated.

And it sets it apart from apparently final fantasy which seems to already have this mode (go figure).

Maybe include single player lore quests akin to the time walking turn in quests you know that are totally ignorable but are just THERE and offer no real reward for completing.

That might give them a game use and encourage blizzard to install it in the game.


Thereā€™s still stuff in the nexus even by the time Legions around

That was just a hook sentence. Whenever the final quest takes place is the abandoned mode.

And either way it doesnā€™t have to be 1:1 accuracy with lore. The main point of the mode is an empty mode where RPers, photograhphers or even route planners can use an empty map for whatever they want to use it for.

My only ā€œmustā€ is that it has to be empty and it cannot be the default mode, as well as having a warning box pop up when you try to swap to it. (I figure if you intentionally swap to tourist mode, click yes on the warning and then enter the instance with a giant ā€œEXPLORE EMPTY X DUNGEONā€ and canā€™t figure out how to get mobs back, it may be a user error problem.


LFR is tourist mode.

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This is not an anti LFR thread.


I would like this to be added, however I would enjoy it if Island Expeditions Private Tours got this treatment as well. I think turning the mobs all neutral or removing them so we can ACTUALLY EXPLORE THE ISLANDS would be great.

But yeah, Iā€™m on board with your Dungeon idea.


Wouldnt mind the idea of having archeology used as an optional attunement to uncover what transpired in a dungeon. Could have it lead by the explorerers league, or the Lorewalkers.

Do an expedition to get the layout of the area while uncovering potential hints at mob / boss mechanics. Then once the expedition is completed you gain access to a variety of npcā€™s who can recount the story in which the players would play out the events as an adventurer.

Since this is a retelling this gives blizzard the option to make potential minor or major changes as they see fit. And with the multiple npcā€™s retelling the story certain details could be left out or added in.

Similar to new abilities and mobs when going from normal to heroic and heroic to mythic.


clear all mobs ahead of time and boom you have your ā€œtourist modeā€

They have a version of that already, just wait an expansion or two and you can tour all you want.

i was wondering where you were going with that but now i see it could be neat for RPers.

i always forget about RPers.

That sounds like a good bit of fun. Especially from an RP standpoint. Iā€™d definitely get usage out of it.

Always liked archeology. Especially if there were neat little things you could unlock. This is a good idea. :smiley:

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I think thatā€™s a great reason - lorewise once the dungeons released weā€™ve cleared them out already - being able to explore them and check out the architecture could be super cool. :3

I like the idea, but any practical applications of this is so limited that I donā€™t think it would benefit enough people to develop it
And I can actually see some glaring issues with it, such as using it to try to find exploits to get through walls and the like which might not seem relevant butā€¦

M+ is a thing, and we know that they want to explore having more dungeons available to work in M+ soā€¦ being able to explore a dungeon to find ways to exploit your way through it in a more easily-explorable way isnā€™t necessarily a good thing

Sure, one can effectively already do this - but a dedicated mode for it begs for game breakers to find ways to break things
Is this a serious concern? If they implemented a system like that, I would happily take that hit ā€¦ but as thereā€™s no real crowd for this, even in terms of roleplaying since ā€¦ max level and low level dungeons, I imagine a lot of people would want the NPCs and bosses to be there in that case, and since thereā€™s a possibility to actively promote glitch/exploit hunting ā€¦ you kinda have no real reason to invest into this system

Sure, I would love it - I think just having a private dungeon for two or more people would be fun, for whatever reason, if one so just wanted to explore a place in peace or something, but I digressā€¦ I donā€™t think its a worthwhile use of time to make sure a mode like this wouldnā€™t just break the game if it was even possible to add it

Still canā€™t bring more than five players.

Besides this mode would be an optional mode that doesnā€™t hurt anyone not using it.

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